By the way, the Hessians were not drunk. 😄
Just a typical miserable Jersey Pennsylvania winter day. Snow, sleet and freezing rain. The kind of day when if you don't have to leave the house to go to Walmart for dog food, you put it off for tomorrow.
I find it quite instructive that the Landgraf of Hesse found it necessary to demand a court of inquiry to determine the cause of this blot on Hessian Honor. The Court blamed the disaster only on generals who were killed. That satisfied Honor!
I gamed this years ago. I hand built many buildings. I painted at least 80+ figures for each Hessian regiment. Rall's regiment, (NOT "von Rall"!) had appropriate figures without lapels. Before Perry, there is a Foundry range by Copplestone, of SYW Freikorps. 👍
I made up my own rules, which I thought were horrible, but the club seemed to have no problem with. 🤷
Finally, Frederick the Great thought the whole Trenton Princeton campaign was brilliant.
Washington certainly delivered, in "the times that try men's souls". Hats off to him.