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"3D Printed Soviet/Russian Vehicles from Bashytubits " Topic

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Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2017 6:08 a.m. PST


I have been on a tear the last year or so, buying up 15mm stuff, from WWII to Vietnam to Moderns. And so when fellow TMPer "Bashytubits" bought a 3D Printer and began turning out Cold War NATO and Warsaw Pact vehicles, he had my attention. He's been advertising his wares on TMP and I liked the selection and how the initial pictures looked, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I guess it's been a couple weeks ago now, but I placed on order with him, shuttling funds via PayPal, and a few days later I was the recipient of some 15mm plastic Cold War goodness. I ordered more (a total of 13 vehicles), but haven't had the time to finish all of them, but I've got six vehicles completed and I really like them and wanted to show them off.

So below you'll see six plastic vehicles from BashTubits' 3d Printer: two T-62s, two BMP-1s, and two BTR-60s. I apologize as I now wish I'd have taken initial ("before") photos, but I apologize, you'll have to live with just the final ("after") photos. And I beg forgiveness on another note as well: these are definitely Cold War-era vehicles, but as I intend on using them in a fictional, Imagi-Nation-style dust-up, I actually painted them up in quasi-'modern' Russian camouflage. I've placed two Khurasan 15mm Private Military Contractors next to the vehicles for scale, in quite a few of the pics.


The whole shebang, from left: two T-62s, two BMP-1s, and two BTR-60s. All of these vehicles are two piece, hull and turret, and when they arrive they are U-G-L-Y!!! Coming out of the 3D Printer, they've got a lot of plastic stuff that needs to be cleaned up. I'll admit that it was really ugly and I was really aggravated, but in the end I simply busted out my X-acto knife and it took me between 15 and 20 minutes per vehicle to clean up. I figure that's about the same as it's taken me to do other plastic vehicles (cleaning up and assembling). So you clean out all the excess plastic, then slap the turret on and spray prime them, no sweat.


Another look, reverse.


The T-62s.


The BMPs, with 15mm troops for scale.


The BTRs. For more pics, please visit the blog at:

I've had quite a few (e-mail) conversations with him, and Bashytubits is continuing to work on new models. If you're looking, I need that Warrior with Chobham armor!!! ;) And a Gepard, probably some M-60s…

On a side note, real life butted into my wargaming time in a serious way last weekend, and what little time I had I used to work on these. So sorry, no games :( But quite your whining, I'll get some in this coming weekend, and I've already posted twelve batreps in 2017!!!


CBRFigs28 Feb 2017 6:28 a.m. PST

They look really nice painted up.

beingshort128 Feb 2017 7:49 a.m. PST

Theses' look fanatic! what else is in his "catalog"? How do you reach him? I wouldn't mind ordering some items from him.


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2017 7:58 a.m. PST

CBRFigs and Brian,

Thanks guys! I'm really happy with them, and will be ordering more as well.

Regarding contacting him; hmmm…. I was PMing him here on TMP. He has several threads on TMP, I would try to get his attention on one of those, or he may even stop in here. Here are some:

TMP link

TMP link

TMP link

TMP link

TMP link

For the record, I'm just a happy customer, and my only interest is in seeing Bashytubits produce a Warrior with Chobham armor, of which I will purchase a few ;)


beingshort128 Feb 2017 8:05 a.m. PST

Sure thing, and thanks for the help. How do you Pm on here. I was trying to figure that out. I wonder if he could do a G5 howitzer for few armies of mine.

beingshort128 Feb 2017 8:07 a.m. PST

Also out of Curiosity, do you think hes on shapeways?

Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2017 8:18 a.m. PST


For PMing you have to be a supporting member on TMP. Regarding the howitzer, theoretically a 3D Printer can make anything, so long as the operator can come up with the appropriate blueprint/plan/schematic.

I don't think he's a part of Shapeways, I think he's just doing it out of his home as a 'one-man operation,' but I'm not sure.


acctingman186928 Feb 2017 8:24 a.m. PST

While a neat concept I can't help having my eyes drawn to the "print lines" on these printed kits. Don't get that with plastic….doubt I'll ever go the 3-D route.

Neat none the less

beingshort128 Feb 2017 8:24 a.m. PST

Thank you. I been researching about getting my own 3D Printer over the years. Thanks for sharing your stuff and his. I'm all about supporting the "little guy". More so since he's here in the states. we need more markers here. those overseas cost kinda get you sometimes lol.

Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2017 8:50 a.m. PST

Acctingman – Don't get the print lines with metal either, but I would encourage you to buy one, it's only $5. USD You can't see the lines on the table (and I play skirmish games mostly, meaning I'm much closer to the table than folks playing large games).

BS1 – I see there's quite a few folks getting into the 3D printing business, it's pretty cool. The costs for purchase and shipping sure are pretty decent ;)


Mako1128 Feb 2017 9:18 a.m. PST

They look really great painted up!

I can barely see the print lines, even when zoomed in to about 150% – 200% of the actual mini size. I suspect an even more liberal application of auto primer might fill that in a bit, even more.

Thanks for sharing your pics.

I suspect M60A1s would sell very well, since Battlefront doesn't make those yet, and they were the main battle tank in Europe for the Americans.

War Panda28 Feb 2017 9:19 a.m. PST

Thought you were a 10mm man Jack

They look great I have to say

Rod I Robertson28 Feb 2017 9:54 a.m. PST

Jack is finally moving to God's ordained and intended scale for small-scale WWII combat – 15mm. (Pugna vobiscum!) – May combat be upon you, Jack!

The Reverend Rod Robertson.

War Panda28 Feb 2017 9:59 a.m. PST

Yes Rev Rod, I believe years of evangelization has finally paid off.

The Man has converted and is saved!

Rod I Robertson28 Feb 2017 10:08 a.m. PST

War Panda:

Hallelujah and amen, brother! Now, if the Lord could only bring the Panda into his flock and see him abjure the idols of 28mm for the one true scale, then verily, the world would be a more harmonious place. Dum spiro spero! We have not lost hope for you pugnacious Panda.

The Reverend Rod Robertson.

MiniPatton28 Feb 2017 10:39 a.m. PST

I received a set of four vehicles from Bashy yesterday in 1/144 scale. I cleaned them up and am going to hopefully prime them tonight. They look pretty good to me.

beingshort128 Feb 2017 10:58 a.m. PST

@ Just Jack

I just got in contact with him and will be ordering some cold war stuff to fill in some gaps. Again thanks for your help jack.

War Panda28 Feb 2017 11:43 a.m. PST

"I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready."

Someday I hope you will allow the hidden mysteries of 28mm to be revealed to your closed mind and spirit.

Rev Rod, when I feel discouraged by your lack of progress in appreciating the finer things of gaming I remind myself of your heritage and relax my expectations. Let us not tarnish the good tidings of this day by reflecting on your faults; it is after all a day when a lost sheep is found. Hopefully he doesn't ruin it all and go looking for any lost goats.

Fatman28 Feb 2017 12:43 p.m. PST

Guys; guys GUYS! Calm down, take your med's and lie down in a dark room for a while OK. ;-)

Jack the stuff looks good to me, thganks for showing us it. Now get back yo 1/600th air war. You know you want too!


Rod I Robertson28 Feb 2017 1:04 p.m. PST
Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2017 1:55 p.m. PST

Mako – Thanks man, and yeah, I'd like the M-60A1, could even live with an M-60A3.

Panda and Rod – Yeah, I was a 10mm guy, but just sold most of it off after realizing I was recreating everything I had in 15mm…

Ben – The guy I sold them to! Can't wait to see some pics of what you ordered.

BS1 – Glad to hear it, and no problem!

Fatman – Thanks, and dammit, you're right! I need to get back to air gaming. Too many projects, too little time…


15mm and 28mm Fanatik28 Feb 2017 2:43 p.m. PST

These do look better cleaned and painted up for sure but the detail and precision issues are still apparent. Not only the unavoidable print lines but mishapen tires on the BTR, the Sagger on the BMP looks questionable, and parts of the tank tracks are just yikes.

YMMV of course but I'm spoiled by manufacturers like BF and Khurasan and just don't see myself getting these even at rock bottom prices.

Bashytubits01 Mar 2017 10:50 a.m. PST

I would like to thank everyone for the positive comments. If you would like some of these vehicles I am posting in the modern marketplace or PM me. The vehicles look very good Just Jack, thanks!

darthfozzywig01 Mar 2017 1:12 p.m. PST

Looks really good!

Mako1101 Mar 2017 1:25 p.m. PST

"Jack is finally moving to God's ordained and intended scale for small-scale WWII combat – 15mm".

When did that change from 1/72nd and/or 1/76th scale?

Rod I Robertson01 Mar 2017 3:40 p.m. PST

Mako 11:

I'm just pulling Jack's chain and poking the Panda. It's what I do!

Cheers and good gaming.
Rod Robertson.

War Panda01 Mar 2017 7:59 p.m. PST

"I'm just pulling Jack's chain and poking the Panda. It's what I do!"

He's a little rough around the edge's is our Rod but once you get to really know him he's actually a real pain in the AR$E ;)

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