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"28mm Victorian Gentlemen Adventurers?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe29 Mar 2007 2:52 p.m. PST

Even though it is listed in the Old West Collection, could Foundry pack OW 11/4 pass for Victorian British?


This is what I intend to use them for:

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Or do you have better suggestions in mind?



Cacique Caribe29 Mar 2007 2:54 p.m. PST

I guess that what I'm looking for are higher class gents from around 1900.


fairoaks02429 Mar 2007 3:05 p.m. PST

Absolutely. they are fine for that, nothing anachronistic or un british about them, old chap.



Dewbakuk29 Mar 2007 4:06 p.m. PST

Yes, they most certainly can. In fact I have used them as such. I will however point you towards these fine examples as well


Cacique Caribe29 Mar 2007 4:12 p.m. PST

Those are nice!

Are there any Victorian figures anywhere with vest and rolled up sleeves?

Something like that would be great for the time traveler, a Dr. Frankenstein type or even Doug McClure and Peter Cushing in "At The Earth's Core".


nazrat29 Mar 2007 7:26 p.m. PST

Perhaps the fellow with the sword in pack number three from Brigade? It'd be a simple conversion… link

Holy Roman Emperor Joseph III Fezian29 Mar 2007 9:17 p.m. PST


The top right figure from this west wind pack has a vest with his sleeves rolled up.


bsrlee30 Mar 2007 3:07 a.m. PST

The Foundry 'Darkest Africa' line has some very pukkah British types – there is even one with cricket cap & bat. Most standing with weapons, but there is also at least one seated figure, plus a variety of Memsahibs too.

CHANTYAM30 Mar 2007 4:40 a.m. PST

For shirt sleeved types (with shovels etc) try some of the Redoubt VSF crewmen for the range of Steamtanks (under Victorias secret weapons)

blackscribe30 Mar 2007 8:24 a.m. PST

How 'bout the ones from Jeff Valent?

Cacique Caribe30 Mar 2007 9:19 a.m. PST


I can't find a Victorian range on his site. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.


blackscribe30 Mar 2007 12:48 p.m. PST

Hmmm, nope, those guys seem to be missing. They were wearing period costume and were armed. Here's a link to an internet archive of his page from a time when they were still listed:


Sorry -- no pictures were saved apparently.

That does remind me… still gotta get those ratmen.

Lowtardog31 Mar 2007 2:35 p.m. PST

The virtual armchair general have Gang members who are ideal, also check out the Victorian bystanders from gothic horror for extras, these guys are quire generic and would work form mid to late Victorian. There is also a foudnry Pack of Jack the rippers which some might be suitable too.


Cacique Caribe31 Mar 2007 3:58 p.m. PST


Honestly, I had never, ever, seen those gang members. Thanks!


Lowtardog01 Apr 2007 5:04 a.m. PST

I have them all, they are very good

Cacique Caribe04 Jul 2007 4:51 p.m. PST

Ok, I still don't have the Victorians and Morlocks yet, but here is where all the action is going to take place:

TMP link

What do you think? A few machines parts and bones strewn about?

TMP link

Cacique Caribe04 Jul 2007 8:05 p.m. PST

Here is the specific Victorian figure I would like to get in 28mm-30mm:



Cacique Caribe07 Jul 2007 9:58 a.m. PST

I am looking to make a few Morlock-like custom pieces for the cave system:

TMP link


Cacique Caribe08 Jul 2007 11:05 a.m. PST

I have about 10 Reaper Ghouls for Morlocks, and plan to get more Ghouls that can blend in with them.

What specific figures would you guys suggest for the following?

George – Time Traveler
Filby – George's best friend
Dr. Hillyer
Anthony Bridewell
Walter Kemp
Mrs. Watchett
10-12 Eloi (male and female)




Cacique Caribe08 Jul 2007 11:12 a.m. PST

In case you are wondering why the other Victorian characters . . .

. . . this is an idea I've been toying with for some time. One of these days I'll try to actually develop it further . . .

It is just very, very preliminary, but what do you guys think?


Unlike the 1960 film, George convinces his colleagues and even Mrs. Watchett (six in all) to accompany him on his fantastic journey through time. When they reach October 12th, 802,701AD, they stop the machine and investigate.

Main Victorian Characters:
George – Time Traveler
Filby – George's best friend
Dr. Hillyer
Anthony Bridewell
Walter Kemp
Mrs. Watchett

8-10 Eloi males
6 other Eloi females

15-20 Morlock warriors
1-2 Morlock leaders

Possible Time Machine Scenarios

Scenario I:
After befriending Weena, and the first hypnotic "harvesting" of the Eloi by the Morlocks (which takes Weena and the other Eloi into the Sphinx), George and his companions try to find an entrance. When they discover the Eloi about to be slaughtered, George and his companions (some with small firearms, others with torches to blind the Morlocks), fight the Morlocks and embark on a return topside through the Morlock underground.

If they are successful in the rescue, the Victorians must try to set fire to the fuel running the underground pumps. If Weena is not rescued, George's morale and skills will be severely compromised.

Mrs. Watchett is the slowest one of the group, so all have to reduce their movement to accommodate her frailty. She will not be left behind (it's not the Victorian way, after all).

Victory conditions: All Victorians and Weena are safely returned to the surface.

Scenario II:
After reaching the surface, they discover that the time machine has disappeared into the Morlock structure. They must re-enter the Morlock underground. If they are fortunate enough in their search, they find the time machine. However, it is damaged and can only make a single very short trip into the past. They must move the machine outside the gates, if they are to make this escape successful, while fighting off a band of Morlocks. This may be just what they need to avoid (recover) any losses during this second scenario.

Victory conditions: The time machine must be found within a few turns, in order for them to make the trip back to before the taking of the contraption. Don't even ask about the temporal implications of going back before you have left! :)

TMP link


Cacique Caribe10 Sep 2007 1:44 p.m. PST

Here is another interesting image:



Cacique Caribe12 Sep 2007 4:08 p.m. PST

Better without the coat though:



Cacique Caribe01 Oct 2007 5:33 p.m. PST

I finally ordered my time travelers!!!

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