SHaT1984 | 12 Oct 2020 5:01 p.m. PST |
Redux: The Best TMP Napoleonic Related Information threads. As I've reinvested heavily in the hobby lately, I discovered myself that not only the text of real books published but also internet has enhanced access to myriads of 19thC books that have been coming out of copyright and therefore being scanned and made available by international museums and societies. This thread is intended to create an up-to-date index of articles that, solely IMHO, have provided sufficient ‘factual' information [at the time published] on TMP by serial and serious ‘experts' and amateur historians alike. It is not likely to be comprehensive, but is selective for interest and what appears as clarification on topics (not necessarily accuracy as expected). Sometimes the information from relatively ‘modern' late 20thC publications (such as I also own) have been recitation of earlier work, simply because there was no counter-point or depth of information available. In some cases we are correcting this as we go. Note that many older links [URLs] within the threads no longer work to the site/ blog/ item intended, a good reason for multiple posts to catch up. It is gratifying to see so much knowledge and concentration on improving our understanding of the Napoleonic and related eras (the precursor French Revolutionary wars etc.) ======= A couple to start with; Austrian Grenadiers (all campaigns) 1- Austrian Grenadiers TMP link 2- Austrian Grenadier Battalions TMP link 3- Austrian Infantry organisation 1793-1796 TMP link Grenz & Other troops 1- Austrian Grenzer uniforms TMP link 2- Vienna Freiwilligers battalions TMP link 3- Austrian Grenzer Skirmish Tactics TMP link 7- Austrian Staff Infantry and Dragoon Uniforms in 1809 TMP link 8- Austrian Artillery Uniforms TMP link Philosophical & Debated (Some of these included contentious discussions). 4- What's wrong with Napoleonic Austrians? TMP link 5- Austrian Utilization of Light Troops TMP link 6- 1809 Austrians TMP link 9- Austrian use of Corps TMP link 10- Gigantic Austrian cavalry regiments (extended to most nations) TMP link France 12- Presentation of captured flags (painted by Detaille) TMP link 13- Tirailleurs du Po and Tirailleurs Corses TMP link More to follow… regards, d |
d88mm1940 | 12 Oct 2020 6:40 p.m. PST |
4th Cuirassier | 13 Oct 2020 3:18 a.m. PST |
Two essential sources I never had and of whose existence I was unaware in the late 1970s (as was Bruce Quarrie): Enrico Acerbi, The Austrian Imperial-Royal Army 1805-1809 PDF link and another thread link TMP link |
Stoppage | 13 Oct 2020 7:45 a.m. PST |
deadhead | 13 Oct 2020 7:51 a.m. PST |
Well done. There is also a long running post called "Useful Stuff" that has been doing this sort of thing for ages and has nearly 300 posts. It is on Napoleonic Media which seems much less visited than Discussion however; TMP link |
Garryowen | 13 Oct 2020 9:20 a.m. PST |
Thanks guys. Very helpful. Tom |
Markconz | 14 Oct 2020 2:26 a.m. PST |
SHaT1984 | 14 Oct 2020 7:39 p.m. PST |
Salut! Please continue to add your own favs and links, but please also remember to add the 'plain language' titles, not always obvious. ;-) To continue /2_ France (contd) 14- French Napoleonic Army Uniforms Reference TMP link 15- French painting guides and unit compositions help TMP link 16- French Units in White Uniforms TMP link 17- French Dress Code – Campaign TMP link 18- New French Army artillery 1792 uniform TMP link 19- French Regiments History 1792 – 1815 TMP link 20- Some help with Napoleonic French Voltigeurs (1806) TMP link 21- French dragoon and Chasseur green (corr.) TMP link French Special Corps etc. 22- French Converged Grenadier Battalions? TMP link 23- French 1809 Flank grenadiers headwear? TMP link 24- French tactical virtuosity TMP link Russia 30- Why did the Russians do so well in 1806-1807 TMP link 31- 1805-7 Russian Hussars TMP link 32- Thinking of Starting 1805 Napoleonic Russians TMP link [I've put this here as I'd already contributed a list of crossposts to it lower down the page]. 33- Russian Artillery – improvements in aiming? TMP link 34- Russian Infantry and Jager method of skirmish-ORG TMP link 35- Russian Infantry,Napoleonic TMP link 38- Russian Generals TMP link 38B- Uniforms of Russian General Officers TMP link 39- Uniforms of Russian cavalry generals link 40- Russian Organization and Uniforms 1796-1805 TMP link 47- Russia 1808-1811? [incl. 1812 and 1812 kiwer- fake news] TMP link 48- Russian haversacks & shako covers-were they issued? TMP link 51- Length of Russian Artillery during the Napoleonic Wars TMP link Flags and Emblems
36- Russian Flags – Selected Units and Periods TMP link 37- Russian Colour Parties TMP link 49- Russian "Guard Star" TMP link 50- Russian Guard NCO Collars TMP link Russian Special Corps &c. 41- Russian Grenadier Battalions- A Question on Organisation TMP link 42- Austerlitz Russian Army: Mitre or Shako for Fusiliers TMP link 43- Russian Fusiliers 1805-1807 TMP link 44- Russian Miters – Seroga TMP link 45- Pavlov Grenadier mitres 1812 TMP link 46- Russian time machine at Austerlitz? [Uhlan Regiments] TMP link — |
SHaT1984 | 18 Oct 2020 4:42 p.m. PST |
And more (varied):- 47- Russian infantry battalion composition 1812 onwards? [Includes flags again] TMP link 48- Russian Artillery TMP link Prussia [Possibly flamable material involved]
60- Hof's Prussian Napoleonic Tactics TMP link 61- The Prussian flaw TMP link 62- Prussian Army 1808-1815 TMP link 63- Prussian Artillery Organization 1805-1806 TMP link Miscellany 80- Napoleonic Skirmishers Questions TMP link 81- Napoleonic cavalry horse colours? link Artillery [Mainly France but…] 82- Artillery and Formations [Long 5pp] TMP link 83- Artillery and infantry frontage TMP link 84- Napoleonic Artillery Colours TMP link 85- How many men in artillery batteries? TMP link 86- Artillery Train Troops TMP link 87- French Horse Artillery during the Revolution [Long 3pp] TMP link 88- French Artillery – Pre-Marengo? link 88C- French Horse Artillery limbers (1790's) – civilian drivers? link 89- If the Gribeauval System of Artillery [corr'd] TMP link 90- French Horse Artillery Limbers [Value added] TMP link 91- Polish artillery, Napoleon, Prussian guns TMP link - - |
SHaT1984 | 05 Nov 2020 8:29 p.m. PST |
======= While scouting for info, I came across- Skirmishers- 92- Skirmishing Tactics TMP link 93- Austrian Third Rank as Skirmishers? [Long 4pp] TMP link 94- Russian Jaegers 1806-1807 TMP link 94D- French Light Infantry Companies pre-1800 link [There has been some improved information since this thread IMHO]. Also- more on artillery [Contentious in parts] 95- Artillery employment and tactics TMP link 96- For all you artillery experts out there [Long 3pp] TMP link 97- Artillery in Effective Musket & Rifle Range TMP link 98- Short and long barrel cannons [Long 3pp] TMP link 99- French artillerymen in green TMP link 100- How best to represent artillery? TMP link And more miscellany- uniforms etc. and tactics 101- (French) Bearskins, Colpacs etc. TMP link 102- The Duelists' movie TMP link 103- Square vs infantry TMP link 104- French Nap. Dragoon Tactics TMP link 105- Does anybody have a OOB of Davout's 3rd corps? link 106- [Off Site Link] To good to lose- A modern photo-Map view of Auerstadt October 14, 1806. link - - Enjoy! davew - |
SHaT1984 | 09 Nov 2020 10:23 p.m. PST |
And some more miscellaneous information. I hadn't really planned this, but some subjects just develop in front of you… - 107- How many Prussian flags were captured in 1812-15 ? [By whom needs examination here]. TMP link 108- Gendarmes d'élite of the Imperial Guard in action TMP link 109- Who provided Wellington's bodyguard? TMP link - More useful Russian info 110- Flag Bearers (Russian infantry 1812+ before) TMP link 111- Real value of cossacks in battle? TMP link 112- Cossacks in mixed cavalry brigades (role)? TMP link 113- Cossack Pulk allowable battlefield formations… TMP link 114- Frontage of a Cossack Sotnia TMP link 115- Cossacks on the battlefield/gaming table TMP link 116- [Non-period] The Zaporozhian Cossack Battle at Korsun TMP link 117- Cossack painting guides? TMP link 118- Cossacks again TMP link 119- Cossacks at Borodino help [Numerous illustrations] TMP link 120- Cossacks on steroids TMP link 121- Russian Light Cavalry TMP link 122- Cossack Horse Artillery at Heilsberg 1807? TMP link 123- Did Cossacks have pennants on their lances? TMP link 124- Russian cavalry in the 1799 campaign TMP link - - |
Bagration1812 | 15 Nov 2020 8:54 a.m. PST |
Steve Smith and I started this a long time ago and, with the help of many others, got a very solid index of period drill manuals. TMP link |
SHaT1984 | 15 Nov 2020 2:21 p.m. PST |
@Bagration1812 Yes I believe I added it in to 'Useful Stuff' a while back, but thanks for the cross-link. Site doesn't enhance utility or anthropomorphic abilities like more modern software unfortunately, so you just don't know what you are missing. d |
SHaT1984 | 17 Nov 2020 6:40 p.m. PST |
18Nov_20 Somewhat esoteric, humour-ish and some odd-balls… 125- Most awesomely named British veterans. TMP link Comparing standards (of modelling/ sculpts) 126- Perry's vs Foundry's French Hussars TMP link Dragoons, and on foot! [Some contain historical info] 127- The Dragoons Concept in the Napoleonic Era and in NA. TMP link 128- French Foot Dragoons TMP link 129- 28mm dismounted French Napoleonic Dragoons; where? TMP link 130- Basing Dismounted French Dragoons for GdB TMP link 131- Dismounted French Dragoon – Comparison Shots TMP link - - regards dave |
La Belle Ruffian | 18 Nov 2020 6:06 a.m. PST |
Thank you all for taking the time with these threads. Much appreciated. A small (time-limited) contribution – researchers can get free access to JSTOR until the end of the year :) link |
SHaT1984 | 30 Nov 2020 6:01 p.m. PST |
SHaT1984 | 05 Dec 2020 5:48 p.m. PST |
06Dec_2020 Because I 'rediscovered' this thread and its' relatve strength of a significant value (given misunderstanding of issues quoted by others) thought I'd post it quicker than before. 141- Legere Pom Poms [ includes de ligne/ line, eras and lineage 'regulations'. It however ignores completely the variance that units undertook during both Revolution and Empire]. TMP link - - regards d |
dibble | 05 Dec 2020 10:12 p.m. PST |
I'll be posting an updated and edited "Contemporary (1790-1820) British army and volunteer pictures"very soon. I'll also be posting similar pertaining the Cavalry, Volunteers (infantry/Cavalry), and the Indian army. I have some post-1820 contemporary pictures to post, and I will also be posting my take on British Regimental and king's colours too. But all these others are weeks away from completion but I hope to have posted them all and perhaps even more, by the end of January. I'll be posting an updated version of my Regimental schematic charts as evidence shows that much of what has been used as evidence in countless uniform books is taken from Hamilton-Smith's schematics charts, which has been used as the font of all reference. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes which 'in general', are lace and button spacings. Even J N & B Pearse's 'partial complete', Army contractor's uniform design book may not be as accurate as one thinks. P.S Please excuse the rambling and slight incoherence etc, of this post, as I've been up all night with one of my well-known banging Migraines. |
SHaT1984 | 08 Dec 2020 7:51 p.m. PST |
;-) thanks. With loss/ disappearance of ACG and N-S forum a lot of professional data and info has gone missing (subsequently links from here), not to mention 'commentaries' etc. Understand on the migraine front- life log sufferer since 16yo pre U-E days, but better now… no responsibility, no pressure… my army awaits of course… regards d |
Bandolier | 13 Dec 2020 2:46 p.m. PST |
Nice work. This shows how TMP is still a good resource. |
SHaT1984 | 17 Dec 2020 4:09 p.m. PST |
[added 18Dec20] As the season changes, so do the 'research' activities, as one thread leads to another, sideways usually… A limited few more Russian subjects [Some contain good historical info] 146- Russian Hussars – lance pennons TMP link 142- Pennants on Russian Hussars lances TMP link 143- 1805 Russian Hussars neadgear [err … Headgear] TMP link 144- 1805-7 Russian Hussars (Winner +illustr.) TMP link 145- Russian Hussars, 1806-7 TMP link - - |
SHaT1984 | 29 Dec 2020 10:02 p.m. PST |
[Added 30Dec_20] On a subject of some discussion, divisiveness and consternation, not a little subject to some. There are others, but I consider these threads the better value for clarity on a complex and pervasive subject: French Artillery (1796-1815) plus others affected. 146- French Late Revolutionary/Consular Artillery? TMP link 147- Systeme AN XI TMP link 148- System XI guns TMP link 149- Marmont's Year XI artillery reforms TMP link 150- French howitzers. TMP link 151- French Horse Artillery Limbers TMP link 152- Painting Napoleonic French Artillery TMP link 153- French Artillery 1812 Russia TMP link 154- 1800 Piedmontese Artillery link 155- Baden Artillery in 1809 TMP link 156- Polish artillery, Napoleon, Prussian guns TMP link 157- Saxon Artillery 1733-1827 Book TMP link 158- Prussian Artillery: foreign-made guns in 1815? link 159- Dutch-Belgian Artillery at Waterloo link 160- French 8pdr field gun TMP link regards, dave - - |
SHaT1984 | 18 Jan 2021 8:28 p.m. PST |
[Added 19_Jan21] Just because, it is a New Year, I guess I trolled backwards from my usual haunt, and researching "what happened before…" at the latter years of the Revolutionary period. So 1799, brief articles and other long-winded diatribes with nuggets of info in between. - 162- Wars of Revolution v Napoleonic (An intro- to quote one spectator,"I sometimes think of military units as being very like a football (soccer) team in that their quality is variable depending on who they are up against, previous results, how they are coached, whether they are carrying injuries etc.". TMP link 162- 1799 Italian campaign artillery compositions? [Sp.] TMP link 163- Suvorov's 1799 Campaign in Italy [Novi OOB and sources] TMP link 164- Suvorov's Piedmontese 2-pdr Mountain Guns TMP link 165- Troops in the Battle of Bergen-Binnen 1799? [French OOB] TMP link 166- Pflugk-Harttung vs Hofschröer [Ignore the title, go down half first page- 5pp of interspersed detail, info, data on La Garde at Marengo debated.] TMP link - regards, dave |
SHaT1984 | 21 Jan 2021 9:42 p.m. PST |
[Added 22_Jan21] Back on matters Austrian again, in particular Grenz [I dislike the addition of ‘ers']. This thread started with a few as well! [^Top]. I note here, the arguments for/ against in debates almost universally ignore the fact that Grenz, like Cossacks, were a 'community on-call' force, for both 'national' and local service (ie frontiersmen). Those that were ‘enrolled' one period weren't necessarily the same who appeared the next time/ period. Whilst ‘titles' remained, the manpower circulated to some degree. 167- Grenz officer [However really a lot of detail about 'French' translations etc.] TMP link 168- Grenz-husaren [18thC background]. TMP link 169- Austrian Utilization of Light Troops [Long 4pp- also great primary resources showing both Grenz as lights and skirmishing- debate ensues!]. TMP link 170- A little help on Austrian Pre-1798 Uniforms TMP link 171- Wallachian Grenz troops at Arcole, in November 1796? [With comment from ‘Enrico Acerbi'!]. TMP link 172- Austrian Artillery Uniforms [Detailled…] TMP link 173- Battle of Caldiero – 1805 [Includes DHollins OOB ] TMP link 174- Austrian Staff Infantry and Dragoon Uniforms in 1809 TMP link 175- What are the traits for an Austrian Army ? [A how too?] TMP link - - |
von Winterfeldt | 21 Jan 2021 11:41 p.m. PST |
Grenzer would be the right term, why don't you use it, Grenz – what is this? Grenzer is derived from the word Grenze which means border. in case you refuse to use any non English name, use border. |
SHaT1984 | 22 Jan 2021 2:33 a.m. PST |
Thanks for correcting me- too much 'English' has degenerated into vogue-speak that 'ers' annoy me- but if correct in this case, that's ok. Took me months to understand what a 'presser' was; apart from a laundry/ dry-cleaner process; when I found the US use it instead of "press conference". Lousy, stupid, ascetic journalism. Thanks again d |
von Winterfeldt | 24 Jan 2021 1:05 a.m. PST |
Grenzers is as also wrong it is just simply Grenzer like Schützen or Jäger |
Brechtel198 | 24 Jan 2021 6:01 a.m. PST |
Gunther Rothenberg, who is still an, if not 'the', authority on the Austrian army of the period uses both terms: 'Grenz' and Grenzer.' See Napoleon's Great Adversary: Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792-1814, 32: link And he wrote two books on them: The Military Border in Croatia: 1740-1881. link There is another on the subject by the same author: The Austrian Military Border in Croatia 1522-1747 link |
SHaT1984 | 30 Jan 2021 7:36 p.m. PST |
Various threads lead to others and some subjects lead to compare similarities with other 'involved' nations of the era. Here some specific French subjects. 176- Is The First Battalion Superior in French Regiments? [Includes expanded info on grand tactics.] TMP link 177- Books Available For Download On The Internet. A thread created and populated by Steven H Smith from 2007 to 2012 and 9pp of multiple language books and reference links. [Also cross posting into ‘Useful Stuff' to ensure ease of locating. TMP link And more organisationally, On Austrians again. 178- Austrian use of Corps [From 2005- An interesting and broad discussion from masters of the subject one would suppose, circular arguments somewhat; pivots on Austrian vs French methodology]. TMP link 179- Seeking Help on OB For Austrian Army 1807 – Bohemia. [An in-between the campaigns look]. TMP link 180- Austrians in Bohemia/Saxony 1809 – OOB? [Detailled.] TMP link 181- Szekler hussars 18mm AB. [An exercise in beautiful modelling/ painting- just for fun and a rare unit!] TMP link - - |
SHaT1984 | 07 Feb 2021 2:07 p.m. PST |
[added 08_Feb21] Broadening the search for information we find others of use- further and later era, Austrian OBs in detail. On a general note, it is sad to see valued links disappearing, perhaps some authors could choose to 'refresh' their articles with newer ones now that we have moved on a decade from some of these important topics |=|;-) . 182- Austrian corps in italy 1813-14. TMP link 183- Austrian order of battle / Mincio 1814. TMP link And a few more details on Russians, Jager and wonderful language translation/ definitions!
184- Russian Jaegers TMP link 185- The advantages of the column [ 3pp- Actually this thread has a large amount of technical details not just waffle! As well as formations, it moves on to Russ vs Fench; also on jagers; translation/ definitions for Russian (comprehensive)]. TMP link 186- Russian Combined Grenadier Battalions [1812 OB]. TMP link 187- Grandier [sic- Grenadier] companies in russian musketeer. [Includes more on Jaeger]. TMP link 188- Russian Battalion Columns 1811-1814 [ Massive technical detail AND a diversion into French formations as well as doctrine ]. TMP link 189- Russian Jagers in 1812 [ Deserving entry due to the complete detail and some history on the subject ]. TMP link 190- Borodino Russian musicians [On a lighter note…] TMP link - - Enjoy! Plenty of detailled reading! dave |
SHaT1984 | 14 Feb 2021 9:12 p.m. PST |
[Added 15_feb21] While looking for information on one subject, other stuff creeps in. Of interest in the modelling community, that continues to this day… that is re-discovering old moulds and ‘reassigning' packs etc. Just to add 'clarity' to some topics, I've put against the title the year of posting, so you have relative lineage of some. 191- What shook up the Wargames Foundry beehive? [2pp and two years of comments.] TMP link Meanwhile, back on the ‘Russians', a mixture of additional details on units, organisations as if there wasn't enough (a little repetition to be expected within) and further clarification on 'skirmishing'… some real b___slapping happens again. Reader beware… 192- Headgear of the Russians in 1805 TMP link 193- [2010] Napoleonic Russian Guard Jagers Plumes or not? TMP link 194- Napoleonic, Russian Army, Jaeger 28 mm [Figures but contains original info.] TMP link 195- Russian Army Uniforms [Working links to pdfs and a good Italian modelers site with other documents and articles.] TMP link Offsite: 196- Russian Jagers 1799? […that served with Suvorov in Italy.] TMP link 197- Russian Jager turnbacks – early uniform [1805] TMP link 198- Russian Jagers Musicians TMP link 199- How wargamers field Napoleonic Russian Battalions TMP link 200- [2016] Russian Napoleonic Muskets [Based on 1812 but has earlier info]. TMP link 201- Russian Jagers, 1812 [Uniforms] TMP link 202- Russian skirmishers [Doctrinal use] TMP link 203- [2016]Training levels of the Russians [More contentious ground; some coss-links to older even more disturbing views.] TMP link And some broader discussions and info… 204- Skirmish Doctrine gathering [5pp] TMP link 205- [2008] Help me understand skirmishers et al and their effectiveness [another 5pp includes contentious discussion, but even p5 has great info .] TMP link 206- Wasteful French skirmishing [As such much wasteful debate as well, 3pp on injuries/ strengths/ theoretical org etc.] TMP link And some specific issues: 207- [2014] Real value of cossacks in battle? TMP link 208- Wallmodens Corps 1813, A wargamers delight? TMP link 209- Groß-Eckau 1812 TMP link - - regards and enjoy, davew |
SHaT1984 | 03 Mar 2021 12:45 a.m. PST |
[added on 3_mar21] Note: Apologies for the single duplicate entry I made last time. I hope 1/200 isn't too high a defect ratio ! I always try to check links for previous entries to avoid just this issue. 210- Chasseurs à Cheval Trumpeter Jacket, when did it change? [Actually more important about ‘Bardin- Not 1812' explanations included by Seroga*]. TMP link 211- Uniform of Austrian d'Aspré Jäger 1799 TMP link 212- Austrian cavalry tactics TMP link 213- Marengo 1800 – Is it biased? [Not a book review!- Debate debated…] TMP link And on the little green men… 214- Russian Army Gun Carriage Green TMP link 215- Russian Plumes [ Actually covers more definitive- ‘Colour' parties; grenadiers, skirmishing and organisation summary etc. plus Russian language -Seroga*] TMP link 216- Early Russian Dragoon trumpeters (before 1808) TMP link [I'll note here, that Russian heavy cav trumpeters didn't ride greys- they were ‘authorised' after the wars… Visk.] 217- Cossack Pennons [A list… ] TMP link 218- [Offbeat Units] Russian Sveaborg Musketeer Regiment – History? TMP link - - Enjoy !! dave |
SHaT1984 | 05 Apr 2021 11:52 p.m. PST |
[Added 06_apr21] Time being spent in an alternate universe not a lot of research being done lately… More Obscure Units and Austrian Core Issues 219- Chasseurs d'Elbe [~1815~] TMP link 220- Austrian Grenadiers – Flags TMP link [Austrian flags- easier than Russians!] 221- 1809 and 1813 how many Austrian flags per battalion? TMP link 222- [2007] Composition of the Austrian forces facing Bavaria in 1813. TMP link And catching up on French topics~ 223- [2018] Average age of the vets of Old Guard. [Again, much debated, and semantics- only 2pp]. Plus__ 224- [2014] Did the French Guardsmen Age? [Again, much debated, and circular semantics- only 2pp]. TMP link 225- [2010] Oudinot's Division, 1806 [Covers others; contains inaccuracies and misinterpretations. Are we any wiser 11 years later?] TMP link 226- [2017] French Skirmishers – Per Brigade or not? [Broad and reaching, includes other nations as well as artillery usage!. Thanks to Stoppage from "Representing howitzers" [2008] ]TMP link extended commentary 2021. TMP link - - Enjoy the trails… |
SHaT1984 | 22 Apr 2021 8:27 p.m. PST |
Added 23_apr21 And catching up on French topics~ 223- [2018] Average age of the vets of Old Guard. [Again, much debated, and semantics- only 2pp]. Plus__ TMP link Sorry this url was ommitted last post.And now for something really old- perhaps useful, and bit of a mix. 227- [2004] Army of Condé under Russian service [Complete OB refs]. TMP link 228- Austrian Grenadier 1809 Help [Facts on previous periods]. TMP link 229- Two more Napoleonic paintings (for real)… [An array of French military formal art subjects by the greatest]. TMP link 230- [2010] Austrian Horse Artillery – wurst seats [2pp melange of facts and uncertainty]. TMP link - - Enjoy the trails… while the streams flows… |
Erzherzog Johann | 22 Apr 2021 8:52 p.m. PST |
"230- [2010] Austrian Horse Artillery – wurst seats [2pp melange of facts and uncertainty]. TMP link" So in two pages of comment and discussion no one ever answered the question about the Handlanger. I hope he eventually got his answer, that the Handlanger only worked the foot and position batteries, not the cavalry batteries (or Grenz batteries). So yes, he did have to repaint his blue collars . . . Cheers, John |
SHaT1984 | 15 May 2021 4:52 p.m. PST |
Added 16_may21 >>Thanks for clearing that up John ! And on a new-old tangent, what about backdating a few units to say, 1800ish? - 231- Flags for 1799/1800 Demi-Brigade Legere? TMP link 232- Austrian Freikorps, Hussars and Uhlans 1792-97 TMP link 233- [2013] Austrian Jager: Rifles and Carbines TMP link
234- [2010] Austrian white coats TMP link 235- Austrian shakos & helmets [1806-1809]. TMP link 236- Napy questions Austrian "horse artillery". TMP link 237- [2010] Russian Flags in 1805 Campaign- 1797 vs 1803. [Seems I missed this one containing specific ‘corrections' to coloured Hourtoulle book errors*]. TMP link Trust these help find what you need, regards d |
SHaT1984 | 06 Jun 2021 5:41 p.m. PST |
Added 7_jun21 Well it's D-Day for the rest of you [Out-of-Period] but our Anniversary date multi-player game that was supposed to be run yesterday was quashed due to err… - Anyway, More exotica- well, perhaps as you see it? 238- [2015] Another Russian 1812 Question – uniform details [a qualification of them worthy since so many do late wars- inf-jager-uhlans]. TMP link 239- Non-Regulation Helmet of General Officer of Cuirassiers [French/ gold star BIG Warning- heavily laden w graphic URLS that are slow.] TMP link 240- Fine portraits of French cavalrymen [a couple only] TMP link 241- Heilsberg 1807: Little Russia or Ekaterinoslav Cuirassiers? [Regiments/ standards, map and part OB] TMP link 242- Yekaterinoslav cuirassiers banners from Peter I [illus.] TMP link 243- More Napoleonic paintings – Part II [ I couldn't see the ‘first part'- if anyone has useful link]. TMP link 244- [2007] Austerlitz – 2nd Dec: comments on Myth, Truth & Playability [A little bit more info on terrain therein.] TMP link 245- [2005] Battle of Caldiero – 1805 [Incl. OB + discussion.] TMP link 246- [2008] Wanted 1805 to 1807 books suggestions. [Finally some sensible critiques- solely IMO of course.] TMP link Trust you enjoy the nostalgia___ regards dave - - |
dibble | 08 Jun 2021 12:45 p.m. PST |
Militia and Volunteers 1792-1816. TMP link |
SHaT1984 | 08 Sep 2021 1:08 a.m. PST |
Added 8_sep21 It has been a while and research has slowed a lot as you can see. A couple of updates solely for recognition and continuity of subjects. 247- >> External Reference. Highly recommended. Although off site this is a great and consistently well run web site with good information and should be used regularly with confidence.
Author Combining passion for Napoleonic military history with technical skills and a desire for a better encyclopedia of French officers, Nathan D. Jensen designed and built this entire site as the architect, designer, and writer. As an historian he is a Fellow of the International Napoleonic Society . He works on the site in his spare time. [But there is a change updater record!] 248- [2012] Austrian shakos vs helmets [Another thread, same title with recent update and significantly more definitive answers with period illustration! ]. Refer #235 above. TMP link 249- [2012- French] Legere Pom Poms [Another thread with similar information on ‘legere' but significantly more definitive answers starting with third item.] TMP link - Enjoy reading, dave |
SHaT1984 | 03 Oct 2021 3:47 p.m. PST |
Added_ 4_oct21 Not a major update but recent need for more 'clarity' on early Russian generals dress, and a sidebar to the Marshal Ney and his demise. 250- [2008] Marshall Ney and Napoleon's relationship. [A tortuous 2 pp of shame and blame, with unsupported secondary sources quoted liberally. Primary a lot scarcer]. TMP link 251- [2008] Marshall Ney, Bravest of the Brave [Other useful subject links]. TMP link 252- [2011] How a brave of the braves died. [A translation (good or bad) of the exact officials view of Ney's last hours. A very good, interesting translation of added info is on the bottom of p2! – 3pp but last is empty]. TMP link On Russian Generals and some staff. 253- [2012] Sash colors for Russian Generals and other officers? [Illustr]. TMP link 254- [2012] Napoleonic Russian cavalry generals [Another] TMP link 255- [2016] Russian General TMP link - - |
Marcus Maximus | 05 Nov 2021 2:41 a.m. PST |
Thank you @SHaT1984 this very helpful and useful :) |
SHaT1984 | 06 Nov 2021 10:52 p.m. PST |
Thanks Marcus, appreciate the feedback. - Added_ 7_nov21 Some minor additions as aspects of the Revolution and Republic periods appear of interest. Also older and bigger debates on French artillery, and infantry formations. 256- [2013] French Revolutionary Wars [ many links and active illustrations ] TMP link 257- Sources on French Army from the 1790s to early the 1800s [ many links and active illustrations] TMP link 258- [2011] This Might Also Be Helpful… [A misleading title given controversial subject matter-French Artillery development- an old and big debate on artillery {Gribeauval etc.} is partly resolved on p6… leave it to you to read the previous pages if you want too.] TMP link 259 [2012] Guibert's so-called 'column of attack [and more debates on formation minutiae if you dare]. TMP link - - |
SHaT1984 | 07 Nov 2021 3:50 p.m. PST |
Quick Update- on a subject of my most intensive interest and research::: 260 [2008] Austerlitz – Vandamme and IR23 [ A thoroughly invaluable thread far too important, clear and concise to be left in the wasteland of 2008!] TMP link - regards davew≠ |
SHaT1984 | 12 Dec 2021 2:19 a.m. PST |
Added_12_dec21 Well the latest edition covers much the same topics as before- the Revolution and Republic periods appear of interest to many and my own research tracing back uncovers new mysteries. But first- #171- [2010-11] Wallachian Grenz troops at Arcole, in November 1796? [With comment from ‘Enrico Acerbi'!]. TMP link Repeating the above numbered item as I've reviewed this thread again and it is full of Austrian archival and speculative information from numerous serious historians and authors. Didn't give it the full emphasis previouslt it deserves! 261 [2006] Hohenlinden or Marengo [Question implied? Leads to comparison on the books produced to that date]. TMP link 262 [2010] Suvorov vs Napoleon [A brief but succinct review of possibilities], TMP link 263 [2020] Hohenlinden 1800 [Resumé of the famous web site~ Obscure Battles but results in detailed sources and data on Bavarian organisation and uniforms courtesy of vW, in a period of change where nothing is certain]. TMP link cheers and enjoy your hobby time davew - - |
SHaT1984 | 04 Feb 2022 4:42 p.m. PST |
Added_05_feb22 Some variety in reference articles and a little backtracking. All nations covered one way or another. More with warning advisor -Contentious debate- sorry! 264- [2015] Cyrillic or not to Cyrillic. [A somewhat specious thread of using Russian forms for labels. Interesting experts- "A common error, in the era, would be this: The Russian "Life" regiments ** were not in the guards, just distinguished.]" TMP link 265- Zoeken … cavalerie regiment in austerlitz. [Shortened title but topic is almost obvious. The threads has posts that detail Russian cavalry flags and banners that are often missing in many sources. Listed here for continuity]. TMP link 266- [2010] Gribeauval howitzers. [Contentious debate- however technical detail and ‘iron axles' included! 2pp] TMP link 267- [2007] Realistic Artillery Ranges. [Contentious debate- Starts as a gamers query but devolves into technical detail and debate.] TMP link 268- [2011] Question range of grapeshot/cannister round. [Contentious debate- ongoing wasn't it? Though a few facts get through]. TMP link - - regards davew |
SHaT1984 | 12 Mar 2022 5:49 p.m. PST |
Added_13_mar22 Well not really on a cycle of updates, but things keep cropping up of relevance… 269- Wolves' teeth?. [Actually about French cav horse furniture and a couple of reference links.] TMP link 270- [2017] 1805 Russian cavalry heads. [Actually helmets and headgear and photos of early Russian exhibits still available]. TMP link 271- [2015] Grenadier á Cheval uniform. [The simplest explanation of AURORE with WORKING sample link.] TMP link and here: link 272- [2017] The Guarde Imperiale by Fallou. [The book but soon migrates to discussion about ‘that hat!'] TMP link - - regards davew |
SHaT1984 | 04 Apr 2022 6:19 p.m. PST |
Added_5_apr22 - Some correction and further explanations as discovered recently. Enjoy the discourse! 273- [2008 + updates] 1805 Russian Uniform Question. [ article should have appeared much sooner in this ‘index' reference! Old info but some relevant and clarity on the ‘issue of mitres' as worn at Austerlitz.] TMP link 274- [2015 + updates] Russian Grenadiers 1805 Mitre vs Shako: Inspection system. [Preamble to above with recent postscripts.] TMP link 275- [2016] 1805 Russian Grenadiers' colours. [Brief but succinct info -possible repeat. Refer also # 37- Russian Colour Parties above.] TMP link 276- [2010] Another Russian question. [On greatcoats_] TMP link - - regards davew |
Stoppage | 16 Jun 2024 2:24 p.m. PST |
Stoppage | 24 Jun 2024 12:03 p.m. PST |