
Listings by City/Area
Rome Associazione Militia
Associazione Romana di Storia Militare
Gruppo Studio Wargame
La Libera Compagnia
Milan Associazione Wargamer Alto Milanese
I Condottieri
Torino Novarcana
Trieste Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale

Associazione Militia (Roma)

We play DBM, DBR, Napoleonic, Fire and Fury, and WWII.

Contact Dario Zerboni, tel +39+6+8601551, or email Cirillo Paolo at

Last Updated: 7 October 1997

Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale [ALEA] (Trieste)

We play Ancient, Medieval, Napoleonic, Modern, Boardgames, Roleplaying, and Collectible Card Games.

Chairman:De Crescenzo Pietro +39 3404679413
2nd Chairman: Carboni Elda +39 3479468796
Assistant: Sergi Francesca +39 3406174187

Last Updated: 16 May 2007

Associazione Romana di Storia Militare [ARSM] (Roma)

ARSM has a 40+ membership, quite a large Club by Italian standards (I guess we are the largest around here!). Almost all the wargaming periods are played, in every conceivable scale. From Napoleonic Naval in 1/2400 to Crimea War in 1/300 to WWII in 20mm, you can find everything!

c/o Arturo F.Lorioli
Via Cipro 47
00136 Roma (Italy)

Phone: 06-39733723
Fax: 06-38378229

Last Updated: 8 May 1997

Associazione Wargamer Alto Milanese [AWAM] (Milan)

Our club has been playing wargames and boardgames since 1982. City: Busto Arsizio (VA). For more information, call Marco Mussini at 39-(0)331-541917.

Last Updated: 26 May 1998

Gruppo Studio Wargame [GSW] (Rome)

Wargame club since 1972. Wargame with 1/300, all periods, using computer rules (basic). In Rome.

c/o dr. Giuseppe Di Domenica
v.le della Grande Muraglia 261
00144 Roma Italy

I Condottieri (Milan)

We play DBM, DBR, DBA, General Quarters, Fire & Fury, and other rules. Opponents/new members always welcome. For more information, send email to CONDOTTIERI@HOTMAIL.COM.

La Libera Compagnia (Rome)

We play any kind of wargame, above all Armati.

c/o Conan Laurenzi
via Rocco Santoliquido, 79
00123 - Rome Italy
Phone: 0039/6/30363263

Novarcana (Torino)

We've been playing miniatures for many years, including such games as Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40.000, Necromunda, Bloodbowl, D.B.A., D.B.M., D.B.R., Stormblade, etc. We play every Thursday, all year long.

Contact: Chiurato Davide
Phone: 0039 11 3191478

Last Updated: 28 September 1997

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