Greater London

London Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group
West London Legion
Dulwich Village South London Warlords
South East London South East London Wargames Group

Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

What is CLWG? A group who actively pursue new gaming designs, not just limited to the tabletop miniatures metaphor. We play all kinds of wargames and also play fantasy and science fiction, political and economic games. Creativity, experimentation and new ideas are especially welcome. Members meet most often in South London and live all over the UK; several live overseas.

Activities. All-day meetings roughly once a month. These are alternately Saturdays & Sundays, and start are from 10am to 6pm, usually at a South London hall or pub room. There is also an annual Conference and annual Games Weekends and Games Picnics. Wide-ranging activities from figure games, map games to Committee and discussion games; computers feature increasingly as gaming aids.

Membership includes a mailed copy of Military Muddling, the newsletter of CLWG. Published monthly. Members running games provide their own reviews and can expect to receive lots of constructive criticism from other members. There is also an increasing level of discussion by e-mail about gaming topics, and several members have created gaming web pages.

Many CLWG members are involved with the 'Megagame Makers' group. What's a megagame? A game held over one day or more that involves a large number (30 to 120+) of players and umpires in an attempt to recreate the structure of an event by having multiple command levels. Games have covered such subjects as: The Battle of Britain, real time. Clouds in the West, Punic Wars. Kirovograd, WWII Corps/Div operations on the Ost Front. Springtime for Hitler, the campaign in the West 1940. Death of Fascism, world-wide war and politics in 1944. War Without an Enemy, English Civil War. Home Before the Leaves Fall, opening stages of WW1. Serenity Station, a science fiction wargame, and many more.

Last Updated: 5 November 2003

South East London Wargames Group

SELWG is one of the largest wargames clubs in the United Kingdom, with a membership of over 100 players. Meeting every Friday night in Grove Park, South East London, the members enjoy the use of a large venue that boasts a dozen gaming tables and the clubs large, comprehensive stock of terrain.

A large membership means a large range of interests are represented. Ancients, Renaissance, Napoleonics, ACW, and WW2 are all popular periods. However, you name it and someone probably does it at SELWG. Members use a wide range of commercial rule sets and some home grown sets. Naval and aerial wargaming is not neglected with several members having large WW2 fleets and an occasional (but ongoing) WW1 aerial campaign that has left most members crashed and burnt at some point. There is a strong role-playing contingent, and several members are heavily into Magic.

On occasional Sundays the club meets, sometimes to allow individual members to pit their armies against each other, but more often to allow for large projects involving dozens of players. These mega-games or mini-campaigns last all day and leave everyone feeling they have been put through the wringer, but in the nicest possible way! Recent examples include a Crimean War Campaign, a large Pirate Raid and future projects include plans for large scale WW2 skirmish games, an East Front Operational game, for 35 players, and an ACW campaign.

Annually, the club organises one of the largest wargames conventions in the United Kingdom. Dozens of demonstration and participation games are put on by clubs from all over the UK and all the major manufacturers of figures and other hobby paraphernalia bring along their trade stands.

Anyone wanting further details is urged to contact Chris Steadman by e-mail at chris@steadman.demon.co.uk.

Last Updated: 17 February 1997

South London Warlords (Dulwich Village)

Meets on Monday evenings, at 1900, in St. Barnabas Church Hall, Dulwich Village. A wide range of figure games is played, as well as a few boardgames & role-playing games. There is also a fairly active live role-playing section, which indulges in laser-tag.

The club has in excess of 100 members and there are usually about 40-50 people there on a quiet club night. There are participation games run on the first Monday of every month for new people to join in.

For more information, email James Kemp (james@jmkemp.demon.co.uk).

Last Updated: 28 November 1996

West London Legion (London)

A small club that meets alternate Sundays, 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Club member's interests cover the whole historical range from Ancients to WWII. Most games are multi-player (often based upon historical battles for the 18th and 19th centuries), though there are some keen DBM/DBR players who participate in national competitions. The club has a large and varied range of terrain (kept at the Community Centre) and is able to provide playing surfaces up to 20 feet by 6 feet.

Membership is currently 10 GBP per year (5 GBP unwaged). Table fees are 2 GBP for members and 4 GBP for non-members.

NorthFields Community Centre
Northcroft Avenue
London W13

Peter Crawshaw
Phone: 020 88404741 or 07950 934 322
Email: Peter.Crawshaw@tesco.net

Chris Rees
Phone: 020 85678306
Email: Chris_i_rees@yahoo.co.uk

Last Updated: 23 January 2004

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