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"Japanese School Girls???" Topic

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Nick Nascati09 Dec 2006 4:08 p.m. PST

My wife happened to walk past the computer when I went to TMP earlier, and it really was difficult trying to explain why there are pictures of school girls on a wargame website! I hate to be a kiljoy, but I really don't think this has ANY PLACE on TMP, and there is really no way to explain what it has to do with gaming. All it does is make us look like a bunch of dirty old men (no offense to you ladies on the boards). I certainly am in favor of anything that expands our horizons beyond just miniatures and games, but there has to be a common sense line drawn in the sand.

mrwigglesworth09 Dec 2006 4:16 p.m. PST

"All it does is make us look like a bunch of dirty old men"
Your point is….

astronomican09 Dec 2006 4:18 p.m. PST

Well said, Nick.

bruntonboy09 Dec 2006 4:31 p.m. PST

I don't like them either.


EasyKill09 Dec 2006 4:34 p.m. PST

Have to add I dont like it either. How about making it a poll question??


teenage visigoth09 Dec 2006 4:36 p.m. PST

who you callin' OLD?


Personal logo enfant perdus Supporting Member of TMP09 Dec 2006 4:37 p.m. PST

I assumed it was on here because it is part and parcel of the the whole anime/manga/whatever thing that is sort-of related to miniatures. On those grounds, I don't object, although I find Japanese pop culture wretched in the extreme.

Connard Sage09 Dec 2006 4:39 p.m. PST

…and how strange that the original thread covering the subject, which contained dissenting – mine included- voices, has disappeared (where did it go Bill?)

Hopefully this thread won't suffer the same fate

Napoleon III09 Dec 2006 4:46 p.m. PST

Nick, you aren't alone in your opinion! And Kawasaki, as another of those dissenting voices in the other thread (along with you), I'd like to point out that it's still there as far as I know : TMP link

Holy Roman Emperor Joseph III Fezian09 Dec 2006 4:46 p.m. PST

Here here sir!

I don't like like them as well.


Jeigheff09 Dec 2006 4:51 p.m. PST

I agree too, Nick.

Connard Sage09 Dec 2006 4:53 p.m. PST

Napoleon III, I can't see the link to the thread on the homepage

I can only assume that I have been stifled by the original poster

beowulfdahunter09 Dec 2006 5:15 p.m. PST

I'm a pervert, but let me also say I want the school girls gone too!

aecurtis Fezian09 Dec 2006 5:32 p.m. PST

To quote a poster on the related thread:

"I deleted my previous post as I want nothing to do with this thread. I feel that it is an overreaction and just by my posting I have only encouraged its further discussion."

Except I KNOW I wasn't over-reacting.


Neotacha09 Dec 2006 5:56 p.m. PST

Kawasaki, do you have the check box for TMP contests board turned off? Because that's where it's moved to, and I assume that's why it's vanished from my front page as well.

Ditto Tango 2 109 Dec 2006 6:04 p.m. PST

Wow, I just posted something in the lounge but I'll repost the whole thing here. I had figured I'd get stifled all to hell if I did, but since other seem to feel the same way here it goes (repost from the lounge):

You know, no offense, but this contest makes me very uncomfortable. Too much like leering at underage girls. "Let's make a schoolgirl look sexy". No thanks.

Mind you I'm coming from a background where one of my children was seriously molested years ago and we went through the whole court thing to see the bastard get off because, at the time, in Canada, a judge had to make a determination if "the child understood the difference between promising to tell the truth and swearing to tell the truth". Even though my child testified beautifully (the others froze in terrified fear when they saw the bastard sitting on the right with his lawyer), the judge figured none of them knew the difference in the important question, so the son of a bitch went free. Apparantly, thankfully, that test is no longer used.

Again, sorry but for me, this whole contest brings to mind the lyrics of Jethro Tull's Aqualung:

sitting on a park bench, 
eyeing little girls with bad intent

I'm sure the participants do not match my perception, but I did want to express my discomfort. Nonetheless, I am not calling for the contest to be cancelled or anything.

But I don't like it and that's why.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Dec 2006 6:33 p.m. PST

Nick (as I stated on the other thread) I'm with you on this one. I don't get it and agree that this weird contest should be taken off the front page of TMP, if not off of the whole site. It is simply in bad taste.

Gray Bear09 Dec 2006 6:45 p.m. PST

Bad taste is spot on. Yuk!

wolvermonkey09 Dec 2006 7:07 p.m. PST

The Apac minis for the game Rezolution has some schoolgirl minis. Nobody complained when they were shown on here. And when Hassle Free put pics up of thier cute little girl minis everyone said what great minis they were and how they wanted one for thier zombie games. So I don't understand why people are so uncomfortable with some japanese school girl artwork.Would it be ok if these were concept scetches for a mini? Or is it simply wrong to look at any type of picture of a school girl but ok to make plans to have one fight for her life against the hordes of undead? I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

Madzerker09 Dec 2006 7:13 p.m. PST

I agree with bad taste, it makes me think pedophilia when i see it. (not calling the members that, just the images and titles bring that to my mind).

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP09 Dec 2006 7:41 p.m. PST

Add my vote to Nick's. I just assumed this was something the editor was interested in and he can pretty much do as he wants. How about just a link for those who are interested and the rest of us can bypass this. Thanks

By the way, if someone makes figues of Japanese school girls for gaming, I would have no objection to seeing them, just as I would have no objection to seeing Victorian street urchins, Bronze age Euro youth, or Darkest African village children.

Ditto Tango 2 109 Dec 2006 8:08 p.m. PST

And when Hassle Free put pics up of thier cute little girl minis everyone said what great minis they were and how they wanted one for thier zombie games.

Perhaps because the Hasslefree stuff (which I also admire, but still wonder what the hell anyone would want them for in the world of wargames) they are not specifically under age girls?

It's actually OK to appreciate beauty whatever age it is. But for someone to engage in playing dress up to add/emphasize sexual elements and/or wants to leer at underage girls whether drawn or photgraphed, that's his business/problem.

I honestly don't think many folks here on TMP look at such pictures with fantasies of pedophilia in mind. But I do think that once it's been pointed out, it should be thought about.

Again, I'm not advocating trashing the contest. But I am very, very glad to know I am not the only one made uncomfortable by it.

combatpainter Fezian09 Dec 2006 8:20 p.m. PST

Welcome to the world of Combat's expertise!

Wait a second. I have been watching these drawings come on here for a week. My first thoughts have not been about how excited I am getting. First I thought about what nice art it was and how I have seen a couple of the movies this contest I based on. I have never thought to myself-"Wow, she is young and hot!"

What is wrong with you guys? If you are getting those feelings, why do you feel compelled to blow the fun for the rest of us? You selfish Bleeped texts!

It is always the guys that go out of their way to show their disgust for all natural sexual content that are the first to go around soliciting little boys. I hate the hypocrisy.

Why is your girlfriend/wife looking over your shoulder? Tell her to mind her own damn business.

There was an international survey done by the Discovery channel. It showed men from all over the world the same darkened silhouettes of the female form. They were asked to number them in order from most attractive to least attractive. No faces only forms.

Guess what? Men in the cities, farms, jungles and deserts of the world all chose the same pics.

What did those pics all have in common? Their favorite pics were the ones with the greatest hip to waist ratio.

Then they connected 16 year old females as having the greatest hip to waist ratio.

What does hip to waist have to do with all this? Well, this represents fertility.

We are engineered biologically to reproduce and are naturally inclined toward seeking out the most productive female and she isn't aunt Millie in her rocking chair.

My point being-that if you guys are feeling a bit uncomfortable is because we are wired to get a bit excited about these young forms.

Your girlfriend/wife is only trying to protect her turf until she is impregnated and then she will give you 9 months off.

So stop fighting nature and go with the flow. Just looking at the menu doesn't mean you have to order.

bruntonboy09 Dec 2006 9:09 p.m. PST


hang your head in shame mate.


End of.


Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian09 Dec 2006 9:31 p.m. PST

I really don't think this has ANY PLACE on TMP…

Well, assuming that one wanted to game out the genre with miniatures, that would make it miniature wargaming, would it not?

Too much like leering at underage girls.

Actually, most of the contest entries seem to be depicting young women, of high school age but not "under age."

Perhaps because the Hasslefree stuff (which I also admire, but still wonder what the hell anyone would want them for in the world of wargames) they are not specifically under age girls?

Some of the Hasslefree figures are definitely of children, younger than anything in the current contest. But they are of the "spunky children fighting bad guys" genre, not sexed-up kids.

Ditto Tango 2 109 Dec 2006 9:48 p.m. PST

Bill, if you want to support pedophillia on this site, that is your perogative.

Good bye.

Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP09 Dec 2006 9:53 p.m. PST

Sorry, but unlike Tim, I'll just say it clearly: guys who are into HS age girls (that are not in HS themselves) have a problem. Pictures of cartoons of sexually provocative HS girls are not only silly (if they turn you on you're really sitting too close to your PC), but creepy.

Editor: sorry, but in my state, HS girls are "underage".

Perhaps the distaste being expressed is from us old farts, or perhaps it more a tendancy by historical gamers (even those who dapple in sci-fi or fantasy) to not associate mature males playing games with figures drawn from Japanese comics, books and films that associate such with "sexy" young girls, or sex backgrounds at all. I'm wondering how many gamers are into "sexy" young boys as miniatures and a game background?


combatpainter Fezian09 Dec 2006 10:17 p.m. PST

(Speaking in a self righteous tone.) This genre appeals to the basis instincts in human nature. It should be banned because I am offended.

(Now picture Jack Nicholson speaking with his sarcastic smile)
It's uniforms! Calm down. They aren't naked, yet! Relax…What has gotten into Tim? Draw one yourself and join the contest. I still haven't seen the bikini uniform but that may be coming!!! Hate to scare you that way. This is hilarious!

Now it's CombatPainter cool, calm and collected)

I love this thread. If their is a female there must be a thread on how this is inappropriate for TMP. If there is a breast we must cover it up. If their is a p-e-n-i-s! Oh, my God!!! Put a star over it not to offend.

I would like to see you guys in a museum covering up all the naked parts. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHA!!!!

You guys totally crack me up. You are actually giving this a second thought. Oral sex isn't even sex to these HS girls and you guys are worried about their uniforms.

They don't even keep them on long enough for that…
Yawn…Let me go find a more interesting war movie.

Shardik09 Dec 2006 10:27 p.m. PST

First point, they are on TMP because there is a game or potential game featuring these subjects, is there not? Isn't that how the original thread started?

Second point, how do you critical guys get paedophilia/sexual content out of these images? There is no depictions of provocative acts or poses, not even cleavage. The most risque feature of the images is the short skirts, which I can verify as authentic due to seeing real Japanese school uniforms first hand.

Third point, I've seen images like this on childrens TV shows.

Can't see the problem myself

Rogzombie Fezian09 Dec 2006 10:35 p.m. PST

Now I know what JOhn Ashcroft is doing with his time. Hes making multiple identities at tmp!

I hadnt realized how paranoid we have become as a society.
Sorry guys but despite what the fascists in washington are telling you there are not peed oh phuhls and terroreests hiding behind every tree.

What the hell kind of sense of humor do you have. Its cartoons, man. Chill no one is coming for your kids BUT if you all continue to behave in this McCarthyist manner someday they will be coming for all of us for smoking, or swearing or cheering the wrong team.

Mohammed Atta and John Cooey arent coming. And if they were japanese school girls sure wouldnt be driving their base thoughts.

Just think about Mark Foley. Who smelt it dealt it.

combatpainter way to go.

The rest of you wake up.

Rogzombie Fezian09 Dec 2006 10:37 p.m. PST

"Second point, how do you critical guys get paedophilia/sexual content out of these images?"

Because people are allowing paranoia to take away their common sense! Its a gd cartoon! For gods sake stop this madness!

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian09 Dec 2006 10:57 p.m. PST

I don't really think this stuff is per se sexual but then I don't begin to 'get' anime which strikes me as about as artistic as those 'big eyed kids/pets' pictures that were the height of kitsch art some years ago.

I have been fairly mystified as to how/what/why a Japanese Schoolgirl Uniform anything morphs into a contest on a wargaming with miniatures site.

cfuzwuz09 Dec 2006 11:36 p.m. PST

I hadn't even noticed that the contest was going on till this morning. Looked at the pictures, thought it was weird Japanese culture stuff and moved on. If I wanted to look at a real nekid woman I am like 5 mouse-clicks( or 2 rooms) away. If I wanted to slobber over clothed teenage cartoon girls I probably had a problem before I logged on to TMP this morning! I with combatpainter on this one.

Crusaderminis09 Dec 2006 11:47 p.m. PST

Didnt think it had much to do with TMP and would rather it wasn't there to be honest.

cfuzwuz09 Dec 2006 11:47 p.m. PST

Just read the previous thread on this and am worried! Not about Japanese school girls but the number of TMPers that seem to be afraid of their wives AND will come on a public forum and own up to it.

Martin Rapier10 Dec 2006 3:00 a.m. PST

I'm not happy about it either.

Do we really want to be projecting an image of wargamers as dirty old pervs?

yeoman10 Dec 2006 4:10 a.m. PST

Is this really what one of the primeier wargaming sites now represents?

No, sorry this has nothing to do with wargaming at all. Please remove it. Stick it on some other site.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2006 5:44 a.m. PST

I would think a Premier wargaming site would have articles and discussions about every aspect of the hobby not just Wars.
Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!

yeoman10 Dec 2006 6:21 a.m. PST

Sorry Lucius, Your point is? Do you mind typing that out without the smartarse psycobabble again so it makes sense to everyone else?

Sorry I've had it with TMP. thats it. First it was 'Battle waggons' now its Japanese school girl perv, and I am one of those who is being called the names for crying out loud.

I think I'll stick to a wargaming site in future.

Nick Nascati10 Dec 2006 8:24 a.m. PST

I recall years ago, a debate about the subject of what was then called "black" wargames. These are games that cover things which might be deemed inappropriate for treatment as a "game". Under this umbrella at the time, fell a lot of subjects that are quite normal nowadays, guerilla wars, police action etc. BUT, they all had one thing in common, there was at least something vaguely military about the subject!
Come on, games invloving Japanese School Girls and "exploding panties"??? You've got to be kidding. That is not gaming in my book and apparently lots of others agree with me. make it a link, don't subject the rest of us to it!

yeoman10 Dec 2006 8:50 a.m. PST

Well said Nick.
There is a hell of a lot of passing traffic on this site besides the regular names here. I can see it now "So thats what miniature gaming is about then is it? Sick lot".

We don't need this type of wierd crap on TMP.

Historical wargaming and Fantasy have always got along fairly well on this site. I don't do fantasy but can appreciate its appeal to others, and I would immagine vice versa. What exactly is the appeal of "Panty explosion"?

Lucius10 Dec 2006 8:53 a.m. PST

Yeoman – I'm on your side. Clearly, the post was not effective, so it has been deleted.

So the straight-up version is: I think that the whole school-girl thing is creepy.

bruntonboy10 Dec 2006 9:14 a.m. PST

Lead pages of a supposedly premier wargames site needs to consider that image is being projected to the wider world- wargaming has a difficult enough image to porttray to start with. After all playing with toy soldiers is a difficult concept to most people when it is played by adults, putting school girls (of any age) at the to[ of the TMP pages is putting it beyond the pale.

Everyone has their own perculier interests but this is (or so I thought) a wargaming site and hopefully nothing more- lets keep it that way to the casual viewer.


who is as open minded as most but does not consider this subject appropriate here.

yeoman10 Dec 2006 9:27 a.m. PST

Thanks for clearing that up Lucius. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

combatpainter Fezian10 Dec 2006 10:42 a.m. PST

I would think a Premier wargaming site would have articles and discussions about every aspect of the hobby not just Wars.
Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!

Well, said!

Travellera10 Dec 2006 10:50 a.m. PST

Time for the Dawghouse?

yeoman10 Dec 2006 11:07 a.m. PST

I think the whole competition concept should be 'dawghoused'!

coopman10 Dec 2006 11:09 a.m. PST

This subject needs to be banned from TMP, IMO.

Goldwyrm10 Dec 2006 11:16 a.m. PST

Apparently we've run out of miniature gaming topics to discuss, or someone is just running an experiment in group psychology and testing people's hot buttons.

yeoman10 Dec 2006 11:17 a.m. PST

You certainly wouldn't play it if Sigmund Freud was the GM would you?

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