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GeorgethePug14 Sep 2009 1:38 p.m. PST

I really need a 10 step program or support group to stop buying lead ……… is there such a thing : (

Mike G14 Sep 2009 1:55 p.m. PST

Well you have taken the first step, admitting you have a problem. Myself on the other hand, do not have near enough unpainted lead.


GeorgethePug14 Sep 2009 2:07 p.m. PST

I never admitted I had ( enough ) …… just I have a problem about keep on and on and on

Example ……

I just ordered my British Armies … both Pen and Waterloo ……… was it good enough to just cover what was needed ……….. NO I always buy enough to cover every single btn that fought in the campaign … and too go even farther beyond that insanity ….. I then buy enough to do stupid things like ……. make them all enough for the biggest Btn in the Campaign ( GdB ) so 40 or 50 figs a pop …. even that 30 would be enough. Thing get worse when I buy enough to also do …… all the figs in square formation for waterloo …………. and do all the cavalry in 32 fig units …… even though not a single regt was close too it.

Why oh why …….. do I do this to myself ?

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Sep 2009 2:18 p.m. PST

I don't think that you will find much help here. We are all lead-o-holics in this tavern.

40+ figures per battalion and 32 figure cavalry units sound pretty nifty to me. thumbs up

It should bring you many hours, days and years of enjoyment.

GeorgethePug14 Sep 2009 2:24 p.m. PST

Fritz …… its not just the British ……. I did it with the Early Prussians, Wurrtemberg, Bavaria, Poles, other small german states ……… and if I dont stop …. the French will be next ….. help me !!!

50 Dylan CDs and an Icepick14 Sep 2009 2:28 p.m. PST

Have you considered marriage?

Footslogger14 Sep 2009 2:37 p.m. PST

Congratulations on buying enough lead to depict every unit that actually fought in the Peninsula and Waterloo.

Now you need to buy figures for all the "what if" scenarios too.

Have you got all the units at Hal that could have force-marched to Waterloo? Have you got the Gibraltar and Lisbon garrisons? Or all the militia and static artillery that was in the the Lines of Torres Vedras? Have you got enough Royal Marines to do an amphibious assault? Have you got enough casualty figures to depict Beresford's army the night after Albuera?

It will NEVER end.

Clays Russians14 Sep 2009 2:57 p.m. PST

Hey, Im like running out of figures to paint, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I have about 200 dervishers to do and about 200 crimean Russians, thats it. Then I guess I need to do British, French and Turks for the Crimean War. Then Mediterranian British for FOW, and the Germans to fight my Soviet HORDE (and its a horde too). I need Spanish tercios to fight my TYW French army, and some 40mm ARW just because I CANT FREEKIN" HEPL IT!!!!!!!!!!… a-hem, regards, Clay

Sundance14 Sep 2009 3:00 p.m. PST

LOL, Milo, I was goign to suggest the same thing! Although my wife has allowed me to buy it as long as the money doesn't come from our normal income budgeted money.

GeorgethePug14 Sep 2009 3:01 p.m. PST

is that why …..I was divorced 2 times … LOL

Volstagg Vanir14 Sep 2009 3:06 p.m. PST


Presuming you are Serious
(and it sounds as though you may be)
Here are some thoughts:

1) Take "the Pledge".
TMP link
TMP link
Basically: You don't Buy anything until you Paint what you Have;
(you decide if it's on a Project, Unit, or even Figure/figure basis).

2) Watch a coupla episodes of "Hoarders" on A&E
One way or another, it will give you some perspective;
Either you don't really have as bad a problem as you think, or you do…

3) Prioritize your Lead into priority levels;
Take the stuff on the bottom & list it on
TMP link
TMP link

4) Actually Game with your stuff;
More often than not;
Aquisition is a substitute for Comradarie
(personal experience there, yes)

Make small steps, and don't beat yourself up for "mistakes",
but Make Some Steps….

Grunt186114 Sep 2009 5:42 p.m. PST

"Have you considered marriage?"
No help here. My Godsend of a bride has her own Lead habit.

JCBJCB14 Sep 2009 6:06 p.m. PST

My wife and I were married eight months ago. She kindly got me off my lead addiction, but used plastics to wean me off. Now I'm stuck on Perry and Warlord/Wargames Factory plastics.

Once they start making world-class miniatures from resin, I'm doomed.

Serotonin14 Sep 2009 11:36 p.m. PST

When my wife got dissaproving of the amount of lead I was buying I just changed scale. Its so much easier to smuggle 6mm armies in under her nose then 28mm ones!

uruk hai14 Sep 2009 11:54 p.m. PST

Just give in……

Sir Sidney Ruff Diamond15 Sep 2009 4:40 a.m. PST

Funny I was thinking about my lead habit this morning while contemplating the huge lead pile (Foundry sale habit?). I reasoned that a lead habit has got to be better than smoking cigarettes. Probably cheaper too?

But then Foundry have got an open day coming up and then the Old Glory championships the week after that…. I don't smoke a pipe or cigars so that's still OK isn't it?

WKeyser15 Sep 2009 4:45 a.m. PST

Your not getting anything by her, she is just doing the same with clothes!!!!!

Try commenting on her clothes and say that is nice (makes you behind smaller) is that new? She will echo the wargamers credo when caught bring in new lead. "Oh these no these are old and I have had them for ages"


Duc de Limbourg15 Sep 2009 4:59 a.m. PST

If to much soldiers really worries you, then I suggest that you sent them over to me.
If that's an option to You I gladly will give you my mailaddress

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP15 Sep 2009 5:25 a.m. PST

Well, marriage can do it, especially if you have a fixed space to put them in – mind you, I can't complain, a quarter of the basement is a lot of space

GeorgethePug15 Sep 2009 6:00 a.m. PST

The marriage thing will never work to get me off the lead habit ………… because my girlfriend is one of my painters …… I'm doomed …… just doomed !!

1968billsfan15 Sep 2009 7:28 a.m. PST

It is cheaper than collecting Corvettes and owning racehorses. End of argument.

Murvihill15 Sep 2009 10:00 a.m. PST

Your problem isn't too much lead, it's not enough painting time. What are you wasting time for here? PAINT, PAINT!

Volstagg Vanir22 Sep 2009 12:28 p.m. PST

It's not the Paint,
it's not the Lead:
it's organizing the Storage…

because my girlfriend is one of my painters …… I'm doomed …… just doomed !!

No, sir;
THAT is a _Blessing_
and you should count it…

security forces22 Sep 2009 1:32 p.m. PST

With Iran and NK nukes, do you really have enough lead to protect yourself? Repeat after me "lead is our friend, Lead Is our Friend, lead is our friend. As my Local Lead Pusher (game store owner) keeps asking each time I go in "What some lead little boy?"

trailape22 Sep 2009 3:01 p.m. PST

Have your wife cook the engine of your 4WD,… that'll do it.

Rob UK22 Sep 2009 3:06 p.m. PST

You can never EVER have too much lead!!

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