Historical Links
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This Samurai
Warfare Ring
site is owned by Ronin-Merc.

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Mailing Lists
- Early American Wars
- "This is a list dedicated to the wars (and
wargames) that resulted from the contacts
between European and Indigenous American
Nations, Cultures, and Tribes. While not
adverse to 'What-ifs,' the intent is to
primarily deal with historically based
conflicts, their cause, their results,
and their portrayal in wargames,
particularly miniatures-oriented rules.
Time period is primarily late 1400's
through middle 1800's. Later and
current conflicts are not the main
purview of this list and are best served
on other lists. Respect and good manners
are expected from list members, even if
the discussion turns controversial in
nature. "
- Gekokujo
- "A mailing list dedicated to miniatures wargaming the wars of the Orient (ancient/feudal Japan/China, etc.) up to the 17 Century.
Topics include rules systems, military dress/uniforms, battles/scenarios, as well as
general discussion on the period.
If you are interested in wargaming the battles of this era/culture, then this is the list for you."
- REMPAS Mailing List
- "A list to discuss Renaissance, Early Modern, Pike and Shot... 1450-1721 Military
History, Warfare and Wargaming. No particular rule set is supported and discussion is
encouraged over a range of rule sets."