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"What kind of armored vehicles for the Hell Divers?" Topic

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Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Feb 2014 7:01 p.m. PST

Hey everyone!

I'm trying to solicit ideas for some type of armored vehicle for the Hell Divers.

I hadn't really thought that larger vehicles would work, since they are supposed to be fast interdiction special forces. I do have a motorbike unit and a SpecOps Buggy, but would you guys like to see anything larger?



Thanks, and I look forward to hearing your ideas!

SpleenRippa17 Feb 2014 7:09 p.m. PST

A series air-droppable light AFVs would be nifty. Something along the lines of a BMD, perhaps? M22 Locust?

Dennis030217 Feb 2014 7:19 p.m. PST

I think if you go into anything other than what you have planned the theme of Special Operations goes out the window.
Tanks, APC's IFV's etc. …no, I wouldn't go there.
But as usual I would like to make some suggestions. One of the vehicles that was frequently used in Afganistan (sp) by US Special Forces were ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles)and they were pretty successful. So why not an ATV type vehicle?
Motorcycles reminds me too much of Warhammer 40K. When I was at Camp Pendleton Force Recon experimented with dirt bikes. Didn't do real well. Later in the 80's the 9th Infantry Division at Ft. Lewis tried dirt bikes as well to very mixed results. Why not a hovercraft type vehicle? Fast,
with some armament it would fit the SF intervention role to a "T."
And please don't forget the crew served weapons we talked about :)

McWong7317 Feb 2014 7:25 p.m. PST

A bike and buggy seem to be the logical additions.

Grizzly7117 Feb 2014 7:38 p.m. PST

I'd think a jet/hover bike would work well. Possibly some sort of ROV, but I don't think a heavier vehicle would keep the theme of a Spec Ops well. Unless something could be dropped from orbit,but then that should be small as well.

Louie N17 Feb 2014 7:58 p.m. PST

A small grav vehicle with orbital drop capacity.

War Monkey17 Feb 2014 8:01 p.m. PST

Okay looking at and reading what has been posted about the Hell Divers, thinking that they are a special group of troops. Special troops need a special piece of equipment that can be multi tasked to the Hell Divers needs, Something that can quickly move them about, resupply, support weapon capable




From the video game Killzone the "Intruder KZ2"
Killzone Wikia

Lfseeney17 Feb 2014 8:34 p.m. PST

Something light and fast.

They feel like to me, a quick reaction force.

So bikes, grav or ground, maybe with a heavy weapon side car?

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Feb 2014 8:37 p.m. PST

Sounds like the lot of you agree with the bikes and buggies… and I think the VTOLs will fulfill a lot of roles as well.

Thanks for all the ideas and keep 'em coming!

stroezie17 Feb 2014 9:12 p.m. PST

How about a scifi verstion of the marine Onthos

Whatever you do I think it should fit inside the vtol like the buggy.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Feb 2014 9:18 p.m. PST

Would you folks want to see the "regular army' version of the Hell Divers?

Most likely it'd be similar, with an open (maybe half) helmet , a different weapon, and more stowage?

Lion in the Stars17 Feb 2014 9:50 p.m. PST

One idea I had while trying to figure out 40k Speeeeehs Muhreeenz air support is a gun drone/UCAV vehicle that is the same size folded up as a drop pod (or if you use big pods, have 2-3 per pod), but instead of slamming into the ground, the UCAV "pods" burst in the atmosphere once they've slowed down enough for their cargo to survive the speed. Could be an atmo-fighter (my mental image is something kinda like the Lockheed Cormorant), could be a VTOL (Harrier/X32 design more than helo), could even be a light grav tank along the lines of the Spartan Games Dindrenzi Nightgaunt (depends on the tech level):

If you've ever watched Gundam Seed, I'm talking about something like the first minute of the first episode: YouTube link

Another interesting idea I've seen was in the 1996 film Space Marines ( ). Their dropship looks a lot like the Helldiver Raven, but instead of an internal cargo bay, it's cut down to more like a Skycrane. The dropship screams in doing a little SEAD on the way down, drops off the "belly pod" (which just so happens to be a wheeled vehicle based on the Alvis Stalwart), and then starts flying CAS for the troops. The troops drive up to the problem spot.

I've suggested that particular MO to Khurasan, too, but he doesn't seem to be biting.

RTJEBADIA17 Feb 2014 10:02 p.m. PST

Probably because of it being drop-capable, the first thing that came to my mind was: link

But obviously quads or bikes would make perfect sense too (they could be dropped in the same sort of drop pod as a trooper, probably).

Depending on the technology "attack helicopter" type support could make sense, too. You already have a little-bird-ish vehicle, if I recall correctly, so I guess they've worked out the tech issues, meaning VTOL support could be a large portion of their vehicles.

CorSecEng17 Feb 2014 10:09 p.m. PST

Quads would be cool. Maybe throw in a few small trailers for carrying extra kit around.

Might be interesting to add a special delivery version of the drop pod. With a hole that fits the quads in like a handlebar down position. So basically 4 wheel slots that the quads fit into so they can be magnetized in place and removed and deployed with magnetized riders. That way they have the same delivery system for the troops and the quads.

If you do a small vtol kinda thing then make sure it has some sort of protected crew compartment. I always thought the lets haul guys around in an exposed position stuff too unrealistic.

You could also do a halo style single seat vtol scout. Something to get a guy in and out fast to provide fire support or scout an enemy position.

Hayden17 Feb 2014 11:20 p.m. PST

wow i would kill for those Killzone Intruders in 15mm

BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Feb 2014 12:03 a.m. PST

IMHO if the Hell Divers are essentially futuristic SOCOM troops then equip them with SOCOM style all wheel drive all terrain vehicles. Something akin to these:
















Food for thought.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

War Monkey18 Feb 2014 2:27 a.m. PST

Okay that last picture there Blackwidowpilot is rather cool looking

AVAMANGO18 Feb 2014 2:44 a.m. PST

Quite a few members have been wanting to see the concept Aliens APC made up for a while now, well here is the perfect opportunity to do it or something very close to it… Zac


Only Warlock18 Feb 2014 4:34 a.m. PST

For jungle environments these Agile Helghast 4 man tactical walkers from Killzone 3:


wminsing18 Feb 2014 5:27 a.m. PST

First, I'd definitely like to see 'regular army' versions of these guys, since I love the models but I'm not sure I want 'just' special forces. Then you could also have an AFV no problem….

All of the suggestions above are great, and DRONES would be much appreciated for a high-tech force.

On a more science-fiction angle, I think a small combat walker would fit with the vibe fairly well. It could be dropped independently and then the larger VTOL could be rigged up with 'handholds' to allow for re-deployment. The guys from the new video game 'Titanfall' are what I'm thinking in terms of size (and the style seems good to):

Though there's also lots of other possible inspirations as well.


Armiesarmy18 Feb 2014 5:46 a.m. PST

I'd simply go with a force which covers the light strike capability, APC's, heavier MBTs and all the support elements any modern force would require. Then people can use them as spec ops, main forces or anything else your heart desires. They are brilliant figures, use them as you will

zonk7618 Feb 2014 5:55 a.m. PST

Yeah, I like the bikes/dune buggy theme, but anything bigger would look more "conventional" to me. I like the idea of adding drones/bots to their force, perhaps some aero drones or anti-grav…etc…

That's kinda how I organized my Navy SEALs in TW…the bots are dropped first to secure the landing zone, then the humans are sent in for the actual mission, the bots either act as support or a part of the direct action…depending on mission requirements.

TK 42118 Feb 2014 6:53 a.m. PST

Well, I missed the boat on this thread but I agree with Dennis0302. A highly mobile force needs to remain light. Lots of great suggestions here. Dennis I was at Camp Pendleton back then too. I remember going Dukes of Hazzard with a HMMVEE at the stumps with the bikes just ahead of me. Those were good times.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Feb 2014 7:39 a.m. PST

Here is a picture of the WIP buggy:

It's probably going to only hold two, but have a support weapon that the passenger can fire.




BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Feb 2014 8:08 a.m. PST

Mr. Harold,

if I may be so bold, you could open up the back passenger compartment to fit a variety of modular loadouts. As these are future tech, you can reduce the amount of storage space and engine compartment as the assumption can be that of high efficiency electrical motor driven by an advanced fusion generator or battery package.

With the rear passenger compartment and what looks currently like a side by side set of stowage compartments removed, you can custom fit the buggy with a support weapon system and it's gunner, a long range ground to orbit comm sat dish and comm set plus operator, a medevac with a stretcher case and medic/autodoc or docbot, a whole bunch of supplies for an extended op, etc.

Modularity would be IMHO a very important feature for a futuristic SOCOM buggy, able to be fitted out as needed and quickly with anything from soup to nuts, from a casevac to a twin mount tribarrel powegun.

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Feb 2014 8:25 a.m. PST

Ohhh… those are great ideas grin

Maybe a "pickup truck" type version that all those parts could bolt on to?

stroezie18 Feb 2014 10:14 a.m. PST

Maybe something along the lines of the little technicals from Old Crow?

I love the fact that you can just throw anything in the back to suit your purposes.

I also like these in 6mm from Angel Barracks TMP link

BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Feb 2014 11:22 a.m. PST

Maybe a "pickup truck" type version that all those parts could bolt on to?

Precisely.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Wellspring18 Feb 2014 12:52 p.m. PST

Here's some ideas:

Whatever you're going to make, it should be designed for rough terrain, equipped for indirect and direct fire support, comms, cargo hauling, engineering (entrenching etc), and mobile power generation (to recharge power packs). Probably not all at once, suggesting a modular design.

A bipedal walker certainly fits the bill and looks cool. There's a reason so many settings go w/ this.

The other possibility is an ATV of some kind. GW makes plenty of bikes, and they come off as cartoonish. Segway: right out. ATV? Sure, but how about a trike? Two wheels in front, one behind. One or two people in front, then a modular rear area for a missile launcher, support weapon, mortar, etc. Or a cargo area, hitch for a trailer, winch, sat dish, etc. If it's electric, then you have have the motors in the wheels to save payload space.

A third possibility is a robot. Probably something non-humanoid, very utilitarian.

Wellspring18 Feb 2014 1:05 p.m. PST

Actually, there's a book by a soviet defector, a former GRU agent and spetsnaz officer, "Viktor Suvorov". He's got a chapter in one of his books where he explains lines for soviet research priorities for their special mission troops. Which sounds a little like the hell divers. The book is called Spetsnaz (of course). The soviets never managed to kill him, but they did pirate his books.

They're worth reading in their entirety (and buying).

Here's a link to the chapter on their gear development. Note the early (so far unsuccessful) work on what gamers would call jump infantry.


Spetsnaz also makes extensive use of dogs. So they (or equivalent half-pint robot support units) are another possibility.

Insomniac18 Feb 2014 1:10 p.m. PST


BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Feb 2014 1:29 p.m. PST

A bipedal walker certainly fits the bill and looks cool. There's a reason so many settings go w/ this.

Actually, a six or eight legged walker would do better for rugged terrain.

That said, I reiterate my suggestion regarding the vehicle being highly modular. SOCOM teams need to be able to adjust and equip on short notice for missions, and the Hell Divers IMHO would be no exception. Having standardized equipment would facilitate this requirement.

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Feb 2014 1:33 p.m. PST

Spetsnaz also makes extensive use of dogs. So they (or equivalent half-pint robot support units) are another possibility.

Much as I love canines, why settle for a mere dog:



Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Krazy Ivan18 Feb 2014 4:59 p.m. PST

They don't need armored vehicles. They need power armor…

Though small, single-man mechs, ala Titanfall may work.


Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Feb 2014 5:24 p.m. PST

Power armor you say?


Wellspring18 Feb 2014 7:11 p.m. PST

Oh you sexy, sexy man you. Love that power armor. How does someone fit inside? (I'm sure you thought that through, just trying to figure out how you operate it.)

I see twin antipersonnel weapons on the forearm (or is that one AP weapon and one micromissile launcher), plus a larger AV multipurpose missile launcher on the shoulder. On the belt… power cells? demolition packs? supplies?

That makes me more sure than ever that a very small, all-terrain vehicle of some kind is a necessity. Something with a microfusion generator that can recharge all the power cells on those power suits, laser rifles, sensors, computers, comm links, etc. But as small a chassis as such a generator can have. Lean, small, minimalist.

Dementation18 Feb 2014 9:50 p.m. PST

Love the power armor, +1 to the idea of modular pick-up style vehicle and maybe some sort of walker, preferably 6 or 8-legged to handle terrain?

Twoball Cane19 Feb 2014 5:01 a.m. PST

How about the bedonk tank…for sale on Amazon…sorry no link…(read the reviews…they are hilarious)

Wellspring19 Feb 2014 6:23 a.m. PST

Lots of legs makes terrain more of a problem, not less. On one hand, you get lower ground pressure -- though less of an improvement than you think because of the increased weight of the chassis and drive system.

But you can get almost the same thing more cheaply from just having larger feet. And more importantly, more legs makes your horizontal footprint much larger. For navigating terrain like forests, more legs means a larger vehicle means too unwieldy. At that point, you're starting to get into the range where you'd be better off with a VTOL or IFV. Also, I've yet to see a six legged vehicle that looks cool. GZG's is the best I've seen and even that looks wonky to my eyes.

Meanwhile, four wheeled ATVs are great, but they've been done before. A lot. And they tend to look like lawnmowers on the tabletop. So if you're going to do a four-wheeled ATV, then you should have something radically different and cool.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Feb 2014 7:32 a.m. PST

Oh you sexy, sexy man you. Love that power armor. How does someone fit inside? (I'm sure you thought that through, just trying to figure out how you operate it.)

I see twin antipersonnel weapons on the forearm (or is that one AP weapon and one micromissile launcher), plus a larger AV multipurpose missile launcher on the shoulder. On the belt… power cells? demolition packs? supplies?

Thanks! You can see the front open on the right, the pilot is actually a little more sitting then wearing it as an actual suit, the pilots feet would be just above the knees, and his arms would be before the elbow (protects the pilot in case of catastrophic ammo failure and gives more room for ammo storage)

The arm has a high-velocity cannon firing depleted uranium projectiles magnetically encased in plasma. The density of both can be adjusted for either anti-armor or High-Explosive.

The back will have an optional micro-missile launcher for top down attacks, direct fire, and indirect.

The pouches/containers contain both extra ammo and supplies for long duration missions. A single power suit has enough supplies and power for approx. two months of extended missions, although you'd have to be careful with ammo consumption. If needed they can carry the standard Hell Diver Plasma Rifle as a backup weapon.

They also have thrusters built into the bottom of their feet to allow for low-orbital drop, or can use the Drop Pods to ensure a coordinated landing with up to three power armored troops.

They will also come with extra stowage since embedded power armored troops will often help "carry the load" for Hell Diver squads.

All Hell Divers are cross trained in the Mark XII "Cerberus" Power Armor.

The Cerberus armor contains EECM and ECM systems but is not as stealthy as the standard Hell Diver loadout, so is more often used for direct assaults on enemy positions and Spaceship Boarding actions.

Lion in the Stars19 Feb 2014 9:55 a.m. PST

Barring "bounce" tech like the Mobile Infantry, I think the most critical need is a light recon/raid vehicle that packs a couple guns bigger than what the troopers carry.

I know you already have the Little Birds, but I was thinking ground-based. Maybe wheeled, like the Supacat Coyote.

rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2014 12:18 p.m. PST

What about a light tank, either conventional, hover, or grav, that packs a big punch to counter any enemy armor or strongpoints. A small vehicle easily transported, but with a formidable railgun or similar for anti-tank work.

Victor Kravenhoff19 Feb 2014 3:13 p.m. PST

Love the power armor (might inspire me to incorporate the hell divers into an army)! I agree that only really light veichles would be used in most situations by the helldivers, I mean, their not shock troops or an elite storm regiment, they arent meant to exchange blunt force for blunt force with the enemy, so any veichle that is meant primarily for that would be besides the point.

Krazy Ivan19 Feb 2014 4:05 p.m. PST

You know, the more I think about it the less I like the idea of anything heavier than your buggy and power armor troops. A bigger walker or light tank would, of course, be cool but it would break the theme too much.

I really thing that multiple weapon load outs for the buggy and power armor is the way to go. Bigger, bulkier weapons being used by relatively light frames…yeah, that feels right to me.

War Monkey19 Feb 2014 4:40 p.m. PST

Question, What is that vehicle the last one picture in that post with all of those other ones, it just screams "Sheet and Get!"

Dragon Gunner19 Feb 2014 5:23 p.m. PST


Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Feb 2014 6:05 p.m. PST

You know, the more I think about it the less I like the idea of anything heavier than your buggy and power armor troops. A bigger walker or light tank would, of course, be cool but it would break the theme too much.

I really thing that multiple weapon load outs for the buggy and power armor is the way to go. Bigger, bulkier weapons being used by relatively light frames…yeah, that feels right to me

I think you're right. If I want to go the tank and AFV route if might be better if I did a "normal infantry" version…

Great suggestions all around though, I really like the multiple options for the buggy

artbraune19 Feb 2014 9:25 p.m. PST

How about a trike or quad with a driver and pintle mount gun and gunner?

Borscope19 Feb 2014 9:49 p.m. PST

JETPACKS! For infantry and power armor! I think the agile "skimmer armor" i.e. power armor/battlesuit with the ability to jump/drop/skim would suit many of the Heldiver's needs.



The power armor with options will likely fill the armor support role. I would never turn down a "mobile pillbox" though (Locust/Tetrarch/Sheridan). I do love your protos of the little buggy and scout bikes though. I will always see a cyclone trooper when I see an armored dude on a bike!


I have some of these guys for support drones:

That grav/VTOL utility thing…wow so awesome I'm going to scratch one up.


I also have a pair of these that will get Heldiver crew ASAP

BlackWidowPilot Fezian19 Feb 2014 10:10 p.m. PST

That, oh Macaque O'War, is the XM-808 Twister, and experimental armored car from the 1970s:




IMHO the chassis could serve as the basis for a whole family of very useful light, fast AFVs…evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

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