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Focke Wulfe12 Apr 2014 10:29 a.m. PST

Hi there, I've been toying around with the idea for some time of trying to convert 40k into 15mm, partly because it's just too expensive to continue to build my armies and I just don't have the room to store 1500 points of imperial guardsmen.

I know where to find a great many of the figures for the more popular armies [I.G., Nids, Orks, Marines] but for stuff like tau and eldar, particularly the grav tanks, I'm at a loss.

Besides needing help finding a few key armies I also would like some advice on which edition would be best. I absolutely loathe 6th edition, save for a few key unit types it added, so what in your opinion was the most enjoyable rule set for you that you think would fit best?

Insomniac12 Apr 2014 10:34 a.m. PST

Have a look at this guy's blog:


He is converting a Tau 15mm force and may be able to help with miniature choices.

Trojan Points12 Apr 2014 10:58 a.m. PST

Depending on how close to the original models you want to stay…

If you need a strict homothety of GW models, you'll have to go Gunner Dunbar's way and sculpt everything yourself…

Personally, I'm perfectly happy to take much more liberty and select readily available miniatures that (very) broadly fit the aesthetic and battlefield roles of the original: link

For not-eldars, I'd take a look at Blue Moon Manufacturing ranges: either link or link

john lacour12 Apr 2014 11:41 a.m. PST

but we want the astartes!

Focke Wulfe12 Apr 2014 12:02 p.m. PST

I'm perfectly fine with 'close enoughs' to be honest, the hard bit is just finding decent grav tanks in 15mm i'm noticing. mind you for the most part i could get away with not worrying too much about it, may be able to get away with using shaltari grav tanks for the eldar

infojunky12 Apr 2014 1:30 p.m. PST

There has been a LOT of conversation on this topic, so the real question is for you. Do you want to replicate the look of 40k in 15mm or just find figures that evoke the same feeling?

Gunner Dunbar12 Apr 2014 2:02 p.m. PST

Check my blog, I have the following armies in the process of being built (I am not doing this because I am a GW fan boy, exactly the opposite, I have a nostalgic feeling towards early 40K but dislike what GW has become, 15mm is cheap to collect and takes up little room, and 15mm manufacturers get my custom, I don't even get to play, I just like reproducing the figs in 15mm, so its all about the look for me)
Blood Angels
Death Guard
Death Korp of Krieg

I have the figs to start the following armies
Sisters of battle
Pretorian IG
Adaptus Mechanicus
Space Orcs
Dark Elder

and I plan of also making an Elder army

Gunner Dunbar12 Apr 2014 2:06 p.m. PST

Oh and I have just bought some Warjacks, to convert to 15mm Imperial Titans.

moonfleetminis12 Apr 2014 2:13 p.m. PST

Cool thread.
I have just bought some skirmish bases to put my 15mm into so that i play around with trying out 15mm 40k.
I am not trying to find replacements for figures, just utilising the rules.

Capt Flash12 Apr 2014 2:49 p.m. PST

And your back….every one needs a hobby.

Capt Flash12 Apr 2014 2:53 p.m. PST

Lol, wow! That's not what I typed! But this is:
Hey Focke Wulf! Welcome to the madness. I'm going to use 3rd Edition with some mods from later editions, as the issues come up.
It was very streamlined and would convert rather well.
I've built an Imperial Army using Old Glory Blue Moon for infantry and Rebel Minis for tanks and flyers.
Post Human Command are my "Marines", the Red Devils, air dropped by Rebel Minis Saber Class Dropships and supported by Saber Class Gun Ships.
For Terminators I used the Rebel Minis CATs squad packs, three Earth Force Mk 1 walkers as Dreadnoughts, and a Battletech Akuma as the commander as a nod towards the Posleen War novels.
For Imperial Guard I chose Blue Moon Galactica Mercenaries, which look very "Halo" inspired, supported by the Rebel minis tanks and IFVs.

KJdidit12 Apr 2014 2:57 p.m. PST

Have you considered using the 40K Eldar weapons platforms as the basis for your 15mm Eldar vehicles? Seems to me they'd be about the right size and general shape (though maybe a bit pricey unless you can find some cheaply online or through friends).

vegabond12 Apr 2014 7:04 p.m. PST

Have you tried the free Warpath rules from mantic?

Dunadan13 Apr 2014 9:51 p.m. PST

Rebel Mini's Titan Marines infantry have a Tau feel to them, particularly the Stormtroopers: has a limited not-Eldar range: link

and their sister site, The Ion Age, produces Retained Knights. These are more often used as Space Marine-types, but their armor is slim enough and their helmets swooshy enough that they could used as Eldar with little to no conversion work. Heck, I had to change up my original paint scheme for mine because they looked too much like Eldar and not enough like Space Marines: link

Using Eldar weapons platforms to kitbash grav tanks sounds like a solid plan, especially now that they've all been made in plastic.

As for rules, I have played 1st, 4th-6th editions of 40k. I am partial to 1st edition, which was inspired by an earlier 15mm rules set, Laserburn. It has a lot of options for homebrewing squads, a good armoury and bestiary, and a wonderful scenario generator in the appendix. It's a lot more wacky and fun than later editions, though less structured: there were no real codices for 1st edition. I've never played 3rd edition, but IIRC, every army in the game had a codex in 3rd, so it could be a nice balance between the older style rules and the newer style structure.

Gunner Dunbar13 Apr 2014 11:03 p.m. PST

Hi Dunadan – the female retained knights are going to be the basis for my Sisters of battle conversion, will give them Sallet helmets, a tabard and a couple other small details, they will be a very easy conversion.

Harbadix14 Apr 2014 4:51 a.m. PST

I have also started a Sister of Battle for in 15mm and as Gunner says the female retained knights are perfect as base figures

KJdidit23 Apr 2014 12:09 p.m. PST

Related to my earlier comment, I'm helping a friend with ideas for 15mm Eldar vehicles. This is what I came up with as a starting point – a Fire Prism in progress. The basic idea will be used for Falcons and Wave Serpents (though the latter may require some additional bits to bulk out the troop compartment):

The hull is a modified Eldar weapons platform; the turret is a modified Dark Eldar Hellion skyboard, and the main gun is from the Wraithlord kit. Hull guns will be those from the Dark Eldar Talos kit.

All the bits were sourced from eBay shops, and this model (when completed) will have cost about $11 USD in bits when broken down by individual components from the purchased lots.

Gunner Dunbar23 Apr 2014 4:02 p.m. PST

Wow, consider that stolen.

Mithmee23 Apr 2014 9:44 p.m. PST

Plus you could use it as a Weapon Platform for 28mm scale games.

But wouldn't this be a bit large for 15mm scale?

Would like to see some pictures with some 15mm models.

Though you could say it was a Super Heavy.

AVAMANGO23 Apr 2014 10:36 p.m. PST

Dont forget the GW Epic range, the epic Eldar heavy Prism canon makes for a great 15mm grav support weapon platform.

KJdidit23 Apr 2014 10:37 p.m. PST

They're actually a bit on the small side of available 15mm vehicles (2.75" long by 1.75" wide), but then so are 40K vehicles when compared to 40K infantry.

I'll post some pics with 15mm troopers in the near future.

KJdidit26 Apr 2014 5:26 p.m. PST

And a finished 15mm Falcon:

Gunner Dunbar26 Apr 2014 11:12 p.m. PST

Brilliant, bought a weapons platform of eBay last night, when I have 1 made I may makes mould and cast the rest.

Sargonarhes27 Apr 2014 10:17 a.m. PST

For Eldar, I'd suggest GZG New Isrealis troops. They have that advance thin and lanky Eldar look about them. Wouldn't take much to make them look like newer Eldar.

GGouveia23 Mar 2015 3:22 p.m. PST

Any idea on what best to use for 40k Space Marines in 15mm?

darthfozzywig24 Mar 2015 10:33 a.m. PST

Karl, that's amazing. Brilliant idea.

Alfred Adler does the Hobby29 Mar 2015 2:27 a.m. PST

Couldn't agree with you people more.

And also agree that 15-18mm size is a great way to go for storage space, transporting, playing space, and saving the consumer money.

Might consider that link… ;-)

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa30 Mar 2015 2:46 p.m. PST

While we're on this subject. Anyone got any suggestions for a Razorback-ish turret? I'm using 1:76 M113's as Rhino-esque APCs.

Personally I'm using straight from the packet retained knights as 'grim-dark space marines', they're close enough for me, and I have a bunch (~100) levy, which are pretty damn close to old school IG.

Gunner Dunbar30 Mar 2015 3:00 p.m. PST

Maybe a scimitar turret off the Aifix kit


ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa30 Mar 2015 11:09 p.m. PST

ooh, Predator turret perhaps, just need the sponsons.

Was wondering about trying to use just the standard Rhino cupola bolter for the Razorback.

Craig Ambler12 Sep 2016 7:20 a.m. PST

Good stuff.

Thinking of playing 40,000k, but it's all 28mm and I am not wanting all that. Looks good to paint.

Great ideas

Skinflint Games12 Sep 2016 12:37 p.m. PST

That Falcon is amazing! And Gunner.. just subbed your blog. Wow, man. Just wow!

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP12 Sep 2016 3:26 p.m. PST

Here's a not-Stormtalon in 15mm, if you need one:


It's not cheap, though.

I could certainly whip up some 15mm-scale Razorback turrets, LR sponsons, etc., if you need some.

nheastvan12 Sep 2016 4:22 p.m. PST

For myself taking the colour scheme was enough 40k for what I was looking for.

I am also going to do something like ork speed freaks but they are going to be more like what inspired speed freaks in the first place. Mad Max Road Warrior type stuff. With humans and aliens all mixed together. Everyone a given warlord can press into service using whatever equipment can be scavenged and stolen.

For rules I'm liking 5150 Star Army. I use an older version that had vehicle rules in it. I also have Gruntz and Blasters and Bulkheads. I've also really liked the free options provided by One Page Rules:


While the rules may fit on a single page, I think you'll find lots of material.

Oh, and KR 16 is an excellent free option.

Shockforce 2nd edition is now available at Wargames Vault. It's on "pay what you want" and it's totally okay to pay 0, check it out and come back and throw a couple bucks the author's way if it ends up being good for you.


ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa13 Sep 2016 12:10 p.m. PST

Yes, Gunner's is sickenly good, but immitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I've stolen a couple of ideas…

In 18-months since I posted I've actually managed to build the Pred' and base coat it! There's a pic' at the bottom the following thread in its undercoat

TMP link

It uses an Airfix Scimitar turret and sponsons scratch built from two IG lasguns. And when I get around to it I've got a Rhino cupola stormbolter which I'm going to turn into the heavy bolter turret for a Razorback. (In both cases the hull is the 1:76th Airfix nee JB Models M113 (which is actually a little on the small side)).

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