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1,691 hits since 31 Jul 2013
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Anatoli01 Aug 2013 2:29 a.m. PST

The Incursion Kickstarter re-launch is up and running.
There are both options for both fans of plastic and fans of metal. A couple of new faces and 4 new missions are also included in the re-release.

You can read more about Incursion over at my blog (reviews and AAR's) here: link

Also make sure to check out the Grindhosue Games facebook page which is currently having a competition where they will give away a fully painted Gretel (new version) to a random member of their facebook group once they hit 1000 likes (32 likes short at the moment. The facebook group is also a great place for direct interaction with the guys in charge of Grindhouse Games and Jim Bailey is frequently answering questions there: link

And of course the link to the Kickstarter itself: link

MajorB01 Aug 2013 2:35 a.m. PST

Further comments here:
TMP link

sharkbait01 Aug 2013 3:40 a.m. PST

At this point, I'll probably go in for the "Metalhead" level, and probably add the Sturmzombie pack at the very least.

robertsjf02 Aug 2013 9:07 a.m. PST

It's official

New pledge levels and add-ons in response to your requests!

2 new pledge levels

SNAFU- includes SNAFU, Exclusive Gretel figure (plastic), and applicable freebies/upgrades (per Double Feature), shipped to your door in the USA.

$60 USD +$30 shippingoutside USA

OG in Plastic-just like Metalhead, but in plastic.

$65 USD + $30 USD shipping outside USA

Buckets of Blood allows switch of Exclusives to metal if you want that for some reason. Can't change the language of the pledge level but this is official.

New add-ons:

SNAFU $60. USD Add $30 USD for shipping outside USA

APE Set- Ape set from Incursion in plastic. No cards. $25 USD

Incursion core figures- Ape set plus Gretel, Ilsa, Hans, 2x Bomberzombie, Blitzhund in plastic. No cards. $40 USD

SNAFU core figures- MI-13 set including Gracie, Panzeraffe, Drohne, Bazooka APE in plastic. No cards $40 USD

robertsjf03 Aug 2013 5:52 p.m. PST

Latest news:
European fulfillment! Done deal! We just came to an agreement with West Wind in the UK. Alas, between customs fees, import duties , VAT, courier fees, and West Wind's handling fees and overhead, we can't offer a discount on international shipping but you pay NO CUSTOMS DUTIES! We take a hit but it's not too bad. We can live with it. Can y'all help us get the word out?

Game Play video: Okay, okay! We hear you. We're working on one. It'll probably take us a week or so but hang tough. It's coming.

Multiple Pledge levels: pledge as many times as you want at any level you want by adding to your pledge amount. You'll get the stretches for all levels you pledge at. International shipping needs to only be added once, no matter how many different base pledge levels you want. You will notice that it is possible to pledge at SNAFU and Grinder and get more stuff than at Double Feature. This is a hole in the system created by our desire to more fully serve existing fans and our inability to modify existing pledge levels once they are active. We hope you will work with us and just pledge what you need. We will not stop you from pledging whatever you want (or even judge you) but we're hoping you understand.

Pledge Calculator: We're working on one! Again, it may take some time but it's coming.

Alternate t-shirts and add-on dice: When we get to 600 backers, we'll do an alternate t-shirt design. Maybe a poll or something. Haven't decided yet. We'll also put up the special dice as an add-on.

Awesomeness: Sturmzombie packaging: link

robertsjf09 Aug 2013 5:12 p.m. PST

Latest update:

The outbreak from within the rock is spreading. Allied forces are succumbing to the infection at a steady but alarming rate. We stop most of the u-boat infiltration with aggressive destroyer patrols but the sky is still contested. The up-gunned ME-262 jets are outperforming our Sabres and the ack-ack is ineffective. I fear the enemy will attempt airborne reinforcement.

ABWEHR INTERCEPT- transmission from USS Lexington, straits of Gibraltar, prior to its sinking

Hey gang!Time for another State of the Incursion address. It's been a fantastic week. We have fought our way through two stretch goals and are well on the way to a third. We've compressed them a bit more because it's so much fun to hit them. We're only going to be able to compress the reinforcements though. Any real new stuff needs to wait until we get on to 155k and beyond. At this rate, we'll tear it up. Thanks to all of you, we're doing great!

Hard news:

We have uploaded our pledge manager version 1.0. You can get it by clicking on the banner on the home page or the link below. It's a work in progress but we think it clarifies things substantially. Please take a few moments to read through it and calculate what your pledge amount should be! There are lots of little clarifications throughout. We'll be tweaking the format and adding imagery as we go.


Ala carte! As promised, new pledge level for 1st. ed. owners that wish to pick and choose components. Go get some! Start with the brand spankin' new pledge manager. Read it carefully please. We still owe you a narrative describing your options. That's coming this weekend. The language in the pledge manager should do for the majority of you though.

Demo video- we have the studio time booked for Sunday afternoon. Should have it ready mid next week.

T-shirt stuff. We will be offering an option to have the logo on the front and the Bomberzombie image on the back. Maybe we just reverse them all like that? Let us know your thoughts. Furthermore, Buckets of Blood pledges may swap their t-shirt for a second set of Sturmzombies. That's official.

Rosie- the sculpt will be an action pose of some sort rather than the seated pose, by unanimous consent it seems! John Allison will do some sketches.

robertsjf19 Aug 2013 4:58 a.m. PST

Just wanted to mention that both gameplay videos are up on our KS homepage. The short version just covers aspects of gameplay while the long version is a full game. You can simply see how the game plays or just enjoy watching a good game of Incursion or weep openly at my radiant beauty!


robertsjf21 Aug 2013 4:54 a.m. PST

Latest update:


robertsjf22 Aug 2013 5:13 a.m. PST

Another update! More droptroopers!


Feet up now24 Aug 2013 3:02 a.m. PST

Absorbing customs has made it a done deal from a UK gamer .I'm in.

Stewbags24 Aug 2013 2:50 p.m. PST

Me too, and i hvae worked out how to add a extra zombie packs and stuff too, yay me….

Ron W DuBray24 Aug 2013 5:01 p.m. PST


this stuff is looking good.

robertsjf25 Aug 2013 6:24 a.m. PST

Full update:

Day D+24- Death From Above

Yay! 110 was a tough nut, but we cracked that sucker. Even if it drops a bit, we're considering it hit. Let's go get us another Blazer.

Though it's doing great, the campaign probably isn't going to hit a gazillion dollars and unlock tons and tons of freebies for Buckets of Blood (though it will hit some, I'm sure) so we're continuing to analyze that pledge level to see how, besides allowing switch-outs of board and t-shirts, we can sweeten the deal for you a bit more. We have a couple of ideas. First among them is unlocking the Zombie Bombardier special pack as a freebie for you. We're 90% of the way to making that decision. We'll have more ideas as we get closer to the conclusion of the campaign. Stay with Buckets. We'll make some good stuff happen.

News of the day! Come on back by the campaign tomorrow for the Fallschirmjager Drop. We'll have an old school metal starter pack, a reinforcements pack, and some dice for you to pledge for:-) Check this out:

Thanks to Paul Murray for the observation that if Drop Troopers are to be playable against the German SWD, they need a different card background color! Perhaps the powers that be feel Hugo has gone too far and that the deployment of the Doomsday Device is just too horrible for humanity to contemplate…

Hauptman Hildegard Becker, the Valkyrie :I've always wanted to do this character. Is that a spear??? No…it's Gungnir.

And here's the MG-42 Trooper, with period-specific textile (as opposed to armor spray) camo pattern and MG-42.

We're still doing a bunch of photoshop work to insert all this into the campaign. Come back around and see us tomorrow!

Happy Saturday…

robertsjf26 Aug 2013 4:52 a.m. PST

Another stretch busted! Man, we're racking up a lot of free figs and cards now. Let's go get that HMG APE at 120k!

John and I have been digging deep. I think we're all the way to China at this point :-) As we've said, the goal of this campaign is to get as much done as possible without causing us to have to borrow more money. We've been cautious to date as experience has taught us we need to be. We're not a big game company with a fat cash reserve sitting around. We've cut out all the fat now and are committed to getting our own cash contributions to this KS development reimbursed down the road at retail. As of this moment, the AWESOME new stretch chart reflects the best we can do. We're taking a little risk on the stuff past 165k, thinking we can make it up on the backside. The personal risk for us is biggest at the 200k level plastic drop troopers but we're willing to accept that. Buckets of Blood: we hear you. There needs to be some more value for some of you who don't want board and t-shirt (silly kids!). We are doing three things beyond what we have already done, effective now:

1. You may exceed the amount of the items you are switching out and make up the difference by adding to your pledge.

2. You may now include the poster as one of your switch-outs in the calculus. If you wish to switch for JUST the t-shirt, we'll allow you to switch it out even-steven. Please don't make that statement more complicated than it is. Extra ten dollars, blah, blah, blah :-)

3. We have just unlocked the Zombie Bombardier pack as a freebie for Buckets of Blood. Check out the stretch chart. It's pretty :-)

As we have just added close to ten thousand dollars in design cost on our end by committing to the drop troopers, we cannot allow these to be part of the switch-out at Buckets of Blood. Doors and dice are in the same situation. We'll need to unlock them. I believe this is all possible under the current stretch chart.

Thank you all. We had some tangles initially but I believe we will finish this thing strong with your help. School starts tomorrow so I'm going to go spend a couple of hours with my family. Man they are patient with me :-)

Jim Bailey

Nid Vicious28 Aug 2013 12:15 p.m. PST

More free stuff added to BOB! Looks like plastic doors and custom dice are now included. Might be more, but that's what jumped out at me first.

robertsjf28 Aug 2013 4:34 p.m. PST

We are entering the final 48 hrs. of our Kickstarter campaign to print 2nd edition Incursion. Please visit us:


We have made SWEEPING changes to the campaign since its opening day. Some of the things we have done/achieved:

1. Provided European fulfillment so you pay no import duties in EU.

2. Added a free set of 24 Sturmzombies to the core pledge levels: Grinder and Double Feature yielding 77 and 94 figures (including some large ones) at base-buy in at each of those levels respectively.

3. Massively compressed stretch goals by almost 75%. As of this writing we have unlocked 13 stretch goals. This represents 27 new free figures with associated cards at the Buckets of Blood pledge level.

4. Increased flexibility of Buckets of Blood pledge level by allowing you to switch out the t-shirt and/or extra board for Add-on credit.

5. Added the much requested Fallschirmjager Drop Armor figures and cards.

6. Provided a complete game play video

7. Added two new pledge levels (SNAFU and Ala Carte) to better serve existing fans and provide more add-on flexibility for new fans.

With your help, we will get this campaign up to 205k and include many more free figures (including the new Fallschimjager drop armor in plastic), lots of dice, plastic doors, waterslide transfers, new sculpts, and more.

Since we are catering to a wide variety of desires within our existing fan base as well as new fans, the options available in the campaign may appear complex. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to send us an email or contact us through Kickstarter or ask your question on the Kickstarter comments section. We would be happy to personally walk you through your options if necessary. Here is a link to the pledge calculator that explains options:


Please help us by spreading this message to every forum, website, Facebook page, etc. that you know of. Feel free to copy and paste!

Thank you all in advance for your support and your help in bringing this incredible game to life in the form it deserves.

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