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932 hits since 19 Aug 2009
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richarDISNEY19 Aug 2009 1:47 p.m. PST

What are the Rules about "The Pledge"? 'Cuz I am really thinking about it (darn $$$ horses…)

If I paint a fig, I can buy a fig? Or just no buying all year?

Yea yea yea… I know …
First rule of "The Pledge" Club is not talk about "The Pledge" Club…

Who asked this joker19 Aug 2009 1:52 p.m. PST

I typically only buy if I need to fill out a unit/project/whatever. Supposed to be "no new projects". Of course, I broke that one already! grin

It's really what you make it but the idea is to paint down your lead pile.

Farstar19 Aug 2009 2:10 p.m. PST

The Pledge in its most basic form is "make my unpainted pile smaller". How you choose to do that is up to you. Some choose to buy only at the rate they paint, others pick a ratio other than 1:1, or set other limits.

Jana Wang19 Aug 2009 2:31 p.m. PST

You make the rules for your own pledge. It can be "paint-one-buy-one", or it can be "paint 50% of what I buy", or "finish this army" and I think one guy here even tied his weight loss into it by allowing $X in new spending for each pound lost.

Set a goal you would like to achieve, and Pledge to accomplish it.

nycjadie19 Aug 2009 2:39 p.m. PST

My pledge is to paint 40 or so a month. My lead pile is awaiting my retirement (or layoff's, whichever comes first). evil grin

Jeremy Sutcliffe19 Aug 2009 4:39 p.m. PST

There was this guy who couldn't stop buying figures. He'd got far more than he could manage to paint. But still he kept buying.

The problem was he walked home past his local, friendly games shop. And every day…..

So he pledged that he wouldn't buy any more until he'd cleared the pile.

So on the first day he walked by the shop. He gazed in the window. He took one step to the door. But then he remembered the pledge.

He walked briskly homewards.

As he got to his garden gate he reviewed his achievement.

"Well done!" he told himself, "You deserve to gpo and buy some figures as a treat"

Skipper19 Aug 2009 6:47 p.m. PST

I blew mine completely this summer when i started two new 6mm projects (Vietnam and Modern US, Brits, and others for skirmish. I was doing great on shrinking my piles, but now I'm way behind again.

However, I'll try and start up again soon.

vojvoda19 Aug 2009 7:37 p.m. PST

After my last moving trip from Md to NC, one of 17 I made in 8 months! I pledge to not transport more lead and books then will NOT bend the bed frame of the truck! Lucky for me it belonged to the company and it was not a rental.

As for painting I pledge not to buy more figures then those in the 2nd and 3rd world are willing to paint. Other then that all bets are off.

James Mattes

highlandcatfrog19 Aug 2009 11:17 p.m. PST

I'm trying to make my unpainted lead mountain smaller, paint more than I buy, and achieve a 4:1 ratio of painted to purchased. So far, so good, but I'm just barely over that 4:1 ratio.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Aug 2009 1:38 p.m. PST

I haven't the slightest idea of how many unpainted figures I own, nor would I care to take the time to count them all. I have tried to refrain from making large purchases this year, as I work down the lead pile. So I only buy new minis if I'm absolutely certain to paint the new figures within a month of buying them.

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