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"Who Makes Plastic 28mm Sci-Fi Figs other than GW?" Topic

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SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2006 10:52 p.m. PST

I'd like to get some figures for generic sci-fi skirmish gaming, and I don't want to go the metal minis route. It's far easier to work with plastics, and they should be cheaper too.

I'm aware of a line of plastic figs offered with Combat Zone (and even some metal bits to turn the plastic warriors into leaders and heavys), and I just read something about Void plastics as well.

Are there any others (non GW)?


tnjrp23 May 2006 11:57 p.m. PST

Mongoose has some plastics: Cap Troopers, some Bugs, Skinnies and a set of ganger types from Gang of MegaCity-1 game. They are 30mm scale tho rather than strictly 28mm. But then again, Combat Zone minis are fairly tall as well.

In addition to CZ, EM-4 also offers "power armoured" Space Rangers (well I think they aren't in the Combat Zone set).

You also might find some Warzone plastic Bauhaus and Imperial troopers on e-Bay.

Those are the ones that come to mind without much thinkin'

cloudcaptain24 May 2006 12:06 a.m. PST

And there are the Void 1.1 plastics to be produced by Scotia/Grendel now I guess?

tnjrp24 May 2006 12:21 a.m. PST

Yes, apparently:
TMP link

Hadn't read that one before answering, although I suppose you could score a few of the original i-Kore ones on the e-Bay too. Or at sales in hobby shops for that matter.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 12:55 a.m. PST

I'm not too sure Void plastics are in the mix. Something tells me they (Scotia) will be doing the rules and metal minis, but not plastics.

I've seen the EM4 plastics and like them quite a bit.

What I'm wanting are minis that could serve in a generic game – one where I pick a set of skirmish rules and we play, not worried about the background. The rules will need to let me pick up a mini and points-cost him based on what you see.

And any minis which are too recognizable as being from a certain line are just not going to cut it for me. For instance, Star Wars troopers (all those nice poses in the Heroclix sets).

I was under the impression that the Mongoose minis were indeed in the 30mm + range, and that they wouldn't mix well with other 28mm stuff. Never seen one though to know.

So the current list is:

Combat Zone (EM4)
Gangs of MegaCity One (Mongoose)
StarShip Trooper (Mongoose)
Void (now Scotia)

I've seen the figs (online) for the first three. Very much liked the CZ figs, will definately be getting a bunch of those. Will have to think about the troopers plastics, especially if they are too much larger than CZ.

The plastics for MegaCity look to be street gang toughs, not sci-fi (not that they couldn't be a rag-tag crew of some star freighter though).

But I've never seen the VOID plastics. Anyone know of any sites with piccys of the plastics?

And thanks everyone for the quick reply.


Boguslaw24 May 2006 1:17 a.m. PST then GAMING -> -> sci fi & fantasy miniatures -> then I-Kore


Dewbakuk24 May 2006 1:22 a.m. PST

Yep, the Urban Mammoth site has pics of the Void plastics. There are painted pics of them in the Void 1.1 Miniatures Gallery.

Scotia have said they will be producing the plastics and making them available seperately.

tnjrp24 May 2006 1:29 a.m. PST

SeattleGamer 24 May 2006 12:55 a.m. PST
"I was under the impression that the Mongoose minis were indeed in the 30mm + range, and that they wouldn't mix well with other 28mm stuff. Never seen one though to know"

If you can't see 'em in person, try the next best thing:

Tho no pics of GoMC1 stuff as of yet, I think. As to them being "not scifi", I suppose scifi is as scifi does.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 6:24 a.m. PST

The GOMC1 plastics are indeed taller than the CZ plastics or GW's Cadians. I bought the ganger set for use with my CZ game and could see the difference right away. They'd probably fit fine with the Starship Troopers guys, though.

Insomniac24 May 2006 7:01 a.m. PST

I'm glad to hear that SG are making the Void plastics available seperately. Urban Mammoth really missed the boat on that one.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 11:03 a.m. PST

Yes, that's an excellent site tnjrp. I discovered it quite recently, and it's a HUGE help when trying to figure out which product lines might match up well.

There are currently no photos of Urban War or Void plastic figures (there are a few metals though). And no photos of Gangs of MegaCity figures.

I'm not worried about alien figure scales, because they could be ANY size. So I think it would be fine to mix Starship Troopers Bugs and/or Alpha Forge Hydrissians with any line of humans because who's to say just how big those critters are supposed to be in relation to humans.

But a Starship Trooper fig looks right over the top of a Games Workshop Space Marine, so that's just not a good match.

Thanks for everyone's help! Much appreciated.


Hyun of WeeToySoldiers24 May 2006 11:20 a.m. PST

Hey, whaddaya know… grin I'm working on some VOID 1.1 plastic figures (Viridian Interdict Marines) to be uploaded later today (that's my website referenced above). I don't have any Urban War plastics, but then again, I'm not sure there ARE any UW plastics… can someone confirm this?

I don't have any GoMC figures, either. As my sanity and wallet have firmly drawn the line that I can't buy gazillion miniatures just to have a more complete comparison database, I'm relying on others' help to fill out the collection. Simply this: if you have figures I don't have, please mail them to me. I will take photos of them, and return them to you ASAP.



tnjrp24 May 2006 12:58 p.m. PST

Hyunster 24 May 2006 11:20 a.m. PST:
"I don't have any Urban War plastics, but then again, I'm not sure there ARE any UW plastics… can someone confirm this?"

I suppose only Urban Mammoth reps will know 100%, but I've personally never heard of UW plastics, much less seen any.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 2:24 p.m. PST

The Urbam War "plastic figures" misunderstanding is my fault. I knew there were boxed games for Void and Urban War, and both came with figs. Since most companies include plastic figs in the boxed sets (to get you started more cheaply), and I verified that the figs in the Void box were indeed plastic, and it was the same company doing both games . . . I think I assumed the UW figs were plastic as well. But I just chekced a listing for the UW, and it clearly states they are metal.

Hyun . . . excellent site!

One question (well, really just an observation). I have an entire army of the old, metal GW Necron warriors. I measured one just a few moments ago and it came to 30mm from sole of foot to top of head (I didn't count the raised weapon). This made them man-sized compared to other GW figures – they looked each other in the eyes.

The Necron Warrior you show (fourth group down from the top, and again second group from the bottom) is one of the newer plastics, but it's shown standing perhaps 38mm tall. Can that be correct? Are they that much taller now than a typical human figure? I had no idea!


Hyun of WeeToySoldiers24 May 2006 2:34 p.m. PST

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, the newer plastic Necron warriors are a lot taller than the classic ones. Talk about good timing, I was going to upload the individual photos of those later tonight. But here's a quick preview:


The newer Warrior towers even over a Space Marine!

Farstar24 May 2006 2:39 p.m. PST

There were Warzone plastics at some point as well.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 4:44 p.m. PST

The only thing I don't like about those VOID plastics is that all the figs have the same "spread-eagle" stance.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2006 7:25 p.m. PST

Thanks Hyunster! And that fig on the left is a metal Immortal (they were slightly bulkier than the common Warriors. Since I don't have any of the plastics, I don't know if that fig on the right is just a regular warrior, but I suspect it is (I believe the new Immortals are still all-metal.

I'm okay either way, because if I wanted to use these as generic "terminator" opposing forces in a sci-fi game, they don't need to be human sized. They just need to fit down the narrow hallws of ship terrain (and these will).

Yes, I will add Warzone plastics to my list of figs to track down. I suspect thought htat they are long gone, and it's down to ebay leftovers – which is not really a good way to slowly build up forces. It's all hit and miss, and if you never track down all the figs you want… then what?

Lots of plastic figs have the spread-eagle stance problem, but that goes with the territory. If you can pose the arms and the head that helps. The reason for the plastics is two-fold; a cheaper source for figures, and ease of modelling plastic versus hacking off metal bits and pinning them back on in different poses.


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