Albus Malum | 01 Jul 2024 8:27 p.m. PST |
Why are the 3d printers of Fantasy miniatures not represented here? From my observation the vast majority of people designing 3d miniatures for sale or otherwise are fantasy based minatures, yet looking on the 3d messaged board on TMP they are almost non existent. |
20thmaine  | 02 Jul 2024 1:25 a.m. PST |
Because they don't post. Presumably there are other web sites that better suit the needs of 3d printers of fantasy. |
rustymusket | 02 Jul 2024 3:03 a.m. PST |
That is what I would think, 20th. Maybe you, Albus, should tell about TMP and they would see it as a place to advertise. I always understood there to be plenty of fantasy players here. |
20thmaine  | 02 Jul 2024 6:08 a.m. PST |
Sgt Slag  | 02 Jul 2024 6:54 a.m. PST |
I usually find 3D printers offering fantasy figures on Etsy and e-Bay. Their offerings are very tempting… Cheers! |
79thPA  | 02 Jul 2024 7:54 a.m. PST |
I agree with all of the above. From my perspective, the vast majority of 3D printing folks are making things for historical gaming, but I am mostly a historical gamer, so I see what I see in that context. As noted, tons of stuff on etsy, ebay and I presume other sites. I would also guess that the majority of 3D fantasy folks don't even know that TMP exists. |
DeRuyter | 02 Jul 2024 10:16 a.m. PST |
As 79thPA noted it depends on perspective and context. Historical 3d printing files are a minority on some of the large file hosting sites. Try MyMiniFactory: |
Shagnasty  | 02 Jul 2024 10:29 a.m. PST |
Let us be thankful for the small favor of no fantasy figures. |
Old Contemptible  | 02 Jul 2024 7:56 p.m. PST |
The H Man | 03 Jul 2024 1:53 a.m. PST |
Shagnasty -1. Nothing wrong with fantasy figures. Many are based on historicals anyway. Not to mention great literature. In fact there are blurry lines between the two. Like Robin hood or king Arthur. Some may say biblical or other religious themes. Greek and Roman mythology, so on. Some fantasy figures are great for historical use. Fantasy towns folk and some soldiers can be used in mediaeval and dark ages for example. More so in smaller scales. Is that a 10mm orc or a Celt? Wagons and other equipment from fantasy ranges can be used for historical games. Don't pretend the Warhammer fortress and seige equipment never appeared in the mediaeval world. I'm pretty sure the Perry's had/have some cross over, if a notable name is needed. They were converting empire pikemen, perhaps for historical? I know (one of the GW guys??) used the classic plastic bretonian bowmen in a mediaeval army. Most gamers probably. And why not? Let us all be very thankful for the large favor of endless fantasy figures. Goes double for those in chainmail bikinis. |
dmclellan | 08 Jul 2024 2:42 p.m. PST |
Shagnasty, I'll remind you of that the next time you and I play a fantasy skirmish game :) |
The H Man | 08 Jul 2024 5:17 p.m. PST |
greenknight4  | 10 Jul 2024 9:04 a.m. PST |
I just posted some new Medbury 14th medieval troops today and the Editor was kind enough to post them immediately (Thank you Bill). I always post my fantasy miniatures as well. I placed a News item with Bill today as well regarding some new Southron miniatures ala LOTR. I have been lead to believe it isn't cricket to post our miniature links on these posts but here is a link to my Blog which shows the new LOTR type miniatures. link
The H Man | 10 Jul 2024 5:25 p.m. PST |
The thing that puts me off is this; There was once a news report about people buying apartments in a new building. One guy had his new shower cubicle with the ceiling so low above it that it was only fit for hobbits. They bought off the plan. |
greenknight4  | 11 Jul 2024 5:00 a.m. PST |
The H Man | 12 Jul 2024 7:08 p.m. PST |
A CG rendered image is like a building plan. Your not seeing the final product and would be foolish to buy it with any preconceived expectations. A photo of a physical figure would be better. However, that's the (another) bane of selling files, you can't even guarantee the quality shown in any such photo anyway. Best bet would be to have a range of different 3d printers and then have 3-5 of the same figure each from a different printer in one photo any caption it like, "Printers quality may vary". Perhaps it's dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. It's odd, as model kits, and figures often come with a painted photo, even though everyone's skill and tools are different. I'm not sure how to solve the problem I guess, in hindsight, that image is what they are buying (without showing lines of mindboggling code or ones and zeros). What they do with it is, for the most part up to them. Doesn't make things any better though. |
greenknight4  | 13 Jul 2024 4:42 a.m. PST |
err what is The H Man talking about? |
greenknight4  | 13 Jul 2024 4:43 a.m. PST |
Fantasy LOTR just posted here :) TMP link |
Albus Malum | 15 Jul 2024 8:24 p.m. PST |
Im not sure how big MyMiniFactory is, I doubt they are a billion dollar company yet, but likely close, The majority of the miniatures appears to be Fantasy based. So it would seem logical that there would be more 3d printers of fantasy miniatures on this 3d printing forum of TMP. Im not talking about etsy people selling 3d printed miniatures, there should be more just plain people just 3d print fantasy, yet is seems only WW2 players are 3d printing on this forum? Maybe all the fantasy players are not on this website. Ya, I know there are a lot of Free stl's for ww2 stuff. but I still wonder where are all the fantasy printers. Maybe 79thPA is right, maybe most the Fantasy players dont even know about this site! |
The H Man | 15 Jul 2024 9:34 p.m. PST |
I also remember doing this thing in primary school where you had to write out instructions for an alien (teacher) to make bread and butter. That, too, was tedious. I try again. If you buy files to 3d print figures from a site, but only have CG images to go by, you have no idea what they may actually look like until they are printed. Different printers will produce different results. Furthermore, you will have no idea if the figures will look anything like the picture at all anyway, so it is buying on faith from the start. |
monk2002uk | 17 Jul 2024 6:45 a.m. PST |
The H Man, forgive me asking but have you ever purchased and printed files for 3D print figures? Robert |
greenknight4  | 17 Jul 2024 8:20 a.m. PST |
@The H Man "If you buy files to 3d print figures from a site, but only have CG images to go by, " You are incorrect. Most designers have images of the prints themselves, well photographed and based. I am licensed to print historical and fantasy miniatures from the following… Medbury Miniatures link Battlecat Miniatures link Bergman Miniatures link |
Bandolier | 17 Jul 2024 1:59 p.m. PST |
Sounds like H Man is getting his advice 2nd hand. Most resin printers released over the last 2-3 years are 4k/8k/12k resolution and pretty much at the point the human eye can't appreciate the level of detail. 3D models are (of course) a different format than a physically printed model, but once printed, they always look like the 3D render. I've never, ever, required a printed model to know exactly what I'm getting. |