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Mminiatures20 Jan 2007 5:49 p.m. PST

Hi guys-
I'm a miniature sculpter in 28mm and have been thinking of getting together a range to cast and sell. I've always wanted to do some sort of Gothic medieval Transylvanian vampire/zombie types, but never thought there was a good market, but then I've been into wargaming for years and never really heard of a serious "horror" genre. Sound cool? Think there would be much interest?

Jana Wang20 Jan 2007 5:51 p.m. PST

There's a pretty good market for zombies, judging by the chat here.

MiniatureWargaming dot com20 Jan 2007 6:10 p.m. PST

I for one, would live to see an historically-based medieval gothic line. Not fantasy, though, mind you. No orcs or elves or such. I really liked the beginning of Underworld (or was it Underworld 2 -- with Kate Beckinsdale) that had the warband of Vampires on a raid.

Mminiatures20 Jan 2007 6:20 p.m. PST

The underworld 2 scene gave me the idea, though those costumes were sort of ridiculous.
I might give it a shot, it would give me the creative license which is held back in historical minis and would be a new concept, which is something of a rarity these days.

Charles Marlow20 Jan 2007 8:00 p.m. PST

Yes, do it!!!

mrwigglesworth20 Jan 2007 9:56 p.m. PST

Yes please!

RubberRonnie21 Jan 2007 4:08 a.m. PST

So what exactly are you intending to sculpt Mminiatures?
You say you thought the costumes the vampires wore were ridiculous, so presumably you'll be doing something a bit more accurate,historically speaking – mmmm, seems to me that market's already flooded with figures – late medieval plate armoured figures are available in their hundreds from both historic, and fantasy (Reaper have plenty of plate armoured figs which are suitable) ranges- paint them with very pale skin – instant medieval vampires.

Take a look on the boards here and you'll see the big thing at the moment is Pulp/Weird War 2, and/or zombies.If you're going to do Vampires etc, then you'd probably sell at lot more figures if they were compatible with these two genres, and if your stuff proved popular then you could start branching out.

I don't want you to think I'm discouraging you here, just think damn hard about exactly what it is you want to do, and whether there's a market for it in which you'll actually make some cash.
Any chance of some pictures of your previous work?

tancred21 Jan 2007 7:05 a.m. PST

Oh – I think you would find a double market. You would have fantasy gamers looking for new figs and historical players looking for something "out of the ordinary" i.e. Hussites versus undead Hungarian soldiers.
I would buy 'em!

Sterling Moose21 Jan 2007 8:46 a.m. PST

Check out the Occult Wars Yahoo group and you'll get plenty of feedback there.

Lowtardog21 Jan 2007 10:35 a.m. PST

any ideas,or if you want so , please psot them here

Steve Flanagan21 Jan 2007 1:05 p.m. PST

I've been into wargaming for years and never really heard of a serious "horror" genre

The biggest Gothic horror range around at the moment is "Gothic Horror – The Vampire Wars" from West Wind. Chiltern Miniatures also has a few Gothic horror types. Then there is the Napoleonic undead range for Flintloque, for example, which fits nicely into the "Gothic" era (Frankenstein, 1816; The Vampyre, 1819).

Otherwise, most companies who make horror figures make medieval types, to fit into Games Workshop's Vampire Counts armies, or, of late, modern horror stuff, especially zombies. A few years ago, there were no modern zombie figures. Now the market is so well-served that you can even get Morris Dancer zombies and zombies in chicken costumes.

Horror miniatures rules and games that I know of:

Chaos in Cairo (pulp/Lovecraftian – 4Color/West Wind)
Deadloque (Napoleonic, spin-off from Flintloque – Alternative Armies)
Final Days (post-apocalypse for Bible Belters – Kenzer & Co)
Gothic Horror – The Vampire Wars (and spin-offs, as mentioned above)
Horrorclix (modern – WizKids)
Occult Wars (as mentioned above, mostly modern)
Rippers – The Horror Wars (Great White, reusing the West Wind Vampire Wars figures)
Road Kill (modern – 4Color/West Wind)
When Darkness Falls/Vampire Slayer (modern – COGS)
Zombies!!! (modern – Twilight Creations)

Lots of fantasy and pulp rules can be adapted to horror too – Warhammer's extensive "psychology" rules make them particularly suitable, especially as most horror types are already statted up in the Vampire Counts, Chaos and Tomb Kings army books (except werewolves, for some reason).

A number of RPGs can easily be adapted to mini gaming, notably the daddy of all horror RPGs, "Call of Cthulhu". And so can some open-ended boardgames, like Twilight Creations' "When Darkness Comes" (no relation to the COGS rules).

I don't know if that makes it a "serious" genre, but it isn't quite virgin territory, either.

Mminiatures21 Jan 2007 1:42 p.m. PST

I wasn't saying that its not a serious genre--I was just saying that I hadn't heard of it, and now, having learned about it, I thought their might be a market for figs I had before thought might not sell.

Cacique Caribe21 Jan 2007 2:48 p.m. PST

Do you mean something like these from Underworld:

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Mminiatures21 Jan 2007 7:44 p.m. PST

I've decided to do it, one leg of one zombie is complete! I'll keep you guys posted as it progresses.
I've always been a fan of games which field armies rather than RPG sorts, so I figure in this "army" zombies are the core troops, elites are vampire knights on foot and horse, more ancient vampires are the generals, ect.

Javier Barriopedro aka DokZ21 Jan 2007 9:19 p.m. PST

If by "Gothic" you mean 11th-12th Century Transylvanians, mixed with the Cathedral-building French and Teutons, then I all for it, I am.

I mean, something really MEDIEVAL with all the perks that implies.

Cacique Caribe15 Nov 2007 8:44 p.m. PST

Mminiatures, any progress so far?

Also, I wonder if Byzantine/Transylvanian armor was anything like this back in "1202 AD":


Does anyone know what Byzantine/Transylvanian armor looked like back then? Did it have that same Oriental feel to it, even though the Mongols had not yet made their mark?

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