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Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 2:18 a.m. PST

I'm working on this campaign and am using Duffy's "Eagles over the Alps" as my primary source. At p50 it has an OOB for the beginning of the campaign. In it, for the Austrians, is:

Div Lt-Gen Ott
6th Banal Croats
d'Aspre Jaeger (6 coys).

Both these units are unknown to me. Does anyone know of their uniforms, organisation and performance? I had read that whilst Austria had arguably the most proficient light infantry in the SYW, largely because of their Grenz units, inexplicably these units were sought to be fashioned into line units, diminishing their effectiveness.

Any help gratefully received.

BillyNM21 Oct 2024 5:04 a.m. PST

Did you see this earlier thread?
TMP link

Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 12:17 p.m. PST

Thanks BillyNM. How stupid of me not to do such a simple search!

I did do a search for 6th Banal Croats and variations but came up empty. Any suggestions on how I might find out more about that unit?

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 12:40 p.m. PST

I can't guarantee you'll find out about 6th Banal Croats, but for a ton of information about 1799, you could try Enrico Acerbi's works:

(Obviously I recommend these as well, but they don't give that kind of detail:)

Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 1:09 p.m. PST

I'm guessing they are grenzer units from the military boarder districts the Hapsburgs created, one of which was the Banal between the Upper and Lower boarder districts on the Hungarian boarder.

Would anyone know of their 1799 uniforms?

Valmy9221 Oct 2024 3:44 p.m. PST

From David Hollins Austrian Frontier Troops 1740-1798 there were only two Banal Grenz Regiments, IR69 and IR70 (1st and 2nd Banal) had carmine red facings with yellow and white buttons respectively. Removed from the line in 1799. They became Grenz Regiments numbers 10 and 11. For what's worth, Grenz 6 was Warasdiner St. Georger.
I vaguely recall that the grenzer were so under strength after the Turkish wars that they sen composite battalions to the field(whether that was still true in 1799, I don't know.
Hope this helps some.

Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 4:09 p.m. PST

Valmy92 that is a help, as from your post it now seems very likely the "6th Banal Croats" is a reference to a Grenz unit (can't think what else it might be).

Would you know what headgear Grenz units might have been wearing in 1799? Presumably they weren't part of the Kasquet/helmet caffuffle that seemed to take a while to be implemented. But given there were significant uniform reforms at that time, it is possible they underwent changes as well.

Thanks for reminding me of your Clausewitz translation Chris. I have it on my to buy list.

Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 4:26 p.m. PST

I think I have found my answer on Gonsalvo's excellent uniform compendium:

In 1798, a white jacket cut and faced similarly to the line units was adopted for field service. It was worn with medium to light blue trousers with gold and black braid on the seams and knots, similar to the Hungarian Line infantry units. A shako without a peak (visor), called a klobuk, was worn. The cuffs were pointed with white baerentatzen lace similar to the Hungarian regiments.

Lazy research on my part, but just what I was after.

Allan F Mountford22 Oct 2024 2:46 a.m. PST

The 6th Banal Grenz battalion was brigaded with companies of d'Aspre Jaeger throughout 1799. See Nafziger's OOB's, for example 799EAD. I could find seven Banal Grenz battalions each with sequential numbering. Since the Grenz regiments each had two battalions I suggest the units appearing in these OOBs were simply a few companies strong, since they were still being used in a light infantry capacity.
Kind regards

Prince of Essling22 Oct 2024 3:23 a.m. PST

Not so small units for Banal (though spelt Banat here) – see Nafziger 799CAE:
Austrian Army of Italy
20 March l799
Division: Generallieutenant Mercantin
Brigadier: Generalmajor Klenau
Wurmser Hussar Regiment #8 (8)(l,404)
Am-Ende Light Infantry Battalion #3 (760)
Bach Light Infantry Battalion #4 (820)
Szlunier Croatian Infantry Regiment (l)(l,l8l)
Banat Croatian Infantry Regiment (l)(l,050)
Brigade: Generalmajor Mitrowsky
Fro"lich Infantry Regiment #28 (3)(3,002)
Vacant Infantry Regiment #23 (3)(2,l86)
Brigade: Generalmajor A. Legnago (4,583)
Lattermann Infantry Regiment #45 (3)
3/Fu"rstemberg Infantry Regiment #36 (l)
3/Gyulay Infantry Regiment #32 (l)
Division: Generallieutenant Froelich (provisonally
commanded by Generalmajor Lusignan
Brigade: Generalmajor Lusignan
Thurn Infantry Regiment #43 (3)(l,350)
Reisky Infantry Regiment #l3 (3)(2,428)
Brigade: Generalmajor Lttermann
Nadasty Infantry Regiment #39 (3)(3,24l)
Mercantin Grenadier Battalion (#24,28,45)(l)(752)
Fiquelmont Grenadier Battalion (#l3,l4,43)(l)(754)
Weber Grenadier Battalion (#l0,l8,36)(l)(783)
Khorherr (Hungarian) Grenadier Battalion (#l9,34,39)
Neny Grenadier Battalion (#8,44,46)(l)(388)
Brigade: Generalmajor Doller
Levenehr Dragoon Regiment (6)(l,l62)
7th Hussar Regiment (8)(l,32l)
Division: Generallieutenant Keim
Brigade: Generalmajor Elsnitz
5th Hussar Regiment (8)(l,404)
Plank Jagers (d'Aspre Jager Corps) (2)(l,l47)
Oguliner Croatian Infantry Regiment (l)(l,245)
7th Warasdiner Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(l,l74)
Brigade: Generalmajor Gottesheim
Jordis Infantry Regiment #59 (2)(l,7l4)
Jellachich Infantry Regiment #53 (2)(l,850)
Brigade: Generalmajor Minkowitz
Vacant (Hungarian) Infantry Regiment #48 (2)(l,482)
Wilhem Schro"der Infantry Regiment #26 (3)(2,27l)
Pers Grenadier Battalion (#32,48,53) (l)(767)
Garrison of Verona:
3/Jordis Infantry Regiment #59 (l)(846)
3/Jellachach Infantry Regiment #53 (l)(909)
Vacant (Hungarian) Infantry Regiment #48 (l)(72l)
Plank Jagers (d'Aspre)(327)
Division: Generallieutenant Kray (provisionally commanded by
Count Hohenzollern)
Brigade: Generalmajor Morzin
Samuel Gyulay Infantry Regiment #32 (2)(2,087)
Mitrowsky Infantry Regiment #40 (3)(3,032)
Stentsch Grenadier Battalion (#26,40,59)(l)(776)
Brigade: Generalmajor Hohenzollern
Karaczay Dragoon Regiment #4 (6) (l,085)
Lobkowitz Dragoon Regiment #l0 (6)(l,l04)
Independant Brigade: Generalmajor Liptay
Fu"rstenberg Infantry Regiment #36 (2)(l,856)
Klebeck Infantry Regiment #l4(3)(2,307)
Reserves en Route:
Division: Generallieutenant Zoph
Brigade: Generalmajor St. Julien
Anton Esterhazy Infantry Regiment #34 (3)(2,877)
Alvinzy Infantry Regiment #l9 (3)(2,502)
Brigade: Generalmajor Kowachewich
Huff Infantry Regiment #8 (3)(2,849)
4/Banat Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(905)
6/Banat Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(929)
Division: Generallieutenant Ott
Brigade: Generalmajor Seckendorf
Archduke Joseph Hussar Regiment (8)(l,424)
Emperor Dragoon Regiment (6)(l,0l5)
Brigade: Generalmajor Lichtenstein
Wurtemberg Dragoon Regiment (6)(l,ll4)
Kavanagh Cuirassier Regiment (6)(963)
Detached Troops:
Venice Garrison: Generalmajor Montfrault
Stuart Infantry Regiment(3)(2,540)
Kewuhl Infantry Regiment(3)(2,660)
Triest Garrison:
Belgioso Infantry Regiment(3)(2,000)
Stationed in Carinthia:
Ottochaner Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(763)
Licaner Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(l,l73)
2/Oguliner Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(l,023)
Banat Croatian Infantry Regiment(l)(l,030
Trevise Garrison
Bussy Chevauleger Regiment (8)(l,300)

Austria – Schematismus der Kais. Königl. Armée shows the Banal Grenz with carmine facings.

Prince of Essling22 Oct 2024 3:53 a.m. PST

From Nafziger OoB 799DAB:
Principal Acting Army in Italy
27 April l799
Corps: General Melas
A.Esterhazy Infantry Regiment (2)(l,074)
Mittrowsky Infantry Regiment (2)(l,279)
Stein Grenadier Battalion (l)(620)
Hersh Grenadier Battalion(l)(l99)
Erzherzog Josef Hussar Regiment (4 sqns)(576)
Division: Frolich
Stuart Infantry Regiment (2)(l,74l)
Alvinczy Infantry Regiment (2 l/2)(l,655)
Weber Grenadier Battalion (l)(457)
Paar Grenadier Battalion (l)(520)
Finkel Grenadier Battalion (l)(582)
Korherr Grenadier Battalion (l)(6l8)
Lobkowitz Dragoon Regiment (l)(6)(836)
Division: Keinmayer
Preiss Infantry Regiment (2)(l,424)
Frolich Infantry Regiment (2)(2,370)
Levenehr Dragoon Regiment (6)(8 50)
Division: Prince Russkich Voiskakh
Kavanaugh Dragoon Regiment (6)(934)
Kaiser Dragoon Regiment (6)(l,0l5)
Archduke Josef Hussar Regiment (5)(575)
Corps: General Ott
M.Wallis Infantry Regiment (l)(795)
Nadasty Infantry Regiment (2)(2,l06)
6th Banal Grenz Battalion (l)(546)
d'Aspre Jager Corps (6 cos)(7l3)
6th sqn, 7th Hussar Regiment (l88)
Corps: General Vukasovich
Erzherzog Anton Infantry Regiment (3)
Wallis Infantry Regiment (2)
Zettwitz Siegenfeld Infantry Regiment (2)
Luigi Rogan Infantry Regiment (2)
Karl Rogan Infantry Regiment (l)
Weisenwolf Grenadier Battalion (l)
Carnville Infantry Regiment (l)
lst Banal Grenz Battalion (l)
5th Banal Grenz Battalion (l)
2nd Banal Grenz Battalion (l)
Le Loup Ja"ger Corps (4 cos)
Erdo"dy Hussar Regiment (2)
7th Hussar Regiment (6)
Division: General Latterman
Reisky Infantry Regiment (3)(l,85l)
Terzi Infantry Regiment (3)(l,
5th Hussar Regiment (2)(246)
Division: General Seckendorf
Gyulai Infantry Regiment (2)(l,482)
Fu"rstenberg Infantry Regiment (3)(2,575)
5th Hussar Regiment (6)(826)
Corps: C.Zhyulben, Elbsen, Klenau
Klebek Infantry Regiment (3)(l,722)
Jellachich Infantry Regiment (3)(l,4l2)
Latterman Infantry Regiment (l)(l,027)
Szuliner Grenz Regiment (l)(l,l40)
4th Banal Grenz Battalion (l)(4l8)
Ero"dy Infantry Regiment (3)(l,728)
48th Hungarian Regiment (3 bns)(l,428)
Oguliner Grenz Regiment (l)(950)
2nd Banal Grenz Battalion (l)(l,046)
Am Ende Infantry Regiment (l)(692)
Erbach Infantry Regiment (l)(794)
d'Aspre Jagers (4 cos)(485)
Nauendorf Hussar Regiment (8)(l,272)
Mittrovsky Infantry Regiment (l)(723) (Bresica)
C.Schro"der Infantry Regiment (3)(l,l62)(Verona)
Latterman Infantry Regiment (3)(5l7)(Legnago)
Stuart Infantry Regiment (l)(928)(Venice)
Kheul Infantry Regiment (3)(2,5l4)(Venice)
Other Garrisons:
Belgiojoso Infantry Regiment (3)(822)
Liccaner Grenz Regiment (l)(l,00l)
Ottocaner Grenz Regiment (2)(2,352)
Oguliner Grenz Regiment (l)(96l)
4th Banal Grenz Battalion (l)(765)
Neni Grenadier Battalion (l bn)(265)
Waradeiner Grenz Regiment (3)
Huff Infantry Regiment (l)
Gyulai Infantry Regiment (l)
Anton Esterhazy Infantry Regiment (l)
Alvinzy Infantry Regiment (4 cos)
Kavanaugh Dragoon Regiment (6)
Wu"rttemberg Dragoon Regiment (6)
Bussy Chevauxleger Regiment (8)

Note on Translation: The transliteration of German (and Italian) into Russian and then back into English has proven extremely difficult. Though the names of the regiments are quite certain, the names of the various grenadier battalions are subject to some question. Those names shown are the best Germanification I could make of the Russian cyrillic. Apologies for any errors.
Milirtin, D.A. Count, Istoriia voiny Rossti s Frantsieiu, St. Petersburg, l852

Allan F Mountford22 Oct 2024 4:32 a.m. PST

Banal and Banat were two completely different recruiting areas, as you know. I am puzzled why we seem to have many more battalions than were actually raised.
Theoretical strength for a Grenz-Ordinär-Kompagnie in 1792-1814 was 254 so 1,524 for the battalion plus the Grenz-Regiments-Stabs of 57 (excluding the 56 artillerists) thus four battalions of either the two Banal or two Banat regiments would add up to 6,210, which is obviously more than the total number (3,914) cited in the OOB above.
I have pompadour for the Banal facings, which I presume is similar to carmine.
Any suggestions on the large number of battalions?

Stoppage22 Oct 2024 5:11 a.m. PST

Austrians paired companies into Grand-Divisions. Perhaps they're not all full battalions – just Grand-divisions counted as such.

Prince of Essling22 Oct 2024 5:51 a.m. PST

Wrede has uniform for the Banal Grenz in 1798 as:
1st Banal: dunkelbrauner Rock, carmoisinrotlie Egalisierung, lichtblaue Hosen, gelbe Knöpfe.
2nd Banal: dunkelbrauner Rock, carmoisinrothe Egalisierung, lichtblaue Hosen, weisse Knöpfe.

Will see if I can track down an answer on why the larger number than expected number of battalions…

Allan F Mountford22 Oct 2024 6:37 a.m. PST

Could be. I do know that in the French army an infantry unit of at least two companies/platoons could be described as a battalion. As I suggested earlier, maybe each of these Banal Grenz units is an ad-hoc battalion of varying numbers of companies. The d'Aspre Jaeger are distributed in more than one unit in the same way.

@Prince of Essling
So Wrede has both regiments in brown jackets? I thought these were introduced in 1807, replacing white. Thank you for the update.

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