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2,665 hits since 22 Apr 2013
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Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2013 1:54 p.m. PST

Just popped into FFG's site and found this:


For more info (scroll down):

So more ships are indeed on the way!

thumbs up

elsyrsyn22 Apr 2013 2:35 p.m. PST



Mako1122 Apr 2013 3:04 p.m. PST

Good news!

I inquired months ago about that, and just received a response that the coming releases would be awesome, but nothing more than that.

Really hoping for the Tie Defender and B-Wing.

A Skipray Blast Boat would be nice as well, amongst others.

CPBelt22 Apr 2013 4:50 p.m. PST

I don't play the game, but where is the love for Cloud Cars? On Bespin, they can fight Ties, the Falcon, Luke's X-wing, and at least Slave 1. Ok, so I like Cloud Cars. :-)

Augustus22 Apr 2013 5:38 p.m. PST

Cloud Cars are not fighters… or I thought they were in the same class as Snowspeeders? Could be wrong, but it is how it always seemed to me.

Don't play either, but I can't believe they wouldn't have a B-Wing in there somewhere.

Ok, so I like B-Wings…;)

Mako1122 Apr 2013 6:38 p.m. PST

Never really liked the Cloud Car design.

Pluse, not sure they can be used in space.

Lord Ashram22 Apr 2013 7:43 p.m. PST

Cloud cars stay in an atmosphere, like speeders.

TIE bomber, b wing, tie defender… Not sure what else, but those have to be in there, right?

Mako1122 Apr 2013 8:16 p.m. PST

Tyderium Shuttle has an inside track too, probably.

Barks122 Apr 2013 11:54 p.m. PST

B-Wing, TIE Bomber, Shuttle are almost certain to be in.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP23 Apr 2013 4:47 a.m. PST

On this thread ( TMP link ), Surferdude reports that FFG will release 4 ships.

I agree that the B-Wing, TIE Bomber and the Shuttle are definite "ins."

But what might that fourth ship be? Speculate, people, speculate!

religon23 Apr 2013 7:07 a.m. PST

Here's a Twin-Pod Cloud Car I made. I knowingly ignored the 'atmospheric' limitation so that I could use my old micro-machine ships.


I haven't played the game enough to know whether it is balanced or not. (It should probably read "front firing arc" so that it can threaten the Falcon.)

richarDISNEY23 Apr 2013 7:48 a.m. PST

I REALLY want Jedi Starfighters!

Using the Force while flying? Pure Awesomeness!
Now how they would add that into game play, I have NO idea… wink -ish…

CPBelt23 Apr 2013 7:51 a.m. PST

See, someone has love for the Cloud Cars. :-) Sooner or later, they will make them.

I might get the game, but the Star Trek version is on my list. In DS9, which I'm watching right now on Netflix, Galaxy class ships die quicker than a Tie fighter!

Ghostrunner23 Apr 2013 10:57 a.m. PST

Given the fact that they've already raided 'TIE FIGHTER' for characters, going to assume:

TIE Bomber
TIE Defender

For the fourth, will probably need to be the E-Wing to balance the TIE Defender.

The trick will be to make both these ships slightly more powerful than the X-Wing & TIE Adv/Int without going crazy. Some of the stats people have been posting for the TIE Defender are absurd (from a game balance perspective).

Also, they are going to either have to recycle some of the already-used pilot names, or dig even deeper in to the EU for people to use.

The danger there is that a lot of fans (like myself) will get a little irritated when some pilot I never heard of from one of the Stackpole books can routinely smoke Wedge in 2 rounds.

jdpintex23 Apr 2013 11:33 a.m. PST

Oh great, and here I am still buying Wave 2 ships.

Well I'll be up in MN in June so hopefully they will be released by then and I can catch up with all my planned and unplanned purchases then.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP23 Apr 2013 12:05 p.m. PST

The trick will be to make both these ships slightly more powerful than the X-Wing & TIE Adv/Int without going crazy. Some of the stats people have been posting for the TIE Defender are absurd (from a game balance perspective).

I think you could have the Defender slightly weaker on hull points and/or shields than the TIE Advanced, and stronger on attack and evade than the Interceptor and get away with balance, if you cost it up fairly high.

I don't know enough about the E-Wing to suggest stats. It's just an ugly ship, to me.

B-Wing should be slightly more maneuverable than the Y-Wing and better at attack, but possibly less hardy— say, fewer hull points? It can't be allowed to match the X-Wing on maneuver or attack, however. Certainly it needs the secondary weapons upgrade… maybe as a permanent feature rather than an upgrade option?

TIE Bomber— a bit hardier than a TIE, but slow… just with killer secondary weapons.

I will say the one thing I haven't liked in X-Wing is the over-simplicity of the torpedoes as secondary weapons. I remember the challenge of eluding a locked-on torp in the old simulator games— it took hard and wild flying, but you could eventually do it— and I was hoping for that in X-Wing. Instead the torps are just modified die rolls and damage effects. Ah well, a tracking torp is a difficult bit of gameplay to pull off and would have added complexity. *sigh*

I can't wait to see what we get.

Ghostrunner23 Apr 2013 7:36 p.m. PST


This is a card I made up for inhouse games:

Maneuver Dial (Basically, same as Y-Wing):

Special Action Card:

Could have put this rule on the TIE Bomber card, but then no room for pilot abilities:

And to complete the 'bomber' package:

I'm sure the FFG version will be better.

Mako1123 Apr 2013 7:48 p.m. PST

I hope they make the Tie Defender the way it should be, e.g. very powerful, with a points cost of about 45 – 50 or so, for a stipped model, and 60, if you want to load up on options.

Two, stripped down Tie Defenders would be a lot of fun against other, large, powerful ships, like the Falcon and Slave 1.

Ghostrunner23 Apr 2013 8:23 p.m. PST

This is something I would consider reasonably balanced…

…others will have their opinions.

Probably the point cost should be higher… 35-ish.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2013 5:46 a.m. PST

Seems reasonable to me. I might drop the hull points to 2, on the principle that all that speed and firepower has to come at a cost, but that might be too low for any ship.

Would you use the TIE Interceptor maneuvering card for that, or the TIE Advanced? Or combine the two so it can make both short shallow and short sharp turns?

And yeah, that cost has to go up. The TIE Defender should be rare (it was in the simulator, so that's "canon," as far as that goes). Maybe even have a maximum limit of 3 for the Empire, regardless of point levels? The PC game, IIRC, had the TIE-D barely starting into mission service just before the Battle of Endor and the collapse of the Empire. (Explaining why none were there.)

Buckaroo24 Apr 2013 6:17 a.m. PST

Never liked the design of the E-wing at all. TIE Defender would be cool from a design point but as others pointed out the Stats shouldn't be too overblown.

nazrat24 Apr 2013 7:45 a.m. PST

Ghost, that's the most reasonable TIE Defender that I have seen put forth. I agree with Parzival that Hull should probably be a 2 but otherwise nice job!

Mako1124 Apr 2013 9:14 a.m. PST

Appears to me to be way underpowered, based upon the Star Wars universe.

Also, Tie Defenders were only assigned to the best pilots in the Empire, so I think the minimum pilot rating should be an 8+, with requisite points costs for that.

Ewan Hoosami24 Apr 2013 4:54 p.m. PST

I would have thought something like the Z95 would have been in wave 3 over the Imperial Shuttle. Imperial Shuttle although it appears in film IMHO isn't really a 'dogfighter' as such. I would have thought B wing and Tie Bomber to round off the film fighters and then two Expanded Universe fighters, something cheap and something expensive.

Mako1124 Apr 2013 6:22 p.m. PST

True, but neither are the Falcon or Slave One, though they are better armed.

I only suggest it, since it opens up some role-playing, and/or scenario options, for minimal cost.

CorSecEng24 Apr 2013 7:30 p.m. PST

Hmm I have just the image for a cloud mat.. Gonna have to dig that one up.

Ewan Hoosami26 Apr 2013 5:16 p.m. PST

So chronic wishful thinking!

Gosh I'd really hate to see the first broken unit to be a cheesy dogfighting Imperial shuttle combo. The Firespray and the Falcon I can handle as they dogfought in the movies against Ties and A Jedi fighter, but if the IS is included as a glorified scenario piece well then………… Well then I think a majority of punters may be a tad dissapointed

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP02 May 2013 8:10 p.m. PST

Well, since announcement weekend is nigh upon us, I'll put in my vote for a likely ship that hasn't been on everybody's wishlist, though it has popped up on a thread here, and antoher more recently developing on BGG with Leia as a Pilot and C3PO as crew – an actual 2-Seater Y-Wing that can use crew upgrades and blaster turrets.

Mako1103 May 2013 9:36 a.m. PST

That's not a new ship.

New cards perhaps, but not a new fighter, in my opinion.

Buckaroo03 May 2013 10:03 a.m. PST

I don't know. Just because we don't see the Imperial Shuttle dogfight doesn't mean it can't. Much like the Yt-1300 I could see having a cruddy, stock version and a tricked out version.

the appeal of the Imperial shuttle could also be that it could support both sides. (Give is a generic Imperial Version, Chewie version, etc)

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