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Bashytubits05 Jan 2017 4:47 p.m. PST

Here are some things I have been doing with my 3d printer.
Some modern vehicles in 1/56.

T80 tank.

Type 99 Chinese tank

T72 tank.
I did some 1/56 scale FT 17 and here they are painted by our own TMP D6Junkie.

Heres some WW2 Axis vehicles, a Italian P40, German Stug, Tiger I, Panzer IV, Jagdpanther.

I am getting much better at taking images and making them into printable files. I will state that 3d printing is a lot of work and I do not see this as being anything the normal gamer would want to invest in and learn. But for getting those hard to find unusual vehicles or to get models that are light weight and sturdy this is something to seriously consider. I am offering my services to print stuff for any TMPer as long as they cover my material and time costs and I can find a file that can work to make whatever their gaming heart desires. I am currently working on some science fiction material and will post images when I get the files fixed and some things printed. I did do these and can make more.

AI vs Humans

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP05 Jan 2017 5:11 p.m. PST

I haven't forgotten about you -- I left town for a few days. A couple of FT-17s are on my "to buy" list.

Hafen von Schlockenberg05 Jan 2017 9:28 p.m. PST

And here I thought you were spending all your time vying for the Last Word. .

Silent Pool06 Jan 2017 2:36 a.m. PST

Bashy, great stuff looks nice, but I don't properly understand it yet.

Could this be used to (privately) create any kind of civilian vehicle for use in 20/21 century wargaming in 20/28mm scale?

That would be very interesting.


Texas Jack06 Jan 2017 6:55 a.m. PST

They look great Bashy, well done! If I lived in the US you would definitely be getting a request from me.

Bashytubits06 Jan 2017 9:07 a.m. PST

Yes it can be done for civilian vehicles, I just made an Audi R8 in 1/100 scale for the zombie apocalypse. As long as I can find a 3d file of some sort chances are I can make it.

Wargamer Dave06 Jan 2017 12:29 p.m. PST

They look great!

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