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"Who makes a Female figure in 18th C military garb ?" Topic

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Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2012 9:51 a.m. PST

I very much want to buy a figure for Lady Anne Mackintosh, "Colonel Anne" (nee Farquharson), who raised the Clan Chattan men for the Jacobite cause in 1745-46 (altho' she did not actually take the field -- my wife may want to use her as a personal command figure!). I'm thinking along the lines of a female in a short coat, bonnet, maybe a plaid; or maybe more likely, a figure in a more standard period regimental dress, long coat, tricorn -- think of Julia Ormond and the splendid figure she cut in "Young Catherine" as Catherine the Great at the head of her troops.

Conversion is beyond me at this level of precision and detail, so I'm hoping someone can direct me to a suitable figure that only requires some paint to do the trick. Possibly a female swashbuckler or pirate type could fit the bill. I'd prefer a mounted figure but foot is acceptable as well. Both would be even better.

Bonnie Prince Charlie and German Geordie thank you!

45thdiv30 Aug 2012 10:44 a.m. PST

What about looking at some of the female pirites? Reaper and foundry make some.


Huscarle30 Aug 2012 11:07 a.m. PST

How about Ral Partha's Countess Thesia?
Foundry's The Wicked Lady
Outpost's Dragoon Officer's wife

Angel Barracks30 Aug 2012 11:15 a.m. PST

I may be being dense….

What scale?

willthepiper30 Aug 2012 12:40 p.m. PST

These figures were recently discussed here, might be what you are looking for:
TMP link

Eureka has the Princess Sandra army – all on foot, I think, but seem to match your description:

Edit: the Minden figures are 1/56, and the Eureka figures are 28mm. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out the difference!

ian47130 Aug 2012 12:58 p.m. PST

There is also a lady riding side saddle from Willie (available from Spencer Smith Miniatures). Three variants.

abdul666lw30 Aug 2012 2:22 p.m. PST

About the Sandras: TMP link

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Afaik they are the only 28mm female minis in fully military garb; some lady pirates / female pirates captains are close to the mark.
(A Chinese firm produces rather similar figurines in 1/72 plastic).
The ladies in (hunting) riding habit and tricorne (2 of the Willies and 1 of the upcoming Minden) would not be too hard to arm, but the sidesaddle riding pose suggests to use them mainly for regimental godmothers / honorary colonels -or mistresses of a French Marshal.
Willie also has a lady in hussar uniform (in the 'early Bonaparte' range) in 2 variants, one riding astride.

As for the compatibility of sizes / scales, women are on the average more petites than men, thus 28mm Sandras would not look odd with male 30mm Mindens. 30mm ladies on the other hand would look tall among 28mm males (maybe they are 'larger than life' characters?) but perhaps not too dramatically so. In 'The Real World™' Sigourney Weaver is a lot taller than Sarah Shahi grin (in 1/60 they would differ by more than 2mm); and one can easily gain or lose 1.5 – 2mm by playing with the thickness of the base.

Now, simply giving a tricorne to a figurine immediately 'tags' it "18th C.", and for some reason it works better with female ones.

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Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2012 4:47 p.m. PST

Thanks, all! Some great prospects here!

Yes, I meant 25/28mm scale. Sorry for the omission.

abdul666lw31 Aug 2012 3:07 a.m. PST

Several neither precisely 18th C. nor exactly 'military' -but nonetheless with some appeal- female adventurers are hidden in odd places, for exemple Copplestone 'Duellist' (sic) [great cleavage]

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in the Science-Fiction 'Cobalt' range link
and this one among Bronze Age Werecreatures:

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The 'boardgame with minis'A touch of evil includes characters (available separately)

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Among them a female monster hunter

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of rather military look, her hand-crossbow (shooting wooden stakes and silver-tipped bolts, I suppose?) probably not too hard to convert to a pistol. Unfortunately, she is far less sexy than her likely model

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TMP link

Other relevant links there: link

abdul666lw31 Aug 2012 3:44 a.m. PST

Now, for more… intimate scenes, Foundy female 'Revenant Elves', their ears 'normalized', would look like 18th C. women

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(some, it's true, specially -but not exclusively- fitting for 18th C. witches or vampire countesses).

Lion in the Stars31 Aug 2012 7:28 p.m. PST

There's also the Privateer Press 'Black 13th':

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The female character is available separately for $5.25 USD, and the Black 13th are much smaller than the rest of the Warmahordes line (closer to true-scale 28mm, not heroic at all).

abdul666lw01 Sep 2012 1:58 a.m. PST

With their tricornes and cuffs the Arcane Mages indeed scream to appear in "alternate 18th C." games – Threshold / Torchwood agents, maybe?

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One female mage in each set, seemingly

Lion in the Stars01 Sep 2012 2:21 a.m. PST

Which isn't a problem, since you can bits order the individual models from link

The 're-sculpt' female is the leader, link , and the 'classic' female is the Gun Mages Lt., link

Direct links to the store page for bits orders in both cases.

abdul666lw01 Sep 2012 4:49 a.m. PST


This one does NOT look very 'military', but…. evil grin

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(Eureka, also sold by Irregular).

The German (? made in China, anyway) 1/72 female soldiers:

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Two silly marketing mistakes:
- while clearly 'tricorne times' [SYW by the turns-back and short waistcoat, WAS or even WSS by the large tricorne), advertized as 'Napoleonic', probably because some 'commercial' read stats showing that Napoleonic wargaming minis sell better than SYW ones: thus most potential buyers will miss them, and Napoleonic players will ignore the advert, so much the more as most of them are die-hard 'historicals';
- the packaging of the infantry is specially consumer-unfriendly: a single musket-bearing 'private' for 1 drummer, 1 standard-bearer and 1 officer.

Nominally 1/72, but then, maybe on thick base, the officer can appear in a 28 – 30mm background as a very young (or Avril Lavigne sized wink) prinzessin.

spontoon01 Sep 2012 8:33 a.m. PST

Not many of these are mounted!

spontoon01 Sep 2012 8:37 a.m. PST

I'd go with the Outpost Dragoon Officer's Wife, mounted version. If you really wanted the hat brim could be bent up to a tricorne, but I'd leave it as is. The clothes are well suited to painting tartan on.

Besides Jeff Bevan of Outpost is a friend of mine!

abdul666lw02 Sep 2012 2:20 a.m. PST

I'd go with the Outpost Dragoon Officer's Wife, mounted version.

At last she does not have the 'frightened victim' attitude of the dismounted version.

The clothes are well suited to painting tartan on.

A Highlander? Hope you'll post a link to pics! And also to the background / setting, it's intriguing. Please keep us informed.

spontoon02 Sep 2012 8:05 a.m. PST

Well, Lady Macintosh doesn't seem to be the easily frightened sort.

Painting tartans is my specialty; but I admit I haven't tried it since my chemo last year and the fingers still have a bit of numbness!

spontoon02 Sep 2012 8:07 a.m. PST

Those German/Chinese female figures are marvelous sculpture! Didn't one of the 18th. cent. monarchs have a unit of female soldiers?

Too bad about the bases. I guess they'd make good chess pieces!

Come In Nighthawk02 Sep 2012 1:03 p.m. PST

Who makes -- and sells -- those German lasses? Link? Danke!

abdul666lw02 Sep 2012 2:29 p.m. PST

Prince Lupus, a regular here, posted a link on his blog: link
Unfortunately the link provided is now 'dead'.
Maybe you can contact him through his blog, or at the address given in the post ?
Otherwise, Paul of Paul's Bods and Bodstonia blogs, also a regular here and on the 18th C. ImagiNations board, may have some information?

ge2002bill03 Sep 2012 10:34 a.m. PST

Minden has:
Edward Suren's 18th C. Hunting Party has some and there is a Lady in an hussar uniform – all mounted. No time to find these for you right now. Check Spencer Smith for 30mm Willies or Tradition of London.
Bon chance,

freecloud04 Sep 2012 3:30 a.m. PST

Hinterland's Princess Viktoria with a bit of conversion?


I'm considering her for my Imagi-Nation!

abdul666lw04 Sep 2012 3:35 a.m. PST

Waiting for the pics!

Paint Pig05 Sep 2012 3:51 a.m. PST

Who makes -- and sells -- those German lasses? Link? Danke!

Toys and More

For English speakers simply email him with the order, quoting product number and quantity.

More of the artillery crew here.



abdul666lw06 Sep 2012 4:58 a.m. PST

Searched the web for 18th C. paintings of 'women in riding habit' and a tricorne is far more typical than any other hat
TMP link
Besides, it immediately 'labels' a figurine "18th C."

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spontoon07 Sep 2012 4:13 p.m. PST

Now that's from Brotherhood of the wolf!

abdul666lw08 Sep 2012 2:49 a.m. PST

Of course! Did you hope I'd miss an opportunity to mention the movie? Or, since you kindly throw me a line, to post a (relevant) photo of Monica Bellucci

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and even a less relevant (but still showing a tricorne) one

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Mad Guru09 Sep 2012 5:53 p.m. PST

As military history periods go, I don't care all that much about the 18th Century, but I still gotta love Monica Bellucci.

abdul666lw17 Dec 2012 5:56 a.m. PST

The image is unclear, but seemingly two of the new Arcane Tempest Gun Mages riders are female:

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And of course now there is this potential source: TMP link

CooperSteveOnTheLaptop19 Dec 2012 5:29 a.m. PST

I clothed a Copplestone Godiva (via Northstar) with putty. laborious but worth it

abdul666lw19 Dec 2012 5:56 a.m. PST

@ CooperSteveOnTheLaptop: pics, pics, pics! grin

Come In Nighthawk21 Dec 2012 7:19 a.m. PST

@ CooperSteveOnTheLaptop: pics, pics, pics!!! thumbs up

abdul666lw05 Jan 2013 11:01 a.m. PST

The only photo published is not that clear, but Hinterland Miniatures link Princess Cecilie - Mounted

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would probably not be too hard to convert to be '18th C. compatible'?
Nitpicking: file down the peak of the helmet, 18th C. helmets were deprived of such; paint any neck cover as hair.
Unfortunately the foot version with pickelhaube and huge pistol holster looks definitively Late Victorian.

To escort her Hinterland Minis offer lancers

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but they lack an appropriate saddlecloth and the 'saddle pistol holsters' &c. would need advanced conversion / masking with greenstuff.
For the heads the chinstraps cannot be removed but at least remove the pompon: it was on the side, not in the front, in the 18th c.

Come In Nighthawk23 Dec 2022 7:58 a.m. PST

A looooonnng wait, but check out Flags of War Jacobites:


Regular price (currently): £5.00 GBP

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jan 2023 12:11 a.m. PST

Hey now! As I live and breathe! Someone has sculpted an actual mini for her ladyship! I'll be gobsmacked.

And this entire range of figures is new to me! Too bad I have more Jacobites than I need already -- so I'll obviously buy some more!

In the intervening years, I made a clumsy conversion of an 18th century noblewoman on horseback, made a crude tricorn out of her headgear, painted her gown in tartan, and called it enough. But it may be time for an upgrade. Thanks, Nighthawk, for weighing in after all this time!

(I have been away from TMP myself for some years until recently, house moving.)

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jan 2023 12:24 a.m. PST

Couldn't find an image showing the full costume, but this is something like I was looking for (Julia Ormond in "Young Catherine", military sequences). Tricorn or bonnet, either would work for me!

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