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Paint Pig25 Apr 2012 5:34 p.m. PST

Not a joke last time I emailed Nic about the progress of the 18th C femme fatales he made mention of the pillow fighters. Send him an email, I'm sure he will fill you in on the details.


spontoon28 Apr 2012 6:50 a.m. PST

Well, I think I will use the RAFM females from the Flint and Feather Range as my "Wegiment of Wenches". Probably a skirmish unit in "green gowns" ( see the 1811 Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue). Not quite sure what to do with the two figures carrying sprogs. Any suggestions?

abdul666lw28 Apr 2012 11:31 a.m. PST

Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.


And yes, green gowns… they are veterans and sisters-in-arms of the soldiers, in their own way.
In Indochina, in the convoys visiting the Foreign Legion isolated posts monthly, they were in the same truck as the chaplain, the mail and the pay. Once, a chaplain declined the medal he was awarded for how he had sustained the morale of the legionaries during an ambush, because the High Staff refused to award the same to the girls. At Dien Bien Phu they became devoted auxiliary nurses. Yes, green gowns have their place in an army.

trailape29 Apr 2012 1:43 a.m. PST

Finally, I've heard once before from a source about an alleged set (a pair?) of "pillow fighting girls in Hussar jackets." But I have never seen any images of them. Is this a joke?? Or are they real? Inquiring minds want to know -- and want to see them!

They do exsist. I have a pair.
I'll post pics soon.

trailape30 Apr 2012 5:36 a.m. PST

As promised, you can find photos of the Pillow fighting female hussars here:
Last photos at the bottom of the page.

spontoon30 Apr 2012 1:45 p.m. PST

I think they're actually placing sandbags!

freecloud01 May 2012 9:13 a.m. PST

I saw the pillow fighters in Hussar uniforms at Salute, nearly got em but went for Ophelia Phondlewell instead.


abdul666lw01 May 2012 11:50 a.m. PST

Fitting in any Lace Wars French HQ vignette [except for the duck :) ]!

spontoon04 May 2012 1:51 p.m. PST

Shouldn't Marshall Saxe figures come with a brace of " actresses"?

abdul666lw05 May 2012 3:24 a.m. PST

Maurice de Saxe was indeed so fond of young actresses and ballerinas that he invented the Théâtre aux Armées (well, à l'Etat Major, at least).
One of his long-lasting innovations, together with a colors code for companies in the French army (still in use, while the code had changed),
the green uniform of French dragoons (lasted until 1871) (and thus of French Chasseurs à Cheval and Chevau-Légers, derived from the Dragons) -imagine the consequences, had he instead of green be fond of light blue (Bonaparte), yellow (Berthier) or amaranth (Murat)? A typical 'historical accident' inspirational for Imagi-Nations builders.
And chiefly the 'Schömberg' helmet, not only worn still to-day by several 'Guard' units in Europe and America, but the crest of which still appears on the helmet of firemen of numerous countries over all continents.

spontoon05 May 2012 5:27 a.m. PST

There you go! How about female Cavalry figures with Schomberg helmets, lances, harem pants. Not much else.

abdul666lw05 May 2012 8:35 a.m. PST

A lovely female version of the Volontaires de Saxe indeed (would it be gross to name them the Volontaires de Sexe? de Saixe then, in French it sounds the same; colonel Claire Boisson, Marquise de Pompundur).

abdul666lw12 Sep 2012 8:45 a.m. PST

'Civilian' but probably not too hard to 'militarize' with added belted weapons (Freebooter accessories e.g. link )
TMP link



For alternate, more 'imagi-native' (because of a few 'Renaissance' looking details of their clothes) 18th C. female soldiers, the Freebooter Arquebusieres look promising:




and of their Asaltores (Marines, seemingly) is female

It would probably not be very hard to give all of them a tricorne from the Wargame Factory 'Generic WSS cavalry' set?

Cardinal Hawkwood12 Sep 2012 2:57 p.m. PST

somebody should Kickstart this project

abdul666lw13 Sep 2012 12:02 p.m. PST

What about conversions?
TMP link

Kevin in Albuquerque05 Nov 2012 9:49 a.m. PST

There's more than hope on the horizon. TMP is running a banner today for RastlWorld Mini's. Their slogan is 'Perk up your troops.'


abdul666lw05 Nov 2012 11:29 a.m. PST

Not in tricornes, unfortunately….



If they do alternate heads they should really offer a 18th C. one: what remains of the uniform is NOT that much 'period specific', after all grin

With shakos they somehow remind me of the musical video which gave me the colors pattern for the uniform of the Monte-Cristan CarabiniersYouTube link

And none of the planned 'Bombshell Babes' is in tricorn either, even the 'pirette' wears a silly Napoleonic bicorne (lake some Black Scorpion pirate girls, alas!): unfortunate memory of Jean Lafitte?


Musketier05 Nov 2012 12:29 p.m. PST

Interesting migration of the "raquettes", from head to hip…

abdul666lw06 Nov 2012 1:16 p.m. PST

Napoleonic RHA, but Peter Young ('Charge!) used them in his quasi-SYW armies, so…


I'm afraid RastlWorld Minis made a marketing mistake when choosing the Napoleonic period (3D Models link made the same when advertising as 'Napoleonic' their female soldiers in tricornes). Napoleonic as a wargaming period is certainly more popular than the Lace Wars, but 'Napoleonics' tend to be 'hysterically historical'; Lace Wars players are a far more tolerant, open-minded bunch (compare the number of Lacepulp / Lacepunk games with those of Horror / SF one set in the Napoleonic period, remember the *horrified* reception to '1812 – Napoleon on Mars' and 'Napoleon and the Armies of Mars', and how more frequently pirates in tricornes than Napoleonic sailors encounter zombies, Deep Ones, dinosaurs and cave girls in fur bikini).
Last evidence of a market for 18th C. winsome warriors: TMP link

Were I 'hysterically historical' I'd criticize the g-string / pants: women did not wear 'underwear' before late in the 19th C.; very long rustling panties were first worn by upper class very young girls ca. 1840, when shorter skirts (to mid-calf!) became fashionable for them. The first adult women to sport underwear were cancan dancers, for obvious reasons.

abdul666lw07 Nov 2012 4:00 a.m. PST

A (seemingly) female character of the video game 'Assassin's creed 3'


I know very little of the game link
Most of AWI aficionados howled / screamed out of outrage. I suspect that set during the FIW the game would have enjoyed a better reception.

abdul666lw11 Nov 2012 6:05 a.m. PST

Really deserving to inspire a 28mm sculptor:


( link ): i.e. variations (two kits?) on:

Breeches and dragoon bottines or riding skirt; pistol or sword in left hand, razorblades-edged fan or sword in right hand (with the fan not as thick as a waffle iron, for once -the great weakness of the Freebooter and Laughing Monk corresponding minis); conveniently available on foot and riding, as was the norm for 'Dungeon adventurers' in the good old times.

(see also: link)

spontoon14 Nov 2012 4:25 p.m. PST

No Highland Lassies anyone?

Paint Pig14 Nov 2012 11:40 p.m. PST

Never seen such a thing spontoon, interesting subject matter though.


Joppyuk15 Nov 2012 2:32 a.m. PST

I don't think anyone has mentioned supporting literature. Can I point you towards 'Monstrous Regiment' by Terry Pratchett.

abdul666lw15 Nov 2012 5:36 a.m. PST


Quoted inspiration for "Frivolous" Fiona McGillicuddy from link
but indeed no appropriate figurine, even approximately, in any wargaming scale?

spontoon16 Nov 2012 8:27 p.m. PST

Monstrous Regiment! Wonderful book!

abdul666lw17 Nov 2012 6:02 a.m. PST

Not 'historically accurate' enough, I fear?




But it could be worse:


spontoon17 Nov 2012 8:13 a.m. PST

Worse? Still no buxom besoms with targe and pistols!

Come In Nighthawk17 Nov 2012 8:51 a.m. PST

But it could be worse?

Worse?? Wow! Except she's missing the red facings:

Hmmm, Nic @ Eureka!? Are you thinking what I am thinking!?? Countess Sandra's Le Régiment Royal Écossais

Mike Target18 Nov 2012 3:30 a.m. PST

Personally Id prefer something a little more…restrained…



abdul666lw18 Nov 2012 5:56 a.m. PST

Nic @ Eureka!? Are you thinking what I am thinking!?? Countess Sandra's Le Régiment Royal Écossais

You'd more chances with Shadowforge – or RastlWorld Minis.

Personally Id prefer something a little more…restrained…

This one with tartan trousers / pantyhose under her skirts?

spontoon18 Nov 2012 6:18 a.m. PST

I'm sure that Countess Sandra would have GARDE ecossaise!

spontoon18 Nov 2012 6:20 a.m. PST

H'mmm. Now I'm minded that the baby in the arms of one of the RAFM female settlers could be turned into a bagpipe!

abdul666lw18 Nov 2012 8:37 a.m. PST

But does she wear a bonnet?


abdul666lw20 Nov 2012 3:45 a.m. PST

No Highland Lassies anyone?

Could not this one be propitious to conversion?


Cacique Caribe22 Nov 2012 11:18 p.m. PST

I absolutely love "navel wargaming":



abdul666lw23 Nov 2012 1:45 a.m. PST

Cacique, this one is NOT of my taste!

This one, on the other hand…


Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Nov 2012 5:05 a.m. PST

This thread should be moved over to the Needs More Boobies board. evil grin

abdul666lw24 Nov 2012 8:36 a.m. PST

Cacique, were you mistaking 'navel wargaming' with 'navel gazing'? grin

This on the other hand could lead to navel wargaming of sorts:



spontoon25 Nov 2012 7:56 p.m. PST

@ Abdul666lw;

Now we're getting there! Just give her a broadsword and a targe!

AnneOleary26 Nov 2012 1:52 a.m. PST

I've bookmarked this thread because there are so many great links here. Thank you for sending me to this thread :)

abdul666lw27 Nov 2012 4:39 a.m. PST

Opinions wanted about possible '18th C. alternate heads' (with tricorne, mirlition, busby…) for RastlWorld Miniatures 'Winsome Napoleonic Soldiers'



and general comments / suggestions about future figurines.
Discussion started there TMP link (scroll down a little) please if interested post on that thread so that all relevant messages are kept together.

An interesting (but purely virtual at the time being) possibility for Lace Wars Imagi-Nations creators with a sense of wittiness, specially if one of them please manifest your interest.

abdul666lw27 Nov 2012 7:23 a.m. PST

Btw I wonder if the peculiar uniform depicted by Maurice de Saxe in his Rêveries for his proposed Légion could be the basis of a 'winsome soldier'?



= link
You (almost) already have very high skintight leather thighboots…
The upper body of the Adeptus Custodes by Rogue Trader times complements the pattern nicely:

abdul666lw01 Dec 2012 9:22 a.m. PST

Now we're getting there! Just give her a broadsword and a targe!

Lacks the targe:

El Viejo Dragon link

Come In Nighthawk01 Dec 2012 10:35 a.m. PST

Too bad she's not available in 28mm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frown

Come In Nighthawk01 Dec 2012 3:37 p.m. PST

Now, I may be putting 2 & 2 together and coming up with 7… grin Not that long ago, IIRC, one could find the old Sandras listed on Nic's site in Oz. NOT today…

On the other hand, 100CLUBHM100, the "Female Imagination Infantry," and 100CLUBHM101, the "Female Imagination Cavalry," are both showing as subscribed at 100+! Regretfully, 100CLUBHM102, the "Female Imagination Artillery," are lagging behind at only 25+. "C'mon man!" How can you have "troopies" and no guns!! grin BUT… but I wonder? Do these signs and portents suggest that the "new" infantry and cavalry are even now being designed for initial casting & release early next year?? Maybe the new "guns" will be released too, although they haven't been subscribed sufficiently yet? One lives in hope…

Now, I should state that I DO hope that the old "Sandras" will not be discontinued UNLESS there will be a number of new figures to replace them -- essentially new sculpts of the four old infantry figures, brought up to date as it were, "new & improved!" Frankly, "I" could live with the old ones -- he**, I have four 12-figure "battalions" in "full kit," and four more in "summer marching order!!" I was actually hoping to get new poses and units added to the four old figures; jaegers-zu-fuss, dismounted dragoons and/or dismounted hussars skirmishing (with officers!!), grenadiers (at least), and maybe, in keeping with a Central Europe theme, either fusiliers (with command figures), or, "Pandours!" (with command figures!). And that's not to mention at least Dragoons and Hussars 'moungst the cavalry (with command figures!). I certainly hope that IF the old Sandys are withdrawn, that then in addition to some new "line infantry" sculpts (four, to replace the four withdrawn?), we get some of the other flavours I have suggested as well!! thumbs up

Nic, are you out there!!!??? wink

abdul666lw02 Dec 2012 3:43 a.m. PST

Actually I wish (but don't dare to hope) the 'current' (still? They were never visible on the Eureka site) Sandras *expanded*. A welcome addition -not requiring a tremendous investment, since they are already in boots and Eureka produces lots of suitable horses- would be riding versions of the infantry (dragoons). Useful as such, and allowing to dismount them in a skirmish / 'adventure' game.

Come In Nighthawk02 Dec 2012 7:52 a.m. PST

On reflection, I believe abdul666lw is correct, that is to say, that the Sandras may not have been illustrated on Eureka's website. I do think there was at least a "place holder" for them, however. There certainly was such a "place holder" at the Eureka USA site until recently.


Any new figure requires significant sculpting, even if based on an existing figure. One couldn't just take a saw to a current Sandra infantry figure, cut it in half, and glue the torso onto a new set of legs. The musket has to be dispensed with, and the infantry haversack replaced by a proper sword/scabbard. A decision then has to be made about how to arm the figure. Should the sculptor leave a sword hilt & guard showing in the scabbard, and have the figure hold a carbine or a horse pistol? Or the "traditional" sculpt of the figure holding its sword? Or waving it excitedly? grin

That said, the sculptor who made the two existing "marching order" and two "summer marching order" Sandras, if still on Eureka's staff (or available to be "tapped," if a freelance), ought to be able to apply her/his skills to creating at least a new Sandra "dragoon," based heavily upon the existing marching Sandras. I proposed as much to Nic almost two years ago…

I would assume that we could have two such dragoons, one in "full kit" and one in "summer riding kit!" wink I'd love lots of cavalry, but I would be satisfied if we at least got dragoons, though I'd be happier if we got BOTH dragoons AND hussars. But, back to dragoons.

Of course, I would not just want dragoon "troopers," I would want a command set for these dragoons as well!! These should parallel the existing infantry command set. That is, at a minimum, the command set should include a dragoon officer, a standard bearer, and a drummer -- with maybe the infantry fifer being replaced by a trumpeter?

I really wish the infantry command set had a parallel set in "summer marching order." Maybe, as part of this release, assuming the "current" infantry sets are maintained, an additional infantry command set in "summer marching order" could be added? Maybe its also time to have the four existing infantry command figures "cleaned up," as part of making new moulds?

So, at that rate, I'd like to see two mounted dragoon command sets; one in "full kit," and one set in "summer order." wink

Finally, if dragoons were the first, the easiest, cavalry to produce, then ANOTHER modification of the "marching" infantry that Eureka could release might be to give us dismounted dragoons -- in one or more "active" poses while skirmishing! Since all the existing figures wear the thigh-high boots already, in a pinch, the existing infantry command set could be used with any new dismounted dragoons. However, it would be nice to get a new dismounted dragoons command set -- one that was in a more "active" set of poses! thumbs up

spontoon02 Dec 2012 12:07 p.m. PST


Oh, well, it's the targe that makes the fig worthwhile…

abdul666lw02 Dec 2012 1:05 p.m. PST

Hopefully Eureka, now distributing (having absorbed?) Shadowforge, will not be content for 18th C. female soldiers with the Shadowforge 'Lady Something's Rifles': they were awful (not sure they have them, they were part of the 33mm 'Laughing Monk' range which seems to have disappeared in the transfer: too bad for the "Not Monica Bellucci in Brotherhood of the Wolf'" 'Scarlet Woman' -a 'larger than life character' compared to most minis, unfortunately).

In any case I hope new figurines, from Eureka and otherwise, will be in 'true' 28mm (I *hate* 32 – 35mm -for the same reasons why I hated both the new 'heroic 28mm' and 15mm when I had accumulated ≥ 1200 25mm!!!); so they will be compatible with other 28mm ranges but also with 1/56 ones: women being on the average more petite than men, 28mm girlies look good besides 30 or even 32mm males (but the opposite.. not so).

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