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check our Manufacturers Directory.
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Mailing Lists
- Modern Wargames Mailing List
- "Discussions on wargaming periods from 1815 to the present (or near future) including:
games, rules figures and just about everything else."
- modmil-l
- "Topics welcome on miniature wargames dealing with any 20th century military action,
though we focus mainly on the period from WWI to the Gulf War and more recent conflicts.
This list is meant as an informal method of exchanging ideas and information only. We do
not promote any set of rules, preferring instead to focus on topical rather than
rules-specific concerns."
- World War II Skirmish
- "A list for World War II skirmish gamers of all kinds, this is for the 1:1 World War
II gamer. Drop on by and share your opinions."