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"15mm Multi-Passenger TIME MACHINE: Recommendations?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe29 Jul 2010 8:14 p.m. PST

A single time traveler going back or forward in time sounds a little bit boring to game to me.

So . . .


What ready-made 15mm ship or shuttle do you recommend (that can accommodate about 6 people) for a multi-passenger time vehicle?

Is there anything out there like this Futurama time machine? Or something better, perhaps?



PS. Or, if I need to convert something instead, would something like this be ok as a starting point?
And then add stuff like this to it?
TMP link

Cacique Caribe29 Jul 2010 8:25 p.m. PST

It would need enough room for the following time traveling characters (from the 1960 film):

* George – Time Traveler
* Filby – George's best friend
* Dr. Hillyer
* Anthony Bridewell
* Walter Kemp
* Mrs. Watchett

Unlike the 1960 film, where he travels solo, George convinces his colleagues and even Mrs. Watchett (six in all) to accompany him on his fantastic journey through time. When they reach October 12th, 802,701AD, they stop the machine and investigate . . .

. . . and encounter the Eloi and Morlocks, of course.


So, what do you say? Are there any small vehicles (15mm dropships, shuttles, hovercraft, etc.) you recommend for such a task?

TMP link

Bob Murch29 Jul 2010 9:12 p.m. PST

Something from the Disney Atlantis toy range might suit. They were somewhat clunky as I recal but about the right size.

Howard Whitehouse made his out of a WW2 Schwimmwagen with some bits and pieces glued on. It might not be very Victorian looking though.


Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2010 1:25 a.m. PST

Hmm. Can't seem to find those Atlantis toys now.

I wonder if this SW skiff model could be converted, somehow, into a multi-person time machine:


Or, what about the gondola on this contraption?

TMP link


timurilank30 Jul 2010 1:48 a.m. PST

Skiff looks appropriate for a Victorian style machine, but mounted on brass or iron coloured skids. The gun would need to be replaced with something else, perhaps a camera or a kitchen?


Sloppypainter30 Jul 2010 4:31 a.m. PST

Ok. Here's an oddball idea to kick around. George would not be familiar with automobiles…but he would be familiar with trains as multi-passenger transportation. So, why not think something like a small train car (about the size of a small bus) or a large carriage. Replace the wheels with skids, add some type of Victorian scientific gizmo(s) to the outside and let the imagination run wild. Tip toe through train catalogs for the stuff.

jpattern230 Jul 2010 5:11 a.m. PST

Dan, when I saw the thread title, the first thing I thought was, "I bet he's been watching Futurama."


How about a conversion based on the Lost in Space (original series) Chariot? link

It has nice big windows that I think George would like. Replace the treads with skids, and replace some of the more modern equipment with more Victorian-looking kit, and you're good to go.

The Johnny Lightning Chariot might work with 15mm. I've seen it described online as 1/64 and about 2-1/2 inches long. I'm sure someone on TMP has one and could give you more exact dimensions.

It's probably held together with rivets, so just drill them out to separate the body, interior, and chassis/treads.

Here it is on Amazon: link

Tom Reed30 Jul 2010 5:55 a.m. PST

I hate to mention it, but the Futurama time machine reminds me of one of those armored shells that fits onto the wind up hamsters that you see on TV. Is it Khang Zhu?

Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2010 1:08 p.m. PST

Armored shells? Wind up hamsters?



MajorB30 Jul 2010 5:56 p.m. PST

If it looks like a British police box, it's probably OK.

Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2010 7:06 p.m. PST


For six people? Or is Dr. Who's* phone booth bigger inside than outside?

* I presume that's what you mean with the police box reference.

MajorB31 Jul 2010 3:50 a.m. PST

The Tardis is indeed bigger on the inside than the outside. It just happens to look like a police box on the outside. I think it was originally supposed to be able to change its external appearance to blend in with wherever it landed in time and space, but the mechanism got broken and has never been fixed by the Doctor. It could convey a lot more than six if necessary, though usually Dr Who is accompanied by only one or two companions.

Pyrate Captain01 Aug 2010 8:23 p.m. PST

Just have her sit on his lap.

evilleMonkeigh17 Oct 2010 12:40 p.m. PST

Who does a DeLorean in 15mm?

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