VSF Scenario Design Contest Entries
This page lists all of the entries received for the VSF Scenario Design contest, starting with the most recent entry submitted. Click on the member's name to see the full entry. (17 entries)
11,261 hits since 21 Nov 2003
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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The Rules
The basic idea is pretty simple - some VSF (Victorian Science Fiction) scenarios are designed, the readers of TMP pick their favorite, and then the Editor organizes a TMP Project to paint and prepare everything needed for the scenario!
What this means is that this is your chance to help shape TMP contents for the near future...
The Requirements
The requirements are these:
- The scenario must be set on Mars during the Victorian era.
- Background - space travel was invented in the 19th Century, and Earth's major powers - Britain, France, Germany, and others - are competing to control Mars and its natives. In the low gravity of Mars, flying ships are a major form of transportation.
- Scenario must include a title, list of forces, map, game length, victory conditions, and any other information needed for play
- Scenario must also include a recommended figure scale, and a list of recommended miniatures (right down to catalog numbers) - after all, if you win, we'll need to obtain the figures...
- You may also suggest specific rulesets that you want used for the scenario. If the scenario requires special rules, you need to include those.
- fluff (fictional introduction) optional
The Deadline
All entries must be received by midnight, Pacific Standard Time, November 30th, 2003.
Email entries to the Editor at editor@theminiaturespage.com. Graphics should be sent as attachments, rather than embedded in a text file. The document should be in plain text or a popular word-processor format (not HTML). Remember to include your membername at TMP!
The Prizes
OK, it wouldn't be much of a contest without prizes, would it?
Brigade Models, a major manufacturer of models for the VSF game Aeronef, is providing Aeronef vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the contest - £40.00 GBP, £25.00 GBP and £15.00 GBP respectively.
That's enough prize money for a lot of ships...