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"Future Soldiers Like These in 28-30mm?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 3:07 a.m. PST

I guess this is the general look I am after, but in 28mm-30mm figures (and in more dynamic poses, of course):



Lowtardog27 Dec 2006 3:10 a.m. PST

What make are they CC? they look nice

Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 3:12 a.m. PST

Sorry. Those are the old Leading Edge "71102 Future Soldiers Boxed Set" for Terminator:

From what I understand, they are too small for my plans. I was hoping someone would suggest something similar for 28-30mm.


qar qarth27 Dec 2006 3:15 a.m. PST

Methinks Pig Iron should see these and make somethin' like it.

Grey Ronin27 Dec 2006 3:19 a.m. PST

GZG do a range in their Stargrunt figures; NSL Jaegers; VERY similar although closer to 25/28mm than 30mm…..

Images can be found on Eureka Miniatures web page.


Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 3:22 a.m. PST

Thanks. I just sent the following email to Pig Iron (at




I was wondering if you had plans to produce anything like these guys in the near future:
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Lowtardog27 Dec 2006 3:25 a.m. PST

there are a few, which I am sure you know of, in the Copplestone and EM-4 future wars ranges

you might also check out the New battelfield evolution rnage for near future troops

Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 3:35 a.m. PST


Those Mongoose Battlefield Evolution figures are these prepainted ones right?

If only Copplestone Castings and EM-4 had more variants of the "Paramilitary" corporate troop types, I might be able to convert them relatively easily:


Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 3:40 a.m. PST

Let's see if EM-4 has more of those moulds in their "vault". I just sent them the following email (at



Are there plans to release more of these "paramilitary" types in the near future?

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Dewbakuk27 Dec 2006 3:53 a.m. PST

I've been dreaming of more of those paramilitary types for years………………..

Dewbakuk27 Dec 2006 3:56 a.m. PST

West wind recently released the heads in forage caps though, although aimed at WWII, surely there isn't much difference in a forage cap. They could be used for head swaps with…….other figs

Pendekar27 Dec 2006 3:58 a.m. PST

The Figure Trader has at least one figure similar.


The game looks interesting, but I have been able to resist so far..


Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 4:07 a.m. PST

Wait a minute. Are those Ground Zero Games (GZG) figures compatible with Heresy and Hasslefree?

It looks that way on these photos:


Is this the case?

I was looking for government or corporate troop types to go with my Heresy and Hasslefree Sci-Fi figures. Would they work, or would they look too puny?


Lowtardog27 Dec 2006 6:24 a.m. PST

It really deoends on who sculpted them, if it is the same as the Vietnam stuff they will be very small indeed, nice but small?

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian27 Dec 2006 6:38 a.m. PST

GZG games figures, while very nice – tend to be true 25mm and are quite small in comparison with everything else out today. I have a bunch of their SG stuff – and it doesn't mix with anything else.

Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 10:30 a.m. PST

Thanks for the feedback on the GZG, guys!

I guess we can still hope that there are still some paramilitary moulds in the EM-4 vaults:


I hope, I hope, I hope.


Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 10:44 a.m. PST


I see what you were talking about now. That is a nice option:



TERMINATOR27 Dec 2006 11:53 a.m. PST

Having spent way too much time and money collecting the OOP Leading Edge figures.
I don't think there are any alternatives I have seen not already mentioned.

Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 12:06 p.m. PST

Thanks Terminator!


Thornhammer27 Dec 2006 12:31 p.m. PST

Hey, that Sabotage game might be kinda cool. Anybody played it?

On-topic, the EM-4 paras are really good. I just got four out of five that I ordered from Tin Dictator (two SMG guys, two shotgun guys, and the third figure they have listed as out of stock), and two sets of sentry guns. They'll make great corporate security.


Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 1:14 p.m. PST


Listed in the paramilitary:

0323 Corporate Guard/Militia/SWAT. SMG Firing
0324 Corporate Guard/Militia/SWAT. SMG Standing
0325 Corporate Guard/Militia/SWAT. Auto shotgun
0326 Sentry Gun x 2

However, don't forget this very NICE guy:

0018 Trooper Leader. Handgun. Cigar. Peaked fatigue cap.
He is listed with the Troopers


asgelb27 Dec 2006 10:33 p.m. PST


are those appropriate…they are from mongoose(makers of starship troopers) for their new table top game Battlefield Evolution which takes place 10-15 years in the futere…i believe i read somewhere that the scale is 35mm…only catch is that they are plastic and prepainted. I guess u could paint over it if you wanted.

asgelb27 Dec 2006 10:34 p.m. PST

i meant 30mm, not 35mm.

asgelb27 Dec 2006 10:36 p.m. PST

here are more

Cacique Caribe27 Dec 2006 10:48 p.m. PST


If they are not much bigger than 30mm, then paying $30 USD for nine figures might not be too bad, as long as the plastic can retake paint without losing too much detail.

I just don't like prepainted anything.


Lowtardog29 Dec 2006 2:50 a.m. PST

Back to the head swap for you CC, they look like the painted stuff could take it

jdr898730 Dec 2006 4:04 a.m. PST

You may also consider Eureka's SWAT Teams range, you can pick and choose the heads (3 with baseball caps) legs and torsos. 28mm might be worth a look.


Dewbakuk30 Dec 2006 7:17 a.m. PST

I was going to use them until I saw them. Big scale issues, the worst is the body holding the shotgun, my god the proportions are messed up on that body.

Cacique Caribe30 Dec 2006 10:03 p.m. PST

Looks like EM-4 does not have plans to make any more. :(

They replied that their future war range is complete.


Marauder12 Feb 2007 3:15 p.m. PST

Ral Partha' VOR Union Soldiers aren't too bad. Only thing I dont like about them is the way they have a short belt of ammo hanging freely from the Machine Gun's.

Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2007 4:00 p.m. PST

This is neat:



DAWGIE05 Mar 2007 7:50 a.m. PST

CC, the jpg you sent in bears a very strong resemblence to the concept of the VOR UNION troopers available from IRONWIND MINIATURES in the USA.

as for the LMG with the dangling partial belt of ammo, it is easy enough to file away, or leave as it is. . .

look close at he UNION soldiers: one series has a "BULLDOG" assault rifle only, and the other is armed with the "PITBULL" assault rifle w/repeating GL attachment (actually looks like a seperate weapon combined with the AR- there was a real life H & K G-11 concept that was similiar to this weapons system).

also COPPLESTONE MINIATURES makes a "future war" line of 28mm leads that are very similiar to the slightly smaller OOP GRENADIER "FUTURE WARS" leads that EM-4 makes. COPPLESTONE was the sculptor for the OOP GRENADIER line, so the style is the same!

these are very nice soldiers, so fly over and take a look-see!


Cacique Caribe11 Jul 2007 12:08 p.m. PST

Get ready for Connor and rebels vs the machines (next Terminator movie):

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Cacique Caribe21 Aug 2007 10:27 p.m. PST

Still looking for the right figures (28mm-30mm, metal AND unpainted) . . .

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Cacique Caribe21 Aug 2007 10:45 p.m. PST

THIS is the look:


No bulky armor, with flexibility being the key.

This is the criteria I'm still looking for in those future soldiers:

* 28mm-30mm figures
* Metal figures
* Unpainted


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