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"Dilemma - A New Wave story" Topic

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overrevdsquat11 Jul 2005 8:15 a.m. PST

So, I'm bored, and decide to look at pretty pictures on the New Wave website – harmless I think.

Then I see this:

And am caught – it is a lovely mini, and "not available any where else."


SO, do I risk spending money with New Wave after all the bad press?

Your opinions please.

BlackKnight11 Jul 2005 8:26 a.m. PST

How many times must "no" be mentioned along with "New Wave"?

Old Digger11 Jul 2005 8:31 a.m. PST

You're right, that is a good looking fig. Tell you what, you order two of them and if by chance they arrive within the next two to three years, I'll buy one from ya. Whaddya think?

But before you do order them, I'd suggest drafting your multiple e-mails to be sent to New Wave now. It'll save time later. You might want to have your credit card companies number on speed dial, as well as the number to the BBB handy as well.

Oh, and pick out a good spot to beat your head against the wall.

It's all about the planning and preparation.


aka Mikefoster11 Jul 2005 8:33 a.m. PST

Take the money that you would spend there and set it on fire. In the end you would get the same result:
No Money, no Figure

PJ Parent11 Jul 2005 8:37 a.m. PST

Here's the big problem - you would only be throwing away a small amount of money so that's not the big deal - do you really want to give them business when you know how many people they have screwed over? If you are willing to give them your business, then buy a few and sell them to people who are not interested in dealing with them at all.

Personally I would not deal with them at all, not even face to face.


Genesteeler11 Jul 2005 8:49 a.m. PST

Some places to spend your money: (they have space dwarves)

And there are many other very fine sites to send your money too and get product from.

"SO, do I risk spending money with New Wave after all the bad press?"

I'm mean this sincerely; If you really think it's worth the risk, _SEEK_PROFESSIONAL_HELP.

Note that this is coming from someone who buys more lead wargame miniatures than most and even "I" don't buy from them*.

NO, it is not worth the risk, read the topics about New Wave again if you think it is. Then go to some other site and purchase from another company. Keep purchasing so you don't have enough money to spend on New Wave offers too which is another way to avoid them if you don't seek help. Besides it's better to give money to miniatures companies than to a psychologist, eh? I think that's how I avoid it.

Consider this your intervention.

*I got burned by them about 5 years ago. Never again.

Genesteeler11 Jul 2005 8:51 a.m. PST (shakey hands…time for lunch)

wordwildwebb11 Jul 2005 8:55 a.m. PST


I love the color red. I really do. Today I noticed that the stove turns this really cool shade of red when cut on "High".

I've recently gone to a website about burn victims who touched the stove – some lost fingers, some whole hands. I realize that touching the stove can be dangerous.

But it is SUCH a pretty shade of red. What should I do?"

Sorry, not meaning to be too harsh. As a former employee of a company that took what I hope was the biggest screwing ever dealt by New Wave (if not I have lost faith in ALL of humanity), I suggest you find someone to sculpt the fig yourself. Or as stated previously, just burn the cash. Either will be quicker and more efficient.

Jovian111 Jul 2005 8:57 a.m. PST

You would be better off locating and contacting Joe Orteza in person and asking him if you could purchase the figure from him rather than go through New Wave.

sapper joe11 Jul 2005 8:58 a.m. PST


Just walk away and keep walking. It is not worth the horrors of New Wave.

Cosmotiger11 Jul 2005 9:00 a.m. PST

I think you should send the money to me instead. In return I'll gladly send you a series of e-mails that say things like, "What was it you ordered?" "We'll get right on it," and "Oh, the package must have gotten lost in the mail, we'll have to trace it."

nvdoyle11 Jul 2005 9:14 a.m. PST

If you do contact Joe Orteza, let him know that his exclusive mini is being sold by rip-off artists. What's wrong with the folks at Adepticon that they dealt with New Wave?

Judas Iscariot11 Jul 2005 9:39 a.m. PST

I cannot seem to get the link to work to the miniature listed in the first post, and I am wondering…

What is all of the hype about New Wave games???

Neotacha11 Jul 2005 9:54 a.m. PST

overrevdsquat: Don't do it. It's not worth the hassle. There are other minis out there that you have more of a chance of getting.

Judas: Just do a search for "New Wave". You'll see.

The Gonk11 Jul 2005 10:50 a.m. PST

"Why do you keep hitting yourself with that hammer?"

"Because it feels so good when I stop!"

RengdeTimeLord11 Jul 2005 11:15 a.m. PST

The description claims it to be a covention special. Try looking in other places like eBay, or ask around here on TMP, or Bartertown. Best of luck in your search.

Hexxenhammer11 Jul 2005 11:21 a.m. PST

I saw that mini when it was a green almost 3 years ago when I took a scuplting class at Gen Con from Joe Orteza. He said it was for a convention. Pretty cool, but yeah, New Wave is for pretty pictures only. Not for ordering.

Ratbone11 Jul 2005 11:55 a.m. PST

How can they sell (theoretically) a figure that's own description, posted by THEM, says it's only available at a convention 2 years back??

Look at it this way, if you can afford to lose the cost of the figure plus shipping and only be sorry to have tried, go for it. If you really can't spare it, then don't. Look at it as an experiment with the old concept of the "loved and lost" in that it's ALWAYS better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. So the idea is that it's better to try and fail than to never try.

This advice does not apply to large* purchases.

* Large referring to more than one figure per lifetime.

Ran The Cid11 Jul 2005 12:55 p.m. PST

Skip New Wave and buy direct from Adeptus Windy City.


nvdoyle: How NewWave got their hands on the figs- I have no idea. Adepticon and New Wave are not affiliated in any way.

LAP195411 Jul 2005 12:57 p.m. PST

Let' see…With New Wave's History… and everyone who has ever ordered from them got ripped off…ARE YOU NUTS! If they were the last miniature dealer on earth I would never buy from them!!

Beltayn11 Jul 2005 1:00 p.m. PST

I'm just going to sit back and watch this time…

overrevdsquat11 Jul 2005 1:49 p.m. PST

Hmmm, that's fairly unanimous then, and confirms my thoughts.

Thanks to Ran the Cid – that is what I needed. I'll get an order in there asap.


Capt John Miller11 Jul 2005 3:05 p.m. PST


Take your money, buy a nice red brick from a DIY store, go home, sit on a nice comfy chair. Smash brick into head repeatedly and thus you will have your mini from New Wave.

After all these responses, is it crystal to you?

Long Island Gamer11 Jul 2005 3:49 p.m. PST

I would NEVER order from New Wave again. My wife ordered me an Army transport case for Christmas one year. It took her countless phone calls to finally get one from them – after they charged her credit card.

If you want to throw away your money, go ahead. But if you get burned, you have only yourself to blame.


Sargonarhes11 Jul 2005 4:47 p.m. PST

I wonder. If it was offered only at a convention, how did New Wave get a hold of all the remaining ones? Limited? How do I know that New Wave hasn't made a copy of it themselves? And they held on to a few hundreds of them and waited to sell them 2 years later?

No, something smells of this whole thing. Look away from it. I have thought about ordering from New Wave in the past, but the comments here have conviced me other wise.

1905Adventure11 Jul 2005 5:54 p.m. PST

Ordering from New Wave = Self administered enema.

I can't think of a way to state it more strongly!

Norscaman11 Jul 2005 6:34 p.m. PST


Plus, Newwave LIED when they said they were the only distributor. As pointed out above, you CAN get it elsewhere!!! When are you kids going to learn not to trust the man in Georgia???

Tshannon12 Jul 2005 1:09 a.m. PST

How does New Wave stay in business? By continuing to suck in the gullible.

Seriously, how has this guy managed to stay out of jail or at least civil court?

BADDAWG612 Jul 2005 6:50 a.m. PST






Judas Iscariot12 Jul 2005 7:12 a.m. PST

OK… From looking through all of the threads on New Wave…

I am POSITIVE that they are one of the miniature Pirates that I suspect as selling on eBay, and from looking at their site, and their place of business… I am pretty positive of it (especially after reading through some of the stories in the threads).

So… If anyone wants to pay for the service.. I could probably get hard evidence of this (It would have to be after Halloween, but I can get to Atlanta, and obtain the evidence pretty easily).

That would probably Bleeped text them down.

I have no problem with someone who wants to cast their own figures even if they buy figures from a manufacturer and make a mold of it to make an army that they could not otherwise afford, but selling the figures is not somnething that I approve of, and ripping people off in the process just makes it worse.

Judas Iscariot12 Jul 2005 7:13 a.m. PST

Hmm… That should have been "Shut"… I wonder why it bleeped it… Ohh…"I" is right next to "U"… I probably hit it by mistake…

thedrake12 Jul 2005 12:31 p.m. PST

So which is worse—ordering from New Wave,or getting a subscription to Wargames Illustrated???? ;->


Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jul 2005 1:27 p.m. PST

Judas Iscariot,
You do realize that casting figures from another company for any reason is illegal don't you?

Javier Barriopedro aka DokZ12 Jul 2005 2:48 p.m. PST

Yes he does, David…

And by getting his plan in motion, he could have a PROOF of piracy (illegal copying).

That's what he is about.

Where did you missed that fact?

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jul 2005 7:34 p.m. PST

Hmmm. I was not addressing the point he made about trying to bust New Wave for piracy. As to that part of his plan, yeah, go for it! However, I was taking issue with his last paragraph which says,

"I have no problem with someone who wants to cast their own figures even if they buy figures from a manufacturer and make a mold of it to make an army that they could not otherwise afford, but selling the figures is not somnething that I approve of, and ripping people off in the process just makes it worse."

That sounds an awful lot like someone who thinks it is okay to make molds of someone else's figures as long as they do it in the privacy of their own home for only their own use. That, my friend, is still ripping someone off. So again, risking missing the point, is that not illegal?

Judas Iscariot12 Jul 2005 7:50 p.m. PST

According to the fair use laws on copyright… You can make copies of other's works of any kind if they are intended only for personal use.

Having once been part of a piracy trial… That was the ruling… I do not know if it has changed since 1990, but that was the ruling in CA then…

It is essentially the same thing as photocopying a book. Depending upon the intent of the photocopy is what makes it illegal.

If you can quote me specific rule of law that says otherwise… I may change my mind, but it is an issue that is VERY similar to the copying of music. It is becoming cheaper and cheaper to reproduce the figures by several means. In another ten years it will just be a matter of putting them in the scanner and having the instatattion roll out however many you want… Something that is already possible if you work at the right place. How are you going to stop a practice once it becomes as pervasive as music file sharing? It is the same practice.

Judas Iscariot12 Jul 2005 8:06 p.m. PST

Sorry… In the CA case, I had altered the figures significantly, BUT…

The Judge did make a comment that the reproduction was dependant upon the articles being copied have a "loss of value"…

Still… very tricky subject with technology being what it is…

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jul 2005 8:19 p.m. PST

I am basically working off what I have seen in several lengthy discussions here on TMP so I cannot quote you specific laws. There was a very interesting discussion from a few months back on—I believe—the casting and mold-making board on this very issue. I would agree that technology is certainly providing the means to do all sorts of things; my question is does that make it okay to do it? Anyway, this has gotten rather far away from the New Wave issue but I would recommend you taking a look over at the board I mentioned for the interesting discussion.

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jul 2005 8:39 p.m. PST

Here is the discussion I mentioned

TMP link

Judas Iscariot12 Jul 2005 11:25 p.m. PST

I am not getting anything from that link, but I have read several threads in the past about Piracy and making miniatures for both personal use and profit.

By profession I am a professional sculptor. I do sculptures for Buildings, Homes and Businesses. A lot of what I do is in the Public Domain, but I have done pieces that are not. Individual stuff that is not meant to be copied at all.

However, if someone has the skill to copy my work for their own home (as long as they are not paying someone to copy it) I will not object. It would be no different than someone taking a picture of the Mona Lisa (which they tend to frown upon, but digital cameras have made it an inevibility…

Beltayn13 Jul 2005 7:25 a.m. PST




Ratbone14 Jul 2005 12:14 p.m. PST

Based on your first comment, Beltayn, you weren't helping stay on topic in the first place…

(puff puff, goes to check message count)

Beltayn14 Jul 2005 7:24 p.m. PST

Excuse me?

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