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Mailing Lists
- Early American Wars
- "This is a list dedicated to the wars (and
wargames) that resulted from the contacts
between European and Indigenous American
Nations, Cultures, and Tribes. While not
adverse to 'What-ifs,' the intent is to
primarily deal with historically based
conflicts, their cause, their results,
and their portrayal in wargames,
particularly miniatures-oriented rules.
Time period is primarily late 1400's
through middle 1800's. Later and
current conflicts are not the main
purview of this list and are best served
on other lists. Respect and good manners
are expected from list members, even if
the discussion turns controversial in
nature. "
- Modern Wargames Mailing List
- "Discussions on wargaming periods from 1815 to the present (or near future) including:
games, rules figures and just about everything else."
- Ironclads
- "This list is for the discussion of naval wargaming of the ironclad era, approximately
1860 to 1880. Topics may include any aspect of the history and gaming of this period."