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"Taking Wargames on Manuevers, last try" Topic

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669 hits since 8 Aug 2024
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Anton Ryzbak09 Aug 2024 4:05 p.m. PST


My friend Joe is a big Tericos fan. His unit is getting deployed to Poland soon and there is no way that armies of fragile minis will survive the "gentle" handling of the US Army transport services. He mentioned that he wished that he could find a way to bring a game along so he could try to convert the 40K guys while they were overseas. Tercios uses a limited number of fixed base sizes so I decided to print out images from Junior General and stick them to bases cut from thick card. Not as pretty as minis but it will get the job done. More on how I did it and some samples can be found here link


robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2024 4:11 p.m. PST

Good call! I was preparing something similar for a Mideast deployment which didn't happen. They're still around here somewhere. But if I were trying again, I'd also consider 2mils.

Anton Ryzbak09 Aug 2024 4:58 p.m. PST

It occurred to me (after I had done all the work of making the units) that I could have simply taken top-down photos of the minis that we have been gaming with. Insight always comes last!

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2024 8:56 p.m. PST

There's always the hair curler/roller army (I kid you not):

If you go waaaay back on TMP you'll find these discussed.

More recently, somebody did matchstick armies.

TMP link

And another, older take on the same:

nickinsomerset10 Aug 2024 3:22 a.m. PST

In Sarajevo, 1996, we had some DBM armies that came out with the vehicles and whilst there I painted quite a few 15mm Napolonics, enough for a few battles as someone else brought French and with Napoleons Battles we also had printed counters,

Tally Ho!

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