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""Exploding Spaceships" - a reprise of the squadron action" Topic

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Ponder Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2022 8:31 a.m. PST


Reprise from yesterday (3/19) of the squadron action --- Exploding Spaceships.

Link from prior game:"TMP link

With the initial pass, the CDU CA Cataphract expended 2/3 of it's missiles, to no great effect. With the CDU DD's taking some significant damage, the CDU squadron broke off the action (by leaving the table).

The MDF held off the initial CDU attack. No doubt those greedy CDU bastards will return with a stronger force. Dumas is too rich a prize to remain independent.

The key take away from the game was that the cost of veteran ships needs to be increased. Fun game.

Photo 1 – CDU squadron: CA Cataphract, and DD's Spatha, Mace, & Javelin

Photo 2 – MDF squadron: CL Priam, and DD's Hector & Ajax

Photo 3 – CDU at start; the black spheres indicate unspotted ships

Photo 4 – MDF at start; the planet Dumas to the right

Photo 5 – Long-range missile attack on the MDF – only one hit scored.

Photo 6 – Squadrons closing

Photo 7 – Initial morale failures as beams score hits (Green markers indicate failed morale)

Photo 8 – Pass through

Photo 9 – The more maneuverable MDF ships turn in pursuit

My apologies for not getting enough photos to fully document the action. The game was played at Saga Games in Frederick, Maryland, US. The next game is slated for April and is planned as a fighter scrum.

Ponder on,


Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2022 10:13 a.m. PST

Looks like a good time.

Ponder Supporting Member of TMP21 Mar 2022 9:22 a.m. PST


Plotting the next scenario: Fighter Scrum

Aiming for April 23rd, noon, at Saga Games in Frederick, MD.

The Eclair forces attempt a raid to knock out a Cannoli sentry station. They are intercepted by Cannoli fighters. Planned for 4 players.

Cannoli Order of Battle
Dagger Flight 3x fighters, Dagger-One is a Veteran (ace) pilot
Ripper Flight 3x fighters
Sentry station

The Cannoli fighters are maneuverable with an Acceleration of 6.

Eclair Order of Battle
Axe Flight 3x Fighters, Axe-One is a Veteran (ace) pilot
Why Flight 3x Strike Fighters

All Eclair fighters have an Acceleration of 4.
The Axe Fighters have Screens.
The Strike Fighters have Missilets.

All fighters have beam weapons.

RSVP if you plan to attend.

Ponder on,


Ponder Supporting Member of TMP22 Mar 2022 5:22 a.m. PST


For the April 23rd game:

Ponder on,


Kirk Alderfer23 Mar 2022 6:24 a.m. PST

That is a nice setup.

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