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"I'm taking the Pledge" Topic

11 Posts

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10 Jan 2006 6:33 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from " I'm taking the Pledge" to "I'm taking the Pledge"
  • Removed from General Discussion board
  • Crossposted to Painting board

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1,450 hits since 10 Jan 2006
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James Forrest10 Jan 2006 6:21 p.m. PST

Hi all,

after reading the thread "musings on the unpainted lead pile" which I identified with I have decided I am going to take THE TMP PLEDGE. For 3 months anyway. Here is my "charter".

1.No more buying of miniatures till after 1 April.

2.Go through and sort the whole lead pile. What do I REALLY want to keep?

3. Sort my stuff into manageable "mini projects" and give myself a target for number of figures to paint every week.

4. switch projects if I start to get bored-it does not matter what I paint as long as I paint.

5. Stay focused-it will be worth it.

6. Put an update on Monkey Hanger's thread.

mweaver10 Jan 2006 6:44 p.m. PST

Good luck!

John the OFM10 Jan 2006 7:04 p.m. PST

Yeah, right. Sure.

nycjadie10 Jan 2006 7:39 p.m. PST

The Pledge is very good for polishing furniture.

Alxbates10 Jan 2006 11:32 p.m. PST

I've been trying to do that for years now. Occasionaly I make a little bit of progress…

ioannis11 Jan 2006 3:50 a.m. PST

7. Have fun while doing 1-6, otherwise it's not a hobby!

KSmyth11 Jan 2006 6:45 a.m. PST

The Pledge isn't for everbody, but I found it useful enough last year to stick with it.


Sir James11 Jan 2006 8:37 a.m. PST

I think that, due to the connection between the size of one's pile of unpainted lead and their longevity, that the "Pledge" threads should be moved to the "obituaries" board. This would just save time. ;)

Good luck James!

DrDman11 Jan 2006 4:39 p.m. PST

I haven't taken the pledge myself but it has helped me go through my minis and has gotten me to paint more and buy less. I try to make sure I paint more than I buy. When I first read this pledge topic 4 months ago I had about 400 unpainted 15mm. Since then I have purchased about 100 minis and have been able to paint more and now only have about 200 unpainted minis. When I get closer to 100 I will buy more of course.

Bad Painter11 Jan 2006 6:13 p.m. PST

Good Luck James. Even after giving me about five pounds of unpainted "old" lead at last year's Salute, you still went home with about 20 pounds of new stuff. You have to admit to the addiction and make a feeble attempt to manage it.
If you spend all your time trying to manage your projects, when will you have time to game?

James Forrest12 Jan 2006 6:47 a.m. PST

Hi Bad Painter,

Well, in my rush of New Year enthusiasm I kind of plan to do more gaming as well because of better time management (some hope)! I have a game tomorrow night as it happens.

You still getting together with the guys once a week?


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