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Those Blasted Trees

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1,778 hits since 15 Jul 2006
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Lordofdane15 Jul 2006 1:59 a.m. PST

These look like 28mm scale figs with 54mm spears…
Unless it's fluffwise that these guys carry large trees for spears these models look ridiculous to me, sorry…

Trapondur15 Jul 2006 2:23 a.m. PST

well maybe halfway between spears and pikes.
but I like them, despite me not having a use for them.

the wood may be light enough, and they themselves appear strong enough to still make wielding these practicable.

generally, I welcome "savage" approaches to fantasy. there's way too little of that kind of thing out there.

Leutenant Brittan15 Jul 2006 3:28 a.m. PST

Lordofdane I suspect that if the spears were to scale they would prove to be a little bit bendy… I like these miniatures. Does anyone know if they are available in the UK??

Lowtardog15 Jul 2006 4:25 a.m. PST

Big spears? isnt that what fantasy is all about, huge headed axes wielded by dwarves, swords the dimensions of cricket bats? dont see a problem myself. The models are nice and if you dont want to have big spears they are open handed as the blurb says you could be substituted. I think the range is quite refreshing and being personally, being into prmitives like the range :0)

The G Dog Fezian15 Jul 2006 5:37 a.m. PST

You mean its not a picture of the inmates in the TMP "Doughouse".


Very different – but quite artistic.

Boone Doggle15 Jul 2006 6:08 a.m. PST

The spears may be to scale and meant to be small tree trunk size.

The way the Trogs are posed and the way they are gripping the spears looks consistent with tree trunk sized spears. After all, these are neanderthal orcs.

John the OFM15 Jul 2006 6:37 a.m. PST

These are not fantasy spears. They are a throwback to the Minifigs of the late 70's, with the telephone pole spears.

It is right, indeed it is a virtuous thing, to ridicule stupid looking weapons. That is the only to get "realistic" looking ones.

I have no problem with fantasy warriors having polearms with trident heads at each end. What I do have a problem with is weapons so large that they cannot be lifted, let alone wielded.

I am not costing anyone any sales, by the way. Those who like them will buy them anyway, with little regard for my opinions.

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP15 Jul 2006 6:50 a.m. PST

In the la 60's, MiniFigs came out with ancient figures with pole arms about the same relative size as these Trogs have and were met with extreme critiscism for their "telephone pole" spears. They did detract from the overall look of the figures. The trogs, too, are otherwise nice figures but you wonder about those weapons. They might be thinner and less uniform.

TheRaven15 Jul 2006 7:09 a.m. PST

Nice figures but they should be in kilts if they are going to be Tossing the Taber.

brambledemon15 Jul 2006 7:12 a.m. PST

Unless it's fluffwise that these guys carry large trees for spears these models look ridiculous to me, sorry…"

Some of the larger weapons-especially when you are talking about spears and pikes-have to be large for casting purposes. You get a higher amount of miscasts when you thin the spears out. Miscasts costs money, and given how little most small operations actually make-it can't be afforded. Many of the models on the market now with thin weapons and deep undercuts are driving the costs up. Mold wear is a huge problem. At any rate, models w/larger weapons and sexed out women make more money and sell better-end of story. That is why there are so many of these models on the market. I like these models.

bauedawargames15 Jul 2006 7:16 a.m. PST

John and all,

first thank you all for your comments, always appreciated!
Now let me say a few words about those spears, they are the way the are meant to be. If you read the background you'll find out they are made from Thorntangle, a specially light and strong monoformation that grows in the area, particularly prized for its characteristics that makes it ideal for flying machines… They need to be that big because they are an anti-beast weapon, and when you'll see the size of the beasts in question you'll see they are just about the right size! :)

Said that, we're trying to make these figures as easy to customize and convert as possible, so whenever it is possible they have separate weapons, and those packs includes a few extra weapons, ranging from small "realistic" size to bigger "standard fantasy" size. We also offer separate weapons packs, to allow everyone kit them out as they prefer!

I understand that at this very early stage the Esair universe is still a complete mystery for everyone, but believe me, it has its own logic, and we take particular pride in its self-coherence… :)



bauedawargames15 Jul 2006 7:19 a.m. PST

Ooops, forgot the link didn't I?




altfritz15 Jul 2006 7:27 a.m. PST

"I am not costing anyone any sales, by the way. Those who like them will buy them anyway, with little regard for my opinions."

Quite Right!

I think they look great. Given the size of the Trogs hands, I don't have a problem with them. And I prefer that to realistically thin pikes or spears cast out of white metal. That is a complete waste, as they soon look like limp noodles, or break off.


Trapondur15 Jul 2006 7:27 a.m. PST

I just saw that they're all just €6.00 EUR for four minis.
at that price, I guess I might have to come up with a use for them after all.

mweaver15 Jul 2006 7:33 a.m. PST

They are cute!

The Gonk15 Jul 2006 7:52 a.m. PST

I expected something more dragony and more burninatory. I expected TROGDOR!!!!!!!!

Fierios15 Jul 2006 8:20 a.m. PST

Ok, I like these figures and I will probably buy some of them. I DO Wish that companies would release at least two different races and not just release one at a time. I, for one, am interested in some of the other world lines and won't buy anything until I see what these guys are supposed to fight. I hate using figures from other lines all the time to represent the "enemy" until the real troops come out to go with the ones released. Also, game books?? Is there a game for this new world out yet?? I think it would be good to offer a game book with the first releases, or even prior to the first figure release. If no game book, then never mind….nice figures!!

Personal logo PaulCollins Supporting Member of TMP15 Jul 2006 8:53 a.m. PST

I think that I will get some of these for a lost worlds pulp game. They look just right for that serial feel.

Dave Crowell15 Jul 2006 8:58 a.m. PST

I like them. The big spears give them a fantasy caveman look. And they are cast open hand so fit what ever you like.

Arkady15 Jul 2006 9:57 a.m. PST

Well I got the preview packs a little while back, and have to say, if you have any use for cavemanish orcs, these figs will work real well. Huge, pikish spears make sense for the line, too – I sense rather dinosaurish vibes when I try to lift the veil of time and foresee things to come.

Most come with seperate weapons, too, so:
If spear too big, you use smaller one. Ugh.

Space Monkey15 Jul 2006 10:42 a.m. PST

The background on the site is a bit more modern than I'd hoped… I guess I'd hoped for something more 'lost world' or the old D&D Dark Sun setting… more primitive and not Eurocentric.

Still, these guys will make great foes for us in our games of Hominid.

CaseyNOVA15 Jul 2006 11:56 a.m. PST

Wow, those are nice.

Once the range gets a bit more finished I could see having them fight my vikings :D

Bravo Six15 Jul 2006 12:09 p.m. PST

I love these minis. I can see these going up against my Neanderthals. :) Right CC?


Pickelhaube15 Jul 2006 12:17 p.m. PST

Yeah, they look just like GW's Savage Orcs…

Space Monkey15 Jul 2006 12:52 p.m. PST

except not so goofy

SultanSevy15 Jul 2006 2:25 p.m. PST

These are very cool. Anybody know if anyone in the USA carries (or will carry) this range of trogs?

Xintao15 Jul 2006 3:10 p.m. PST

Tree trunks or not, I likes em. I can't wait to see more of the line fleshed out. One comment though, "basha trog, masha trog", I thought this was "we like to think of it as Fantasy for the grown up". Really smacks of GW to me. Other than that, nice figs.

Ian Newbold16 Jul 2006 2:00 a.m. PST

I like them. And I don't mind abnormal proportions by human standards so long as they are consistent with a rational explanation in their background blurb.

Cincinnatus16 Jul 2006 8:08 a.m. PST

I loved the way the figures were presented on the website. Painted and unpainted figure photos leaving no doubt about what you get. Information about where the range stands and the fluff and supporting materials are available without getting in the way of people who don't care about it.

Outstanding. A model of how it should be done.

Stealth100016 Jul 2006 2:53 p.m. PST

Something a bit different. I like them.

nazrat16 Jul 2006 7:53 p.m. PST

I find I like them, too. It helps that they have built in an explanation about the thick-ish spears into their fluff.

Cacique Caribe17 Jul 2006 5:23 a.m. PST

I am definitely getting the Trogs later this year, though I will likely use them as either Time Machine Morlocks or as Oparians:

TMP link
TMP link

What do you think? Would they work?

As for the weapons, when they are ready I definitely want the hand weapon packs for my Neanderthals and Cromagnons.

Rock on!


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