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"Scotia Grendel Productions re-release Void1.1" Topic

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Ironmammoth23 May 2006 2:58 a.m. PST

Bill will be post the official news release shortly, but I thought I would just let you all know that Scotia Grendel Productions have bought Void and all the figures and vehicles etc.

The range is now available from Scotia Grendel Productions.

All the deleted figures will be returned to production and there will be new releases over the coming months.

Scotia Grendel has rushed through a new website (which is far from complete but should work OK) so that the Void range can be showcased. There will be photos of the range added as soon as I can do the code etc.

Hasslefriesian23 May 2006 3:01 a.m. PST

Is U.M needing a bit of a cash injection, hey? :-D

tnjrp23 May 2006 3:02 a.m. PST


I've heard a rumour that VOID was originally intented to be the new version of the Kryomek game, so this would mean VOID 1.1 is going "home to roost" (-:)

BTW the site is of course

tnjrp23 May 2006 3:11 a.m. PST

Oh and do I need to mention how angry I will be if this turns out to be an elaborate practical joke? And do I also need to mention that you won't like me when I'm angy? And since you probably don't like me much when I'm amicable either…

alien BLOODY HELL surfer23 May 2006 3:11 a.m. PST

So how will this differ from Urban War regards rules, figures etc – I know Urban War came from Void 1.1, but the factions are the same I thought? Have Scotia Grendel got the rights to Urban War as well then?

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 3:44 a.m. PST


SGP have done alot of the casting and mould making for UM and so have worked quite closely.

They have agreed to "not stand on each others toes".

smokingwreckage23 May 2006 3:51 a.m. PST

Oh this is great news! Can anyone tell me what kind of casting quality I can expect from SGP?

tnjrp23 May 2006 3:58 a.m. PST


Solely by detuction, if SGP have done "a lot of casting" for UM lately then I'd assume I've seen their handiwork in the form of Urban War minis. If that's the case, you can rest easy: they weren't subpar by any means.

overrevdsquat23 May 2006 3:58 a.m. PST

SGP have always been good at casting, at least, in my experience. Note that:

"SGP have done alot of the casting and mould making for UM and so have worked quite closely"

I do have a question … I've just looked at the website, and noticed some stuff not listed, like the old Junkers exosuits, and the sci fi bridge.

Does this mean you're still working on the lists, or that some stuff will just remain unavailable?



Ironmammoth23 May 2006 3:59 a.m. PST

As Robbie at SGP did most of the casting for UM (and Kryomek, Warzone, Celtos, Cronopia etc. in the past), it will be exactly the same as the previous Void stuff!

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 4:06 a.m. PST


The stuff on the website is basically just what was recently available from UM, the older stuff will be re-released as Robbie gets achance to sort it out, so I guess your exosuits and bridge should be available in the near future.

There are a few figures that UM have retained that they will be putting itno Urban War. These are mainly characters ( such as "11305-Xiao 3.14 Pi").

overrevdsquat23 May 2006 4:10 a.m. PST

Thanks for that, good news indeed.


Unrepentant Werewolf23 May 2006 4:22 a.m. PST

So I suspect that the "Urban War Big Battles" rules supposedly out soon may well have just gone down the plughole! Shame as I was looking forward to them…

Dewbakuk23 May 2006 5:26 a.m. PST

I have a quick question, and as it's about a currently unavailable model, feel free to tell me to go away and ask later :P

There were some Junker Legionary Standard Bearers available a while back. Would it be possible to order just the Standard icons as they were a seperate piece? I want to use them for my Khemri standards and scenery.

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 5:30 a.m. PST

You would need to email Robbie directly about that one I am afraid.

I am simply putting the website together, and I only really know the outline of his plans for the range.

Artemis23 May 2006 5:34 a.m. PST

Have Urban Mammoth gone belly up again?

Companies House says they are in Compulsory Liquidation if I'm reading it correctly. That's a 3 month death sentence starting from whenever it happened right?


Lone wanderer23 May 2006 5:40 a.m. PST

Best of Luck Robbie.

tnjrp23 May 2006 6:10 a.m. PST

Don't know about death sentences but Companies House does say "in liquidation". Or at least it did a moment ago (-;)

nvdoyle23 May 2006 6:18 a.m. PST

Guess that means I should get my UW Viridians soonish, eh?

Interesting news about SGP, though – good,too. Even better if they pick up the new UW sculpts when UM goes under.

Artemis23 May 2006 6:22 a.m. PST

Well, I just got word through from UM that the companies house listing is a mistake and they'll be addressing it shortly.

Watch this space I guess.

nvdoyle23 May 2006 6:36 a.m. PST

Well, that's something – as I'm liking those Helghast…erm, I mean, UW Viridians quite a bit, I'm hoping it is a mistake.

BigSteve23 May 2006 6:40 a.m. PST

My questions, if they can be answered here:

The militia were the only Void minis I recall that seem to have found a place in Urban War, and they're not in the VASA listing. Does this mean they weren't included in the deal?

Any plans for the 2nd edition Black Legionnaires? (I know, I could probably be patient on this one)

The Koralon Arakterex spider tank… Buh? Is that the piece in the upper right corner? When do we get petter pics?

Here's hoping this line finally gets a fair shake from a decent company :)

Crusaderminis23 May 2006 6:59 a.m. PST

So Companies house have made a mistake and accidentally listed UM as in liquidation? Riiiiiight…I 'm sure that happens a lot…..

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 7:18 a.m. PST


The Militia are indeed being kept by UM for their Urban War game, as are most of the new koralon sculpts (this is why there are so few Koralon listed on the SGP site so far).
The older Koralon figures will be put back into production over the next few months.

Yes the Arakterex is the big beasty in the corner.
I will be trying to get more pictures on the site as soon as I can, at the moment, the priority is to get all of the pages looking the same, then I start with all the photos.

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers23 May 2006 7:27 a.m. PST

What about the big boxed set that came with 50 plastic figures? Will that be re-released also?


MiniatureReview23 May 2006 7:30 a.m. PST

No hint at all was given of this situation on the UM boards.

This could either be good news or bad news.

On the positive side. Void has found a new home, which seems pretty pumped to produce the product and add more stuff to the line. UM get some extra cash on a line they were not really promoting.

The plans as far as I know were to produce a new game called Metropolis which basically would have replaced Void anyway. So selling Void might have actually been seen as a positive move by management. Why support two systems, when you really want to only support the newer one.

As far as Void miniatures go, Metropolis isn't going to be based on the Void sculpts. It is going to be based on the newer Urban War sculpts.

As far as game play goes the mechanics of Metropolis are going to be totally different than Void's mechanics. It is not like Metropolis was going to be an update of Void. It is a total re-write.

On the negative side. This news came out of left field, so it doesn't appear very positive for UM. The other thing that is really weird is background/fluff for Void and Urban War come from the same source. I don't know how that will all play out.

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 7:30 a.m. PST

Robbie at Scotia Grendel has just asked me to post this reply:-

"Further to our earlier post about Scotia Grendel taking over the void range.

Urban Mammoth are alive and well and as Scotia Grendel are share holders in Urban Mammoth we are in a position to know if they have a problem, which they do not.

We also cast all the Urban Mammoth miniatures and have been
doing so since the formation of the company and look forward to continuing this working relationship.

Urban Mammoth are developing a new squad based game to be called Metropolis and so were no longer going to be developing the VOID system. So it was decided to sell Void to us at Scotia Grendel where we will endeavor to develop and support the Void universe. This is we feel an ideal solution for all concerned.

Sorry for the premature posting. We`d ment to put the posting up this evening but forgot to tell Iron Mammoth this in all the excitement of getting things going. Further and fuller details can be found in the Urban Mammoth Void forums.


I hope that clears up some of the speculation!

Ironmammoth23 May 2006 7:36 a.m. PST


Yep! Boxed sets on their way, they will also be selling the boxed set components separately, so you can buy just the plastic figures, or just the counters or templates.
I do not have a timescale on that though.

Pole Bitwy PL23 May 2006 7:40 a.m. PST

As a stockist of UW I have to say I am really suprised and shocked…
Apart from that all the best to the new owners and hope to be able to carry the VOID range apart from UW [I had many requests for specific older VOID minis].
Hope the non-agression treaty holds up :)
Iron Mammoth you can contact me at sztab[at]polebitwy[dot]pl

Good luck !

MiniatureReview23 May 2006 7:45 a.m. PST

Well then this all sounds like good news to me. Especially for those who wanted Voif boxed set components separately.

MiniatureReview23 May 2006 7:47 a.m. PST

Target print date for Metropolis is October, pre-release PDF July/August.

CmdrKiley23 May 2006 11:01 a.m. PST

Any chance of combining Void 1.1 with Kryomek? or Updating Kromek to Void rules?

Love to see those Nexus vehicles in a Void 1.1 game and Kryomeks as an alternative to those first generation Koralon (perhaps an off-shoot variant of the species).

If anything, I know that many distributors and retailers are gunshy with the Void name after i-Kore went under. Perhaps take the same approach as Urban Mammoth and drop the Void name and resurect it as Kryomek 2.0 or something.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2006 10:31 p.m. PST

I'm new tot he whole Void/Urban War thing. I understnad that both take place int he same universe (factions the same) but what's the difference in the rules? Is one the big battles game with massed troops, and the other a skirmish game (like the difference between 40K and say, Necromunda)? If so which is which.


tnjrp24 May 2006 12:08 a.m. PST

Urban War is a skirmish game, definitely. VOID is a battle game — and I'm glad to say "is" and not "was" (-;)

In addition to the same universe (UW fluff is concentrated on a single planet in that universe), UW features similar stat lines for minis and shares a number of mechanics with VOID, such as success on rolled D10 score + stat (with 1 always a failure and 10 always a success). It however has a complete different turn sequence mechanic so it's not very similar as a game at all. You might hear different opinions on this tho.

Like it was mentioned above, Metropolis was touted as the "new VOID" only apparently it's going to be more different than initially projected.

Ironmammoth24 May 2006 12:55 a.m. PST


"Any chance of combining Void 1.1 with Kryomek? or Updating Kromek to Void rules? "

I doubt it. The Kryomek ownership is already split between SGP and the guys in the US that do over there. So effectively they are owned (or at least part owned) by different entities. I would imagine it is very unlikely that they would be combined.

Of course if anyone wants to write up the stats for Kryomeks/Cyclos etc. in Void we would be happy to make them available on the website.

CmdrKiley24 May 2006 6:01 a.m. PST

OK, here's another question.

Void 1.1 had alot of models that ended up not getting game stats, like the Scorponoids, Arakto-Brood and various Arakton 'Personalities'that never made it to the Koralon Forcebook (due to the restyling), also some of the original vehicles like the Korvus and Tiger APC got dropped when i-Kore came out with Forcebooks. Any plans to provide game stats and put these into the SGP's version of Void?

Penchour24 May 2006 8:39 p.m. PST

So now the big question about Grendel/Scotia : would that mean they'll have the whole website redone ? Up to me, it's one of the thing to do, especially in regard to the gap between their excellent production (all ranges, yet I gotta say my preferance goes to Kryomek stuff)and awfull pictures (when there are some …) ?
I definitely find it's a great opportunity to do it now.

Ironmammoth25 May 2006 1:06 a.m. PST


Yes we plan to get stats up for every model in the range!


I am doing the site re-design at the moment. Once all the page match the new design I will start work on getting the photos we have on site. Then, probably getting the Void webshop up and running.
Along side that we now have a rolling plan going, where by I should get around 40 to 50 models from the back catalogue every month, photographed and on to the site.

As there are 1000s of models in the Scotia range, we calculate it will take around 2 years to get everything on the site (assuming everything goes to plan)!

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