This web page is an index to articles appearing in periodicals of interest to
historical wargamers. If you wish to add to it or make corrections, send E-mail to the
maintainer listed below.
- Subject List
- Look here to find the topics which the index is organized into.
- The Index
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Subject List
The articles are indexed according to subject. These are:
Figure Reviews
- 15mm Armies of Mexico
- Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec armies from Falcon Figures
Miniature Wargames 148, capsule
- Renaissance Amphibious Operations
- Cortez' Assault on Tenochtitlan
The Reiter 11:1, 6 pages
- Going for Baroque!
- 1690 campaign write-up
The Reiter 11:1, 4 pages
- Pike & Shot - 'East Coast Style'
- what makes campaigning fun
The Reiter 10:3, 2 pages
Competition Rules
- Some Thoughts on the Federation "Regional" Championships
- how the US point system varies from the UK system
The Reiter 11:3, 1 page
- Origins '94, the WRG Renaissance Tournament
- The Reiter 10:3, 1 page
- The Seduction of an Emperor
- convention dinner report
The Reiter 10:3, 2 pages
East Africa - Colonial
- Viceroy of the Indies, Part I
- Portuguese in East Africa
Miniature Wargames 151, 5 pages
English Civil War
Book Reviews
- Turncoat's Drum
- fiction
Miniature Wargames 150, capsule
- Western Wonders - The Battles of Lansdown and Roundway Down, 1643
- Miniature Wargames 146, capsule
Figure Reviews
- 25mm English Civil War Figures
- from Matchlock Miniatures
Miniature Wargames 143, capsule
- 25mm English Civil War Figures
- from Tin Soldier
Miniature Wargames 144, capsule
- 25mm English Civil War Gun and Crew
- from Wargames Foundry
Miniature Wargames 142, capsule
- Redoubt 25mm ECW Figures
- dismounted cavalry
The Courier 68, capsule
- Redoubt ECW French Mercenaries
- 25mm scale
The Courier 64, capsule
- The Battle of Chalgrove Field
- Miniature Wargames 145, 2 pages (1 map)
- Decision in the West
- The Langport Campaign, 1645
Miniature Wargames 139, 6 pages (2 maps)
- 'Last Stand in the West'
- The Torrington Campaign, 1646
Miniature Wargames 154, 5 pages (2 maps)
- 'Lord Digby's Last Ride'
- Shirburn, 1645
Miniature Wargames 148, 5 pages (2 maps)
- 'Trumpets in the Fog'
- The Relief of Basing House, September 1644
Miniature Wargames 144, 4 pages (2 maps)
Figure Reviews
- A Few Barbarians More... Ancients Figures for the Renaissance
- Reviews of assortment of historical figures purchased at Origins
The Reiter 10:3, 3 pages
- Looking for a Few Good Pikes
- a figure review of Gladiator Miniatures
The Reiter 10:4, 3 pages
Game Reports
- The Fifty Years War, or, The Wars of the Roses Come Early
- trying out the siege rules from Medieval Tactica
The Reiter 11:1, 2 pages
- A First DBR Game
- The Reiter 11:4, 2 pages
- For the One True Faith, An Analysis of the Battle of Oberkyritzbach
- Swedes vs. Spanish/Imperialists
The Reiter 11:4, 8 pages (6 maps)
- Swiss vs. 30 Yrs War Imperialist
- The Reiter 11:2, 2 pages
Historical Background
- The Age of Mercenaries in Historical Miniatures, Simulating War as Business
- The Courier 64, 5 pages
- Death of the Sinclairs
- excerpt from fiction of the Swedish-Danish War (1611-13)
The Reiter 11:2, 2 pages
- "Field Fortifications - Their Effect on Morale and Battle Results"
- The Reiter 10:4, 7 pages (4 maps)
- Friendly Fire from the King's Bench 1616
- friendly fire in the Renaissance
The Reiter 11:1, 1 page
- Moldavian Standards 15th-16th Century
- Hailshot 1:3, capsule (with sketches)
- The Ordensstaat of the Teutonic Knights
- The Reiter 10:3, 6 pages
- Snyder's of Hanover
- Bakers at the Siege of Vienna
The Reiter 10:4, 1 page
Hundred Years War
Figure Reviews
- Soldiers and Swords 100 Year's War Figures
- 15mm and 25mm scale
The Courier 64, capsule
- The Battle of Crecy, 26th August 1346
- Miniature Wargames 153, 2 pages (2 maps)
India - Colonial
- Viceroy of the Indies, Part II
- Portuguese on the Malabar Coast of India
Miniature Wargames 152, 5 pages
- Viceroy of the Indies, Part III
- Miniature Wargames 153, 4 pages (1 map)
The Italian Wars
Figure Reviews
- 15mm Renaissance From Peter Pig
- Italian Wars pikemen
The Courier 69, capsule
Historical Background
- The Battle of Fornovo
- The Reiter 10:4, 3 pages (1 map)
- The Italian Wars - The Battle of Pavia, February 24th, 1525
- The Reiter 11:2, 5 pages (1 map)
Book Reviews
- Samurai, 1550-1600
- Miniature Wargames 144, capsule
- Storm in the Mountains
- the Campaign of Okehazama, 1550
The Reiter 11:3, 18 pages (1 map)
Figure Reviews
- Two Dragons Productions Samurai and Warriors of the Dark Ages
- samurai (1100-1615) and European levy warrior
The Courier 69, capsule
- Castle Kyuzo
- Construction of a Japanese Castle in 15mm
Miniature Wargames 142, 1 page
Figure Reviews
- Pirates! a Review of Tom Foss' Line of Ships and Accessories for Our Period
- 25mm scale resin ships from Seventh Street Games
The Reiter 11:3, 2 pages
- So Vivid a Courage, So Firm a Resolution
- The Battle of Estremos, 8 June 1663
Miniature Wargames 146, 2 pages (2 maps)
- "Armati for Renaissance Wargaming"
- game review
The Reiter 10:4, 2 pages
- Thoughts on Armati
- army list problems
Hailshot 1:3, 1 page
- DBR Rumors
- what DBR is anticipated to be like
Hailshot 2:3, 1 page
- De Bellis Renationis Overview
- The Reiter 11:4, 3 pages
- News on DBM for the Renaissance
- pre-release info from the designer
The Reiter 10:3, 1 page
- An Index, Finally!
- an index for the WRG Pike & Shot rules (the 'green' book)
The Reiter 11:1, 9 pages
- Observations
- thoughts on the rules
The Reiter 10:4, 2 pages
- Pike & Shot Tactics and the W.R.G. 2nd Edition Rule
- The Reiter 10:4, 2 pages
- A Simplified Reaction Test
- for WRG 1420-1700
The Reiter 11:3, 3 pages
Other Rules
- The Age of Gunpowder - Fast Play Rules for the Period 1500-1700
- review of new rules from Chipco
The Courier 69, capsule
- The English Campaign in Scotland
- 1547 to 1550
Miniature Wargames 150, 3 pages (1 map)
- An Eye for the Ground
- The Reiter 10:4, 2 pages
- Playing the Teutonic Knights
- The Reiter 10:3, 3 pages
Thirty Years War
Historical Background
- The Blue Regiments of the Thirty Years War
- The Reiter 11:2, 1 page
- Building a Wargames Army for the Thirty Years War, Part Four
- The forces of Bavaria
Wargames Illustrated 83, 1 pages, plus 2 pages of color uniform illustrations
- All for One, and One for All
- "Three Musketeers" campaign rules in skirmish scale
Miniature Wargames 142, 3 pages
- The River Luhe, 1626
- Hypothetical battle set after the Battle of Lutte am Brenberge
Miniature Wargames 140, 2 pages (1 map)
Tournament Reports
- GamesCaucus II
- California Renaissance Championship (19 players)
The Reiter 11:2, 1 page
- Memories of the 1994 NCT
- the national tournament
The Reiter 10:3, 5 pages
- N.C.T. '95
- the national tournament
The Reiter 11:3, 2 pages
- A Novelty - The Big Game
- 25mm tournament for eight players
The Reiter 10:3, 1 page
- OctoberFist '94
- ten-player tournament
The Reiter 10:4, 2 pages
- OctoberFist '95
- twelve-player 15mm tournament
Hailshot 2:4, 1 page
- Post-Action Report: GamesCaucus '95, Oakland, California
- The Reiter 11:3, 3 pages
- South Bay Renaissance Wargaming
- ten-player Italian Wars tournament
The Reiter 11:1, 2 pages
- Winter Wars II
- a total destruction tournament
The Reiter 11:1, 1 page
Wars of the Roses
Book Reviews
- The Battle of Tewkesbury
- reviews of A Roll of Arms and An Account of the Battle
Miniature Wargames 153, capsule
Figure Reviews
- Bosworth Battlepack
- Review of this rules-and-figures set from Conflict Miniatures.
Miniature Wargames 146 (reprints in 152), capsule
- Bosworth Battlepack
- Review of this rules-and-figures set from Conflict Miniatures.
Miniature Wargames 152, capsule
- On Bosworth Field
- Solo game (with rules) for Richard III's death ride (skirmish level)
Miniature Wargames 140, 2 pages
- Mortimer's Cross
- for use with WRG 1420-1700, Medieval Tactica, Armati, or DBM
The Reiter 11:3, 6 pages (1 map)