evilleMonkeigh | 09 Sep 2011 7:14 a.m. PST |
Kinda inspired by "what do you have on your workbench" TMP link I'd like to see people's completed 15mm armies. Given the fact I am only a recent 15mm convert and have 7 or 8 completed*, I'm sure there are some with frightening ridiculous amounts of troops ready to play with. *(I notice I have 7 or 8 completed and 3 or 4 WIP in 15mm – almost a direct reverse of the proportion of completed 28mm projects I have. Similar experience for you?) --------------------WANTED--------------------------- Pics – if possible – would be great – I'd love to see what inventive things other people are doing with their goodies The 'theme' or your 'fluff' for the army (i.e. is it an armoured platoon or a rapid-response force) Manufacturer (if more than one) so others know where to look if inspired by your interesting toys --------------------------------------------------------- I'll lead off with two platoons of 15mm I had out tonight (and perhaps inspire others not to be scared to show sub-par paintjobs!) Mercenary Khurasan Felids link UNSC GZG Marines link
more to come when I have camera handy next Show us what you've got – and maybe inspire others! |
Gunner Dunbar ![Supporting Member of TMP Supporting Member of TMP](boards/icons/sp.gif) | 09 Sep 2011 7:50 a.m. PST |
Hi Evil Not really finished, as I consider them ever expanding, but for whats its worth. 1) Colonial marines – (they will be re designated, as Khurasan has brought out not colonial marines, which I now have, but are yet to paint) figures are GZG NAC, walkers are conversions, vehicles are converted 1/72nd Saracens. link 2) Berserkers/Terminators – Infantry bots from the scene, walkers and tanks converted from GW Necrons. link 3) Xenos – Khurasan space demons link I also have in 15mm Samurai Medieval Germans Polybian Romans EI Romans Orks Dwarves Undead Also some Napoleonics, French, Brits I have a lot of in progress 15mm armies of all eras. |
SheriffLee | 09 Sep 2011 7:52 a.m. PST |
15mm Orksis- Orks in Space Mersian – Dynosour Raptores Empire of Man – Space Imperials from Imperial Commander RED REDEMPTION – Rebels from Imperical Commander SPUGS – Space Bugs Humans – lots and lots of humans some with Power Armor K'kree Two Thousand Worlds – Traveler Vargar – Traveler Eldritch Caste Elfs – Universalist Command from Blue Moon |
Roosta | 09 Sep 2011 8:01 a.m. PST |
15mm British/colonial 1879. Zulu's I intended to do more with the Red coats but I've not gotten around to it yet.Paul |
clkeagle | 09 Sep 2011 8:07 a.m. PST |
In 28mm, I had one army at 75% completion, two others at 25%, and about eight others with a few models collected and maybe assembled. That was it. In 15mm, I have over a dozen playable armies, and many more in progress. I find I'm able to complete playable forces in just two or three painting sessions. First army I painted and played was a mechanical force. It consisted of Rebel Scourge infantry: link And has since added 15mm.Co.Uk Automaton flyers and tracked 'bots. My next armies were skirmish-size forces – Laserburn Law Officers (to which I later added a GZG Combat Car) and ex-The Scene Space Orks. link I still use these forces today with In The Emperor's Name. One of the forces I use the most is my Conquest Development Center army. It consists of Rebel Titan Marine infantry, Rebel dropships, and Old Crow grav tanks/APCs/scouts. link Originally it included GZG Cyclops Walkers, but I've now replaced those with Kremlin Red Banner MANITOU. link I have another corporate army (Aurora Group) consisting of Micropanzer infantry, GZG light tracked vehicles, and Kremlin Rising Sun MANITOU walkers. More tracks have been finished since this pic was taken, but:
For a one-weekend project, I made this force using Rebel Sons Of Thunder and Blue Moon Walkers:
Then I have a force of Khurasan Felids with Critical Mass Protolene vehicles. This one is definitely still a work-in-progress (needs more infantry), but it can be used for small games. Another very short painting project (once I figured out the scheme) was GZG Crusties. I added a GZG Guncrab as their support vehicle – works pretty well. See the Crusties vs the Felid/Protolene army here: link When Rebel released the Droptroopers and CATs, I saw a pretty cool army idea. It was definitely the quickest force I've painted. It currently consists of 2 of these units:
And I just began work on a Micropanzer Aliens force. Here is the start of it
I've finished two units of five Ravaui since this post. link And this doesn't count the random five-to-fifteen-figure skirmish forces I've painted and played (Critical Mass Astagar, Blue Moon Universalists). I may grow these into full-size forces in the future. :) I'm going to do two more "weekend project" armies in the future. One will be Blue Moon Orions with Brigade Euro vehicles, and the other will be Kremlin Cyberian infantry with converted Hot Wheel vehicles. My two largest multi-stage "planned" forces are Critical Mass ARC Infantry with Combat Wombat vehicles, and Critical Mass Protolene infantry with ARC Fleet Vehicles. Those two are going to be my snow-table forces. Chris K. |
clkeagle | 09 Sep 2011 8:08 a.m. PST |
Oops, forgot these guys: NAC with Old Crow Hammer's Slammers vehicles.
Chris K. |
Shagnasty ![Supporting Member of TMP Supporting Member of TMP](boards/icons/sp.gif) | 09 Sep 2011 8:18 a.m. PST |
10 15mm armies, most pairs of a conflict. |
doc mcb | 09 Sep 2011 8:22 a.m. PST |
Heavens! An army corps each of Yanks and Rebs; Frederick's Prussians and MT's Austrians; and dozens of fantasy armies, primarily Splintered Light but also many Demonworld, Ral partha, etc. etc. |
Stepman3 | 09 Sep 2011 8:22 a.m. PST |
Pictors Studio | 09 Sep 2011 8:46 a.m. PST |
I'm guessing we are only talking sci-fi. In that case I have three. One Starship trooper army and two bug armies for different kinds of bugs. I have the figs for a Skinny army but don't have them painted yet. I also have a bunch of skinny civilians but don't have them painted yet either. |
John Treadaway | 09 Sep 2011 8:52 a.m. PST |
In 15mm
My Walheim Dragoons:
link My Eaglewing Squadron:
link My Ariete Division
My Wrangel's Legion
and Fasolini's Company
link John T |
Rothgar | 09 Sep 2011 9:26 a.m. PST |
Old NAC New NAC NSL Crusties Alien mercs Grey aliens Quar |
Moe the Great | 09 Sep 2011 9:42 a.m. PST |
Well if we are only talking SCI-Fi then 2 Terminator Army. (not 40k but T100's) "I'll be back" HOTT Grey Aliens I also have 6 FOW, 2 FOG and 900 Rebel Mini Zombies (just for fun) |
Personal Insult | 09 Sep 2011 10:17 a.m. PST |
Pictors Studio, what are you using for the starship troopers? I've been keeping my eye out for something like the film, but so far I haven't found anything particularly close. Thanks |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 09 Sep 2011 11:27 a.m. PST |
Laserburn Imperial Infantry, heavily reinforced platoon with Old Crow armour and Takara 1:144 VOTOM Dreadnoughts/Robots
Laserburn Black Guard platoon with IFV and more VOTOMS
Laserburn Redemption Strike Force
Colonial Marine Platoon
HOF Levy Platoon + 2 more not pictured
Laserburn Law Enforcement Plt
Laserburn Mobile Scout/Mercenary Plt
Low Tech Light Armour Company plus misc old GZG APCs and Tanks
Not shown more low tech armour, 40-man Traveller mid-tech platoon with a weapons section, a 30-man high-tech Traveller platoon, and GZG support weapons section. And 100-odd miscellaneous figures mostly Traveller and Laserburn with the odd Asgard alien. |
Mooseworks8 | 09 Sep 2011 11:45 a.m. PST |
Jeff W | 09 Sep 2011 12:00 p.m. PST |
JRacel | 09 Sep 2011 12:35 p.m. PST |
Wow, I don't even know where to start on this one, so I will give you my wife's answer. "Too Many!" Jeff |
Wolfprophet | 09 Sep 2011 12:41 p.m. PST |
3 Finished. Felids Space Demons/Xenomorphs and a 13 man team ODSTs made with Khurasan's Federals. all of them however, are pending expansion. Unfinished I have Prawns 2nd House of Felids K-series Xenomorphs(Human grown as a bio weapon. Failed, became feral.) Jo-Eli Freehold forces which is Army(Made using Rebel Minis home guard.) and their elite troops(Control Battalions) Lhurrgs Resistance forces(made mainly with Peter Pig figures but supplemented by Khurasan stuff.) Pelagic Dominate Protolene Khanates and finally
Zombies! Lots n' lots of Zombies. Only 44 of them right now in various stages, but aiming for a 150-ish by this time next year. |
Shagnasty ![Supporting Member of TMP Supporting Member of TMP](boards/icons/sp.gif) | 09 Sep 2011 12:50 p.m. PST |
If we are talking SciFi, none. |
Goober | 09 Sep 2011 2:03 p.m. PST |
GZG: Old and new mixed NAC USNC hardsuits and Light Infantry Kra'vak FSE OUDF Crusties Japanese Powered armour seen here: link CMG: Protolene Khanate strike force Arc Trooper Light Recon various mercenaries and ship crew. Khurasan: Feli Assorted 15mm.co.uk Laserburn, Heavy Gear, Peter Pig moderns, Rebel Minis and Brigade vehicles. Lots and lots and lots of 15mm WW2 US stuff. Enough for three full companies in Flames of War. |
infojunky | 09 Sep 2011 2:25 p.m. PST |
Armies? None
. Assorted squads 5 or 10 maybe
. Individual figures and vehicles 500+ I take that back, I have a army of Stan Johansen's armored infantry with Brigade's Tassigny hover APCs done and in a box
. The same box has My Rats vs. Lizards armies for Sewer Wars. The Rats and Lizards are from Pendraken's 10mm SF, but they work just fine in 15mm. |
Ron W DuBray | 09 Sep 2011 5:03 p.m. PST |
none in 15mm but with 5000 + painted minis in 28mm I would have to think on that for a bit. Some have been in boxes for over 7 years. |
Gunner Dunbar ![Supporting Member of TMP Supporting Member of TMP](boards/icons/sp.gif) | 09 Sep 2011 5:48 p.m. PST |
there are some amazing armies on this thread, well done to all. |
Sundance | 09 Sep 2011 8:29 p.m. PST |
Lots of great pics, guys. One of these days I want to paint up some GZG stuff. Mainly for use in Traveller type games. Gotta get some more of the leadpile finished off first. |
AVAMANGO | 09 Sep 2011 8:45 p.m. PST |
Im still new to 15mm sci-fi and still testing the water so to speak, but over the past few months ive bought a Micropanzer SAS force of 30x troops and 3x Alien APC's, also approx 50x Khurasan space demons and a queen also from Khurasan i recently bought the Exterminator marines and both the Control Battalion packs, finally i have 2x packs of Bluemoon Orion heavy infantry with 3x Apollo hover tanks from Brigade miniatures. I have hundreds of mechs as i still play Battletech and several dropships also from playing Battletech which i can use for 15mm gaming. I dont plan on buying more forces just ones that are produced to complete the current ranges i have bought. Oppps i forgot to mention i do have 3x Mecha carnage mechs that ive customized from GZG. |
John Leahy ![Sponsoring Member of TMP Sponsoring Member of TMP](boards/icons/sponsor.gif) | 09 Sep 2011 9:38 p.m. PST |
let's see. Gzg Islamic Japanese FSE NAC NSL Kravak New Israeli UNSC Stargate Good guys and bad Various Mercananries and Colonists I use my Free Cal-Tex as Light Mobile Infantry Colonial Marines Stared a Praesentia army. ALIENS Arc Fleet Earth Force This army is really large. Probably a few 100 figs. Terminator/Machine army Sahadeen Titan Marines RAFM Bug army made up of Crusties, Vesupilids, Spugs and Space Bugs along with Pendraken walkers. Each faction has a minimum of 40-60 figs. The larger ones are in the 100's. There are a load of vehicles to support all these armies. I also have over a 100 of the clickly mechs to go with them. Closely in scale 20-22mm I have large Star Wars Clone and Droid armies and vehicles. Thanks, John |
Stone Cold Lead | 10 Sep 2011 3:19 a.m. PST |
Wow, lots of inspirational stuff there. Saved many photo's for future reference. :) |
Noelvh | 10 Sep 2011 3:45 a.m. PST |
This is by far the best 15mm scifi post on TMP!!!!!! What do I have well 3 armies. 1) Praetorian guard (huge)
linkI have gotten more work done on this army and you ca see more by going to newer posts. 2) Orcs in space. (huge)
Again I have more work done then this photo just spend a some time on my blog. theorky15mmscifi.blogspot.com3)Tau-re I used Peter Pig space units as TAU. Got pushed to the side for the above two armies. Way no more? cause I love huge armies, and once I finish these I will start another. Thanks for the post. Noel |
Dragon Gunner | 10 Sep 2011 3:50 a.m. PST |
Khurasan Space Demons Khurasan Federal Army Khurasan Corporate Marines Khurasan Pelagic Dominion Rebel Miniatures Titan Marines |
Scorpio | 10 Sep 2011 5:28 a.m. PST |
About 5 months in to 15mm, and I am building: * a Khurasan Space Demons force * an Alien Legion mercenary force, with figs from lots of manufacturers. * Also have the start of a Critical Mass Kaamados army. Still fishing around on a color scheme. |
evilleMonkeigh | 10 Sep 2011 10:42 p.m. PST |
"If we are talking SciFi, none." <---says the guy who had to come to the 15mm/Sci fi forum to see this thread :-P Noelvh, I don't recognise your tanks. I am sure I have seen them before (i.e. not scratchbuilt) – what manufacturer? I think they would go well with some 15mm Quar. John Treadway, I like your 'themed' forces. They have real character. I don't recognise your dropships of the "Eaglewings" though
Noelvh | 11 Sep 2011 2:47 a.m. PST |
@ evilleMonkeigh The tanks are from Proxiemodels proxiemodels.com/. they are cheap 3 for $10.00, and great tanks. I just got 3 stalker tanks from them as well. I have to paint the up and post them soon. Noel |
Clogwyn The King | 11 Sep 2011 3:22 a.m. PST |
Ban Chao | 11 Sep 2011 8:55 a.m. PST |
only Sci-Fi i have are squillions of 6mm (13 Armies ^^), these 15mm Sci-Fi look lovely though
hmmm need to find some 15mm Sci-Fi players.. |
Cheomesh | 15 Sep 2011 5:50 a.m. PST |
In 15mm I have my GPI. They are, in my 'verse, kind of like a UN army except instead of the whole UN having to OK their mobilization (like their little brothers the GRF) only the security counsel needs to do so. They use a lot of more techy stuff (GDO [UN] budget staff is in their pocket) than their little brothers, using state of the art body armor and drones. They recruit globally (even going so far as to establish outposts among aborigines and the like) and are deployed globally (in fleets much like a Marine Expeditionary Unit). Their entire force is air assault based, with every single infantry unit capable of dropping from VTOL directly into the fight if need be. Their only vehicle support is in the air, with a few light weight mech units for portable heavy support (as they can fold up and be deployed in numbers from VTOL). You can see their thread here: TMP link Platoons of these guys are three squads of 8, a 4 man command, a missile launcher team and two heavy machine gun support squads. Regular rifle squads have a grenade launcher and a SAW. The GPI are largely done; I just ordered a heavy AT weapon and a single DMOG mech from Khurasan last weekend. Just waiting on them to show up. I also have the "Brotherhood", a pseudo-religious faction of uniformed anti-corporate, anti-imperialist, human supremacist fanatics. Unlike the GPI they march into combat without any armor and using some older assault weapons. They field a mix of vehicles (largely) purchased from the black market, though they do have the backing of several minor nations and their own factory complexes. Their primary MO is to use their men (or the men of other aligned terrorist cells) to blow things up, spread propoganda, etc. Their recruiting goes from overt (actual offices in supporting nations) to covert (community groups set up in first world colleges, cities etc). Still working their fluff out in full, but basically when you join you give everything up and essentially become a warrior monk. It's about spiritual development (or what the Brotherhood deems as such) free from corporate corruption. That old hat. A platoon is something like 3-4 squads of 12 monks (currently called Fanatics or Believers in my writings), 3-4 light machine gun teams, 2 missile launcher teams and a command unit. A squad has 10 riflemen and 2 guys with flame throwers (burn the world, build a new one from the ashes). They use Rebel Sahdeen. The 'verse is pretty much one of those "world at war" things. It's pretty obviously based on our own in most ways (or at least has a similar biome distribution). There are non-humans who evolved on isolated continents but I haven't done much with them yet. There's the UN allegory (the GDO) trying to keep the world from burning (but is pretty much aligned with the top nations and their lackies), a handful of top nations in their own alliance separate from the GDO (Nato allegory obviously, if I keep that), a big obligatory empire or three, some transhumans out to make their empire, non-humans trying to assert themselves, etc. M. |
Seamus | 15 Sep 2011 1:19 p.m. PST |
Most of it is still on the workbench, but I've got some GZG NAC; NSL; ESU and FSE stuff as well as a UNSC force on the back burner. |
evilleMonkeigh | 16 Sep 2011 2:36 a.m. PST |
Here is another 15mm army – quite large – (GZG NI) I did before I realised there was a big difference in painting 15mm and 28mm
link Camo+dark+drab = is not 15mm strength |
evilleMonkeigh | 16 Sep 2011 3:17 a.m. PST |
Since I am packing some 15mm up for a game this weekend, here is another force that is getting some use. link I have not used the vehicles for this force and look forward to using the small BMD-like vehicles to support the infantry. |
Eclipsing Binaries | 18 Sep 2011 3:06 a.m. PST |
How many 15mm scifi armies? Don't know if I've completed an army but I've lots of units from different factions, all on my blog page, Eclipsing Binaries, at link I think my Federal Army is the closest to a complete faction. They're a mix of Khurasan and Critical Mass with converted matchbox and dinky toys for the vehicles. I've also just finished a unit of combat droids using some GW epic scale dreadnaughts (the really early style ones). |