Red Devils In The Night
First in the publisher's series of Scenario Packs focusing on specific battles, troops,
and weapons. This product focuses on the British 6th Airborne activities on the day of D-Day
itself. Though these scenarios were designed for use with the Battleground: World
War Two rules, they can easily be used with any skirmish-level infantry rules.
Each scenario consists of a briefing sheet for each player, plus a third sheet with
special rules, master map, designer notes, historical background, advice on finding appropriate miniatures,
and optional variants.
The supplement includes:
- background for the operation (4 pages)

- description of the historical battle (2 pages)
- bibliography (2 pages)
- description of the units involved (6 pages, including chart and two rosters)
- a dozen "heroes," unique leaders and soldiers to be used with the provided scenarios
(6 pages)
- descriptions of British equipment, with special rules (5 pages)
- Rifle No.4 Mk.1
- Sten Mk.V
- Enfield No.2 Mk.1 Revolver
- Bren LMG
- Ordnance Muzzle Loading 2-Inch Mortar
- No.36M "Mills" Grenade
- No.69 Grenade
- No.75 Anti-Tank "Hawkins" Grenade
- "Clam" Anti-Tank Magnetic Mine
- No.80 WP Grenade
- No.82 "Gammon" Grenade
- New small-arms data chart, showing British and German weapons (1 page)
- New vehicle data charts (2 pages)
- Light Tank Mk.VII Tetrarch I
- 7.5cm PAK 40 L/48 Auf GW LRS (F) (Lorraine Schlepper)

- New vehicles and guns data charts (2 pages)
- New rules (4 pages)
- night rules
- terrain - canals, irrigation ditches, marshes
- Scenarios (72 pages)
- Ham and Jam
- Airborne platoon must seize Pegeaus Bridge.
- Ex Coelis Chateau
- Major McLeod must neutralize a German 75mm gun at a fortified chateau.
- Para Jäger
- "Lost" paratroopers must avoid German searchers.
- Robehomme Bridge
- The British must blow this bridge, but first they need to find where their engineers have gotten to.
- Where's Merville?
- Lost, scattered paratroops encounter German vehicular traffic.
- Race for Troarn
- A jeep-load of paratroops must push through a village and destroy the Dives bridge.
- Wrong Place, Right Time
- British glider crash-lands under fire from German flak battery.
- The Last Bunker
- Assault on Merville Battery.
- Guns to the Sky
- Enemy forces blunder into each other along a road.
- Red Devil Road
- Enemy forces (again) blunder into each other, this time at a crossroads.
- V for Victory
- German counter-attack on Ranville, allowing British to use guns and vehicles that
could have been present but weren't historically.
- "It's Bent, Sir"
- Paratroops must hold town center against German counter-attack.