"15mm Modern Vehicles, Including More From Bashytubits" Topic
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Just Jack  | 13 Mar 2017 5:08 p.m. PST |
All, No gaming again this past weekend, but I did have a pretty productive weekend in terms of painting and basing. I've got three posts this week (this is the first) to document what I finished, though I made a lot of progress on a bunch of other stuff as well. First up is a bunch of 15mm modern vehicles from three different manufacturers: three from Bashytubits' 3D Printer, two from QRF, and three from Old Glory's Command Decision range.
The whole group, with more to come: a Leopard II and two Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles from Bashytubits, two French VABs from QRF, and three M-113 armored personnel carriers from Old Glory.
Bashytubit's 15mm German Leopard II. To see more pics, please check the blog at: linkWell, that's all for now. I'm looking at going big; that is, I've been playing quite a bit of skirmish fights later, and I'm looking to play some bigger fights with vehicles on the table, which made stuff like this group necessary. I've still got a bunch more sitting on the painting table (an M-1 Abrams, four Bradleys, two more Marders, three Challengers, and three Warriors), and I'd like to pick up some more stuff (some AAVs from Irishserb, and some more Soviet and NATO stuff from Bashytubits). Next post of finished stuff is a (very) little bit of French and Austrian Napoleonics, then back to moderns with some more Peter Pig Marines painted and based up to play Ben Lacy's "SOF Warrior" rules. V/R, Jack |
Extra Crispy  | 13 Mar 2017 6:02 p.m. PST |
How did you find it painting the printed model? I have trouble with paint running in the layers. I've tried thickening it but that just makes it look worse. How did you get such nice even edges? |
Defender1  | 13 Mar 2017 6:38 p.m. PST |
Looks good JJ. Been meaning to order some of Bashy's stuff. What is the quality like? |
GeoffQRF | 14 Mar 2017 4:04 a.m. PST |
When I consider the complaints we get over one mould line… I'm shuddering at the sight of all those lines… |
GeoffQRF | 14 Mar 2017 6:01 a.m. PST |
Unfortunately bits do occasionally get missed, but if you contact us we do send them on. You don't appear to have contacted us. You've posted quite a bit about these. I've commented the same comment to the same observation which you posted to two different forums. I am commenting as a designer and modeller, not as a manufacturer (and a wargamer who owns figures from a wide variety of ‘rival manufacturers' including Peter Pig, Old Glory, Battlefront, etc). Those lines are there, and really quite noticeably so, whether you like it or not. I could be a lot more critical, but I haven't. However considering you are someone who was fussy over a fraction of a mm on a SAW that is less than 10mm long, I find that curious. But if you cant see the difference… |
Vigilant | 14 Mar 2017 6:57 a.m. PST |
As a gamer who has no connections with any manufacturer I have to agree with Geoff. Looking at the lines on those models puts me off, and probably does for many gamers. I'm looking at making a large investment in 15mm moderns for the South African/Angolan conflict and from what I've seen I will be going with the more traditional manufacturers. It is not a matter of saying someone's baby is ugly, but pointing out that there are issues with a particular type of manufacture that would not be tolerated with another. |
Just Jack  | 14 Mar 2017 8:41 a.m. PST |
Vigilant, "As a gamer who has no connections with any manufacturer I have to agree with Geoff." Okay, I'm sure there are a lot of folks that agree with you and Geoff, and apparently there are some folks that are like me and can live with them. "Looking at the lines on those models puts me off…" Okay, look somewhere else, please. "It is not a matter of saying someone's baby is ugly, but pointing out that there are issues with a particular type of manufacture that would not be tolerated with another." I couldn't disagree more. What are you accomplishing exactly? Letting the world know you won't tolerate these 3D printed models? Okay, the world now knows you won't tolerate them. If I had a plaque for most discerning wargamer, I'd happily hand it over. Are you trying to convince me to not use the models, or not buy more, or not to paint them and post them here? None of that is going to happen. I don't imagine this conversation is changing any minds, one way or the other. The only thing negative comments ever seem to accomplish on these forums is to create a bit of acrimony between the small group of humans on Earth that enjoy wargaming (and the smaller group that actually frequents these forums). V/R, Jack |
gunnerphil | 14 Mar 2017 9:13 a.m. PST |
I don't have any models from Bashytubits, but I have some from other 3d printers. I will say that in the raw the lines look bad, but once painted they are not obvious. But somehow when I take a photo you can see them. So, if you can,see them in the flesh before writing them off. They are are at least as good as the metal stuff I have from many companies. |
GeoffQRF | 14 Mar 2017 9:47 a.m. PST |
…and I didn't put it in the blog posts or forums because I try to highlight the good things miniatures companies are doing, rather than highlight the negative But you chose to highlight it in your response, bringing in something entirely unrelated (missing parts is not the same as production quality).. for what purpose? Why go to two different forums to make negative comments I went to two different forums because I frequent both forums, because they have slightly different audiences, and you brought up the same topic in both places in threads in which you addressed me and my products in both places; I generally search for QRF, but my interests as a wargamer mean I frequent multiple forums, in multiple scales and theatres. You have construed the intention to be to go there to make negative comments. Actually I read many threads with a wide variety of reasons and opinions. As a designer I am confused that someone who exhibits such a critical eye in one area is able to easily overlook even mentioning an obvious limitation in production quality. The critical eye in me struggles to see past the faults in quality of print, particularly that massively overthick main gun, and those who know me are aware that my comments are generally fair and objective. If my comments are negative, perhaps you should step back and ask why? As a wargamer, I value quality against price. I feel that these show that, while 3D print continues to improve and the price continues to come down (both for the printers themselves and the individual unit costs) they still have a long way to go to come close to more traditional metal or resin, or newer plastic, quality unless they are significantly lower in cost. No doubt Tony has done a great job in getting these files together (whether he has drawn them himself or acquired them elsewhere) but while the quality of detail may be there in the original STL file I find it notably lacking at the final printed stage. Curiously his earlier prints looked much sharper. As a manufacturer, I maintain my handle both here and elsewhere precisely for the purpose of open and fair disclosure. If I was to come on as plain Geoff and say I didn't like them, then be found out that I was the same Geoff from QRF you or others would cry sock puppet, and perhaps with some reason. Any comments I make can therefore be seen to be open, transparent, and I leave it to the judgement of the individual to decide whether they are objective and reasonable or overtly unfair. However You seem to have taken any opinion that disagrees with your opinion in a very negative fashion. The comment is not intended as a personal dig. It's merely an observation. I will say that in the raw the lines look bad, but once painted they are not obvious. But somehow when I take a photo you can see them. Phil I will agree with you there – very often I have meticulously cleaned a model before painting it, and even it's it's sat in ground of the camera I can't see the defect, but somehow the camera manages to find a line. Not as many as it's found here. But definitely a line that I would have sworn didn't exist. I find diffused lighting helps. |
Vigilant | 15 Mar 2017 5:41 a.m. PST |
Jack Just like you I am expressing a personal view. I looked at these because I am interested in seeing what is available and you put them up to be seen. I haven't seen these in the flesh, so this is the only way I can decide if I want to part company with my cash. As for your insulting comment about the most discerning wargamer award I could respond with awarding you with the least discerning one, but that would serve no purpose. I am pointing out that at the moment there are issues with this method of manufacturing that need to be addressed. If manufacturers think that their products are better than they really are they will not improve. I would like these to improve so that a wider variety of equipment is available. You have chosen to take comments as personally insulting when they are not. If you are so sensitive to comments why post? In fact I like the paint job you have done, especially considering the difficult base you had to work with, and never made any derogatory comments about your work. If you are happy with the look of the printed models, that is your choice. The fact that I disagree is my choice and doesn't make either of us wrong. |
Bellbottom | 15 Mar 2017 9:39 a.m. PST |
Weasel | 15 Mar 2017 10:19 a.m. PST |
Wouldn't feedback about a product be better directed to the people who actually made the product? |
Just Jack  | 15 Mar 2017 1:01 p.m. PST |
Gunnerphil – I agree. And I'm sure they're not for everyone, but I like them. Vigilant – "Just like you I am expressing a personal view." Sure, except your view is "this is , I'd never buy it." Thanks for sharing!
"I looked at these because I am interested in seeing what is available and you put them up to be seen. I haven't seen these in the flesh, so this is the only way I can decide if I want to part company with my cash." I post to let my internet wargaming friends know what I've been up to, and to provide a service to fellow wargamers by posting pics of stuff so they can peruse them and decide if they wish to part company with their cash or not. Seems to generally be working, even for you. The issue, for me, is that it's just plain impolite to hop into a conversation with "that stuff you got there sucks," and it's not assisting anyone in any way. Ergo… "If you are happy with the look of the printed models, that is your choice. The fact that I disagree is my choice and doesn't make either of us wrong." The only thing you're disagreeing with is the fact I'm happy with these models; who are you to tell me I shouldn't be happy with my models? It took me a minute, but I figured it out. I think I've cracked the code on why I'm so aggravated. It's not being defensive or sensitive, it's: 1) that I'm wasting time talking to grown ups about having and exercising manners on the internet; and 2) I allowed myself to be goaded into showing bad manners myself. So I'm done. Jarrovian – I have not, but I'll take a look. Ivan – "Wouldn't feedback about a product be better directed to the people who actually made the product?" Absolutely, and if it's critical, I would do it in private. But that's just me… V/R, Jack |
Vigilant | 15 Mar 2017 2:14 p.m. PST |
Jack thank you for telling me what my view is, having written it I would not have known that it is what you put in quotation marks. You talk about bad manners but have done nothing but bad mouth people who have a different view to you. Please don't put words into my mouth that were not there. At no point did I swear or say that the models "suck". I said that for me those heavy print lines are an issue which puts me off buying them. As you say that you are done here so am I, and I know better than to make any comment on any of your future posts since you clearly feel the need to act like a petulant toddler unless everything goes your way. As for being goaded into showing bad manners, you did all that yourself. I suggest that you re read mine and Geoff's posts and your own responses when you have calmed down and think long and hard about how you have over reacted here. |
Just Jack  | 15 Mar 2017 4:52 p.m. PST |
Vigilant, You're a champ at getting huffy and playing semantics, but I'll be damned if I can get you to address the issue of coming here to declare you're above buying these models, rather than looking at the models, making your decision not to purchase because they're not up to your standards, and moving on with your life, or even addressing whatever issues you may have directly with the manufacturer, in a private setting. Most learned as children: if you don't have something nice to say… You're welcome to come to any and all of my posts, but if you post in an inconsiderate manner again I'll probably reply in a negative way again. V/R, Jack |
Bellbottom | 16 Mar 2017 12:18 a.m. PST |
Jack, Just for balance, Armies Army in the UK is also worth a look, particularly his infantry. armiesarmy.com |
gunnerphil | 16 Mar 2017 1:17 a.m. PST |
Vigilant. As someone who has got some 3d printed stuff I will say it does not photograph well. When mine first came I thought I had made a mistake. But once painted, those lines do not show up. If you can get hold off one at least gives a try. Jack, I will second Jarrovian recommendation for Armies Army stuff. |
capt jimmi | 16 Mar 2017 3:43 a.m. PST |
Great stuff Jack ! … Lovin' this ! I reckon the tanks look great ! I've not heard of Bashytubits before , I'll give'em a look. Excellent work ! |
Just Jack  | 16 Mar 2017 5:06 a.m. PST |
Thanks Jarrovian and Phil; I've been eyeing Armies Army for awhile, but just too many projects going on. I really like their BTR riders. Jimmi – Hey bud, did you get my e-mail? I received the troops, had a couple questions for ya before I start painting. V/R, Jack |
capt jimmi | 17 Mar 2017 4:08 a.m. PST |
Howdy Mister , email just sent , ..hahaha ; I know "too many projects going on". I've got ArmiesArmy British figures and Landrovers,..very happy ! Went back for Dutch figures and new Landrovers on Kieth's last kickstarter. Plus more Spetsnaz ;) |
Just Jack  | 17 Mar 2017 7:43 p.m. PST |
I like Armies Army new Cold War gear. I sent you another email. V/R, Jack |