The Miniatures Page - A Web-Magazine for Miniature Wargames

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Welcome to The Miniatures Page, the home of miniature wargaming on the internet. A "wargaming miniature" is a scale replica of a soldier or vehicle intended for use in a game.

Here we cover everything from Ancient Egypt to the War on Terror, from haunted dungeons to dueling starships, from German panzers to Prussian lancers… and no historical era is too obscure!

Just click on anything that looks interesting – and if you get lost, clicking on our logo will always bring you back to this homepage.

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Movie Talk

30 July

12 October

Showcase Talk

25 November

14 November

29 October

Workbench Talk

7 December

28 October

Profiles Talk

15 November

14 October

24 September

Message Boards

23 January

SYW Con upcoming (2)
Wealdmaster on 18th Century Discussion
Mass-build 5x HS-123s in 1/72 scale
Anton Ryzbak on Interwar (WWI to WWII)
Most Ignorant Mistake in Napoleon? All of Them! (8)
Editor in Chief Bill on Napoleonic Media
Creating a Pollywomp Brigade for Wars of Ozz (4)
MarkAMorin on Blogs of War
Tiger II Conversion
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
What If Megalodon Fought Titanoboa? (4)
Tango01 on Prehistoric
Napoleonic Christmas Carols to sing with your family
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
"Napoléon s'est appuyé sur un corps d'ingénieurs ...
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
Handmaiden of Keskura,
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Kansas Gunfighters, KS Outlaws and KS Lawmen
Tango01 on The Old West
Beach Girl. (3)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Identifying the enemy (10)
ochoin on English Civil War
Wheelbarrows and/or hand carts (5)
randolph2243 on 3DPrinting
Sharp Practice table
westernmini on Napoleonic Gallery
1/2400 A-H navy miniatures for Predreadnaught period. (3)
dmclellan on Naval Gaming 1898-1929
Hanau 1813: Austrian and Bavarian uniforms (4)
skedaddle on Napoleonic Discussion
Arthur is Coming----Again (6)
RogerC on Ancients Discussion
Seven Years War project, the Prussians (2)
timurilank on SYW
15mm Rus’ from Forged in Battle (4)
L Empereur on Dark Ages
Making of Afghan Compound and walls (4)
L Empereur on Ultramodern Gaming (2014-present)
the Austerlitz battle terrain
L Empereur on Wargaming in France
Eisenhower rule objective tokens (4)
L Empereur on WWII Land Gallery
Contemplating the First World War One Project (6)
Buckeye AKA Darryl on Biplanes
Sharp Practice table (9)
westernmini on Terrain and Scenics

21 January

First Strike (3)
Editor in Chief Bill on WWII in the Pacific
Forgotten American Innovator
Editor in Chief Bill on Ironclads (1862-1889)
British Intervention
Old Contemptible on Franco-Prussian War
Do you know the BARV? (5)
L Empereur on Flames of War
HAYWIRE, modern solo rule (5)
L Empereur on Modern Product Reviews
Eisenhower rule play with 6mm GHQ models and Adler figures (6)
L Empereur on WWII Rules
Eisenhower with 6mm GHQ models and Adler figures (3)
L Empereur on Wargaming in France
Waterloo battle report, 6mm Adler figures with Blücher rule
L Empereur on Napoleonics Scenarios
Ardennes battle museum visits (5)
L Empereur on Bolt Action
“Toolbox rules”? (20)
John the OFM on TMP Poll Suggestions
SWS Halftrack (3)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Last Days Seasons campaign (4)
Tango01 on SF Discussion
Operation Totalize, Phase 2 (5)
Tango01 on WWII Battle Reports
Venetian Girl (7)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Junior General Test Battle
Tango01 on War of 1812
Girls on the Boardwalk (8)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Nymph. (8)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
The Wars of Ozz Supplement. An Unboxing Review. (3)
MarkAMorin on Fantasy Product Reviews
Giant Monster Rampage 5th Edition Beta Rules Now Available
GiantMonster on Toy Gaming Discussion
New Osprey on German Troops (3)
79thPA on American Revolution
Carroburg greatswords (6)
nugrim on Warhammer
Samuari Scenario in old Wargames magazine? (3)
Mike Blake on Classical Asian Warfare
Rules: Fashion or Progress? (42)
robert piepenbrink on Game Design
Tech Bazaar Update- Tower and More Salvage (2)
CBPIII on Terrain and Scenics
British Airborne Jeeps (15)
Artilleryman on 20mm WWII

18 January

Police (4)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Help Finding Bugbears (9)
leg1on on 28mm Fantasy
The Untold Truth Of The Old West (11)
Tango01 on The Old West
French battleship Tourville of 1879 (5)
Tango01 on Naval Gaming 1898-1929
Not all sirens dwell in the sea... (5)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
A Walk in the Park Le Mesnil Patry (3)
Tango01 on WWII Battle Reports
Is Wargaming A Useful Tool to Train Officers? (5)
Tango01 on Wargaming in General
“Last stand of the Eagle” Teutoburg forest (8)
Tango01 on Ancients Discussion
Mecklenburg Military - Useful Downloadable material (3)
Prince of Essling on Napoleonic Discussion
have you seen this (9)
westernmini on Dark Ages
I am not a cat (7)
Captain Sensible on Utter Drivel
This video killed me (3)
Captain Sensible on Utter Drivel
Sleestak-Inspired Miniatures for Wars of Ozz (5)
MarkAMorin on Blogs of War
Why so Many Figures? (33)
Grattan54 on General Historical Discussion
6mm / 5mm / 1:285 / 1:300 (10)
Daribuck on Scale
does anybody know how french got to fort (3)
westernmini on 18th Century Discussion
1919 Red Army in Siberia any good? (29)
Red Dragon 44 on Russian Civil War
Women Warriors 303 (10)
Inch High Guy on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
IJN Maya (5)
foxbat on Wargaming in France
Check Your 6! for the Great War (7)
Buckeye AKA Darryl on Biplanes
Almost a win at Albuera
ChrisBBB2 on Napoleonic Battle Reports
Low cost Wargaming project . (3)
grambo on ACW Product Reviews
Battle of Cerignola - Devon Wargames Group (2)
carojon on Clubs
All at Sea - The 'Fighting' Enterprise Class Frigates
carojon on Age of Sail

16 January

The Other Blog (3)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
GW gets sexy with the Emperors Children... (14)
Uesugi Kenshin on Warhammer 40K
Painting Trucks (3)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
WWI Battle of the Dogger Bank (4)
Fitzovich on Wargaming in the USA
What-if no Cato?
Tango01 on Ancients Discussion
A Bygone Age……… (4)
Tango01 on 19th Century Discussion
Valeria Messalina (6)
Tango01 on Ancients Discussion
Campagne des limes : "La revanche des romains", (3)
Tango01 on Ancients Battle Reports
Day of Battle 5th Edition Play Testers Requested (2)
greenknight4 on Medieval Discussion
Large wooded areas require a different approach (3)
Tango01 on Terrain and Scenics
What Happens to Your Stuff When You Die? (28)
Bunkermeister on Historical Wargaming in General
Some new stuff hits the table: A town battle. (4)
Tango01 on Medieval Discussion
Samurai or Ashigaru 28mm Cannons (2)
Robert Burke on Getting Started with Renaissance Gaming
Future of Warlord Games Epic Miniatures Line - SYW! (8)
Editor in Chief Bill on Medieval Discussion
Fear the Slamboni - A Gaslands Refuelled Game (2)
Extra Crispy on SF Battle Reports
Revising the rules - organising an army. (4)
timurilank on SYW
Anyone heard from Bridge Miniatures? (4)
Extra Crispy on Wargaming in General
Women in combat (24)
35thOVI on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Brunswick Military - Useful Downloadable Material (2)
Prince of Essling on Napoleonic Discussion
Agincourt using Dominion of the Spear (4)
Red Dragon 44 on Medieval Battle Reports

15 January

Legion Pulp: A Soldier of the Legion (2)
Editor in Chief Bill on Pulp Media
Favorite Napoleonic Battle: Austerlitz! (24)
Editor in Chief Bill on Napoleonic Discussion
If you could have one? (23)
Perris0707 on Franco-Prussian War
Several Things
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Well, I finally did it ... Terminator (5)
The H Man on SF Media
Dinosaur With Giant, Loki-Like Horns Has the ... (5)
Tango01 on Prehistoric
May Day & the AWI Project hits the paint table.
Tango01 on American Revolution
Some new sets (3)
Tango01 on American Indian Wars
Playful Succubus (7)
Tango01 on Horror
Lexington, Worcester, and the American Revolution: Debunking (8)
Tango01 on American Revolution
Assistance with El Cid (9)
Phillius on Medieval Discussion
RAAF Meteors in Korea color? (4)
Windward on Korean War
Cold Wars - Eisenhower/Aspire (5)
HMS Exeter on Conventions and Wargame Shows
I'm having a go at fort william henry (19)
westernmini on 18th Century Scenarios
15mm Blood Bowl?
Grattan54 on Fantasy Discussion
10mm Plains Indians or Apaches (7)
Grattan54 on American Indian Wars
Venezuela to invade Puerto Rico (26)
Editor in Chief Bill on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Was George Thomas Slow? (22)
Red Jacket on ACW Discussion
Makhnovist red trousers? (16)
gengulfus on Interwar (WWI to WWII)
A question for folks who play Two Fat Lardies rules (7)
captaincold69 on WWII Rules
Gazzola on Napoleonic Media
Praise to Pendraken and the Royal Mail. (5)
Tgerritsen on Consumer Affairs
The ultimate gaming piece Tree (13)
UshCha on Game Design
Las Vegas Open (5)
Louis XIV on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Bretwalda battle books (5)
Gazzola on Napoleonic Media
The Commissioned Projects - Part IV (3)
Buckeye AKA Darryl on WWII Aviation Discussion
15mm Jacobite Miniatures (7)
Just a few Orcs on Figure Finder
Froeschwiller, Beachhead, Bournmouth, UK 8/9 Feb 25 (6)
nickinsomerset on Franco-Prussian War

Comments or corrections?
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The Miniatures Page,
comprising all web pages at,
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout