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"The Search For Appropriate 15mm Eloi" Topic

13 Posts

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3,357 hits since 12 Sep 2011
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Cacique Caribe13 Sep 2011 1:48 a.m. PST

Most of you have seen Eloi from film, or have read their description directly from HG Wells' The Time Machine.

1) If their javelins were turned into torches and clubs, and if they did not have shields, do you think these guys could pass for Eloi?


2) Are there any other 15mm a) shieldless, b) armorless, c) beardless guys in d) simple short tunics, e) without side arms, that could pass for Eloi carrying clubs, torches and other improvised weaponry?

I would prefer figures that required little or no conversion work.

Also, if the figures fall a bit shorter than 15mm, so much the better. Eloi were described by HG Wells as follows:

"One of these emerged in a pathway leading straight to the little lawn upon which I stood with my machine. He was a slight creature – perhaps four feet high – clad in a purple tunic, girdled at the waist with a leather belt. Sandals or buskins – I could not clearly distinguish which – were on his feet; his legs were bare to the knees, and his head was bare."

"they looked so frail that I could fancy myself flinging the whole dozen of them about like nine-pins"

"Their hair, which was uniformly curly, came to a sharp end at the neck and cheek; there was not the faintest suggestion of it on the face"

The 1960 film was somewhat close to Wells' description:



Thanks so much!

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timurilank13 Sep 2011 2:36 a.m. PST

You may want to source the new Blue Moon Darkest Africa range. Their tribe nr.7 may do.

All figures come shieldless.


or nr. 6



Wellspring13 Sep 2011 2:56 a.m. PST

I've always imagined the eloi to be as inhuman as the morlocks-- just fragile and beautiful and innocent.

So have you considered using Greys? A few little conversions and some painting will give you what I always imagined the eloi to be. (You'll need to add hair and clothes, maybe do a head swap.)

Grodokar13 Sep 2011 4:40 a.m. PST

I think the Darkest Africa ones look too warlike for Eloi, 1960 version! Perhaps you could use H0 train figures (they tend to be slender and simple, and are mostly unarmed) and paint them blond and their clothing as light blue and pink

timurilank13 Sep 2011 4:49 a.m. PST

"too warlike"? There is the other side, submissive:

Old Glory's 15mm Captives (Male/Female) for either Ancients or Dark Ages.



Grodokar13 Sep 2011 4:52 a.m. PST

Those male and female captives look spot-on, besides the ones sculpted to be riders!

BTW OP, how are you planning to run this game? One side as rebellious Eloi helped by the time traveller Star, other side as Morlocks or will they be NPCs?

Cacique Caribe13 Sep 2011 5:05 a.m. PST

Grodokar: "One side as rebellious Eloi helped by the time traveller Star, other side as Morlocks or will they be NPCs?"

Some Eloi will rise and assist the Travelers (a party of 6) to rescue other Eloi and destroy the Morlock air pumps.

* George – Time Traveler
* Filby – George's best friend
* Dr. Hillyer (heavy gentleman)
* Anthony Bridewell (alcoholic gentleman)
* Walter Kemp (older gentleman)
* Mrs. Watchett (elderly housekeepper)

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Unlike the 1960 film, where he travels solo, George convinces his colleagues and even Mrs. Watchett (six in all) to accompany him on his fantastic journey through time. When they reach October 12th, 802,701AD, they stop the machine and investigate . . .

. . . and encounter the Eloi and Morlocks, of course.

Here are the characters, in film:

YouTube link

Unfortunately I haven't found suitable figures for any of the Travelers yet. But that's another story.

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Grodokar13 Sep 2011 6:06 a.m. PST

I love the 1960 movie, watched it dozens of times as a child.

Dear Cacique, how will you sculpt the Time Machine?

Cacique Caribe13 Sep 2011 6:57 a.m. PST

It will probably be made up of other bits, such as this disc:


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A platform, a few Victorian style chairs and a simple desk should do it.


Or I may end up using a Victorian style mini-shuttle or "mini-submarine" that can accomodate 6 people.

Haven't gotten to that point yet. I would like to know if I have proper figures first.



timurilank13 Sep 2011 7:36 a.m. PST

OG15s ACW General Officer set have civilian figures included. You may want to appeal to TMP readers for just six pieces from all four packs.


Khurassan Miniatures have Victorian types as part of their Pulp Fiction section, however, their Summer catalogue is still up.


Cacique Caribe13 Sep 2011 8:28 a.m. PST

Robert (Timurlank),

I've gone ahead and made an appeal here:

TMP link

Thanks so much,


Cacique Caribe13 Sep 2011 12:15 p.m. PST

Pygmies might be another option for Eloi:


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I would still need to add tunics to them, and hair.


Cacique Caribe17 Mar 2012 1:46 p.m. PST


Those BMM pygmies are absolutely stunning. Got mine and can't wait to paint them up!


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