I'm looking for an affordable, MBT-70 tank in 1/144th scale.
A couple are available on Shapeways, but are listed at shockingly high prices of $30 USD – $40 USD each, depending upon the model.
These are 1/144th scale, not 1/35th scale…….
I really like the one selling for $35 USD – $40 USD each, since it has the rear turret smoke dischargers, and a low-slung, searchlight box too, next to the main gun.
Sadly, can't even see buying one of any of them, since I don't have a bank account to rival that of Bill Gates, or the Amazon guy.
I could use at least a platoon of them, and would love to have a full company, eventually, if they can be produced at a much more reasonable price. Back in the day, there were 5 to a platoon, and 17 to a company, IIRC.
I can provide 4-view scale drawings, if needed.
For 6mm gamers, there's a platoon of four of them for sale for $17 USD, which seems a bit high to me too, but nowhere near as bad as the 1/144th scale ones. $4.25 USD a pop isn't too bad, if you only want 4 of them.
Does get a bit spendy, even in the smaller scale, if you want a company of them though.