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"18th century female gun crew" Topic

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4,528 hits since 9 Oct 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Pauls Bods09 Oct 2012 5:35 a.m. PST

Labelled as early napoleonic but they suit better an Imagi-Nation setting

timurilank09 Oct 2012 5:48 a.m. PST

That is an eye-catcher.

45thdiv09 Oct 2012 6:20 a.m. PST

Very nice. Now to find one in 28mm

abdul666lw09 Oct 2012 6:24 a.m. PST

They look very good, no doubt thanks to your paintjob given the disappointed comments about the casting I read.
Slightly more feminine than the 'Sandras' -maybe it's the free hair?
Never understood why they were labelled 'Napoleonic' (unless it was a very misguided marketing choice targeting a reputedly "huge" potential market, but forgetting the 'hysterically historical' nature of most Napoleonic gamers TMP link / TMP link ). Considering *male* fashion (nothing in their dress is feminine, thus female fashion is uninformative) the cut of the uniform is late 18th C., the 'free hair' looks 'Late Revolutionary' but certainly NOT Napoleonic : Bonaparte himself cropped his hair very short when he became Napoleon!
On the other hand the large feathered tricorne (more in evidence on the infantry) looks quite early 18th C. / WSS, link
as could also the long free hair


so using the minis for ca. 1750 is quite a satisfying mathematical average.

Any new of the potential infantry support?

abdul666lw09 Oct 2012 6:30 a.m. PST

Now to find one in 28mm

I understand that the Eureka Sandras *are* still available, if neither advertised nor easy to obtain?
TMP link

Pauls Bods09 Oct 2012 6:32 a.m. PST

Thanks :-D
@ Jean Louis. The mold and casting problems appear to be resolved. They only had very small and removable mold lines and then only one or two which, being on the arms was easy to deal with. The same can be said for The "sister" set, which, after my latest attempt at re-creating an 18th century female riding side saddle in 1/72nd are next on the painting table.

Cardinal Hawkwood09 Oct 2012 5:31 p.m. PST

you can easily add hair to either plastic or metal

RastlWorld09 Oct 2012 6:08 p.m. PST

Slight thread-jack but with this thread title I couldn't resist. It's only a century or so off.

I've got the Napoleonic female gun crews in process. Russian and Brit with French in the future.


Paul – yours are darn nifty. I like the way they look.

abdul666lw10 Oct 2012 4:13 a.m. PST

Thread-jacking willingly forgiven because of Lysette!
But with a mirliton or busby she could double as a Lace Wars Hussarette.


For such peculiar minis with great appeal but a limited potential market it's probably wise to avoid details, such as the Napoleonic shako, restricting them to a precise timespan, it just makes their 'niche' smaller. Here a busby would be 'accurate' from any period from the SYW to post-Napoleonics.

I understand you can love Napoleonic uniforms, but to sculpt 'alternate' Napoleonics is a marketing mistake. Most Napoleonic gamers hate with a burning passion any sacrilegious departure from 'historical accuracy' TMP link / TMP link . 18th C. aficionados on the average would grant a far more positive welcome to your creations.

And we are indeed in need of mid-18th C. Hussarettes: the best approximation currently available is provided by Hinterland, and numerous details 'tagging' them "Late Victorian" cannot be erased or concealed, so when they appear in a quasi-SYW swashbuckling game they are to be photographed from a distance and a carefully chosen angle!



pbishop1218 Oct 2012 5:41 a.m. PST

I can definitely see these gun crew figures with civilian/guerilla types in Spain 1807-1813. Love to have them in my collection.

Come In Nighthawk25 Nov 2012 7:09 a.m. PST

Any chance of gurlz in tricornes, mirletons or busbys for SYW? Sort'a "Lysette-bis" for Lace Wars?

abdul666lw26 Nov 2012 2:35 p.m. PST

For sure RastlWorld Minis would greatly expand their potential market without much investment simply by offering variants with "18th C. heads".

RastlWorld26 Nov 2012 7:16 p.m. PST

Standing Lysette has an integral head. Now the cavalry version could be sculpted with multiple head options. The French Color Guard are going to have bicorne, shako and busby bearskin so the possibility is there for additional heads at some point.

Most of the planned minis going forward are supposed to have integral heads. Wander over to the site, look at the concept art, and let me know which ones would be suitable candidates for different time periods.

abdul666lw27 Nov 2012 5:09 a.m. PST

Photos of greens on your pages show that bodies and heads are *sculpted* separately. If it is too cumbersome / expensive for you to duplicate the masters with alternate heads, remember that some 'small' manufacturers (Raging Heroes e.g.) almost routinely propose 2 different heads with their 'personalities' figurines.


Btw you distinguish between foot and cavalry minis but for 'characters' in 'adventure / swashbuckling' games it's convenient to have the very same mini on foot and riding (as was almost the rule for minis of 'dungeon explorers' in D&D times)


As for alternate 18th C. heads / hats, it would be good to offer *diversity*, guided by what remains of the uniform. Lysette in (almost) full hussar dress should have a busby, the British RHA with dolman and hussar boots a mirliton


(or vice-versa). While the Russians in (short) coat should receive a tricorne.

A note of warning about mirlitons and busbies: in the 18th C. any cockade &/or plume was on the *side* of the mirliton. In the early 19th C. when the mirliton received a peak to become a shako, cockade and plume moved to the *front*. Hence, a 'generic' busby or mirliton should be 'bare', without cockade or plume at all.

Call me 'hysterically historical' but I'm not convinced at all by the anachronistic bikini bottom -makes your minis look like 21th C. women in kinky cosplay. A 'strategically placed' (sporran fashion) cartridge pouch would be far more 'in period'.

Btw what about a 'winsome' Highlander ('buxom besoms with targe and pistols') TMP link scroll down?
Something along the lines of Gullieriana (the heroine of a French comics whose adventures owe much to Swift and not a little to Rabelais link):


with a deepest cleavage, highlander socks with a sgian dubh in the right one, pistols, targe, dirk & basket-hilted broadsword and of course a bonnet?

I hope many other TMP readers will comment here (so that we can have a stimulating and fruitful discussion) or on your page link thumbs up

abdul666lw20 Dec 2012 2:42 p.m. PST

@ Paul: the German seller of 3D Models ceases his on-line activities are the 3D minis carried by Michels Miniaturen of Landsknechtte fame link? Similar minis appeared on his blog but my German is… better not to be mentioned. But unfortunately I fear he was only referring to 1/72 minis sold by other people in Germany?

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