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"Next wave of X-Wing?" Topic

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The Angry Piper22 Apr 2013 7:20 a.m. PST

So aside form B-Wings and TIE Bombers, what's left for fighter ships?

Think they'll do stuff from the prequels next?

Surferdude22 Apr 2013 7:36 a.m. PST

Rumours are of adding another faction rather than doing the prequels. So smugglers/ scoundrels etc. like in the lcg I suppose.

CorSecEng22 Apr 2013 7:39 a.m. PST

I doubt we will see prequel stuff for a few years.

Rebels need a cheap fighter. So z95s are a possibility. Tie defender could make an appearance. They could also release a few larger ships. Like the Lady Luck or Pulsar Skate. They could do a set of shuttles.

There was a comment about the next wave messing with the meta game. That makes me lean towards the fact that they might be releasing faction neutral ships. Smuggler and bounty hunter kind of stuff. I'd also like to see some Uglies. Specially if they are just glued together bits from the production mistakes :)

I really hope we don't see prequel stuff. It would be like tossing a sherman into the ring with a abrams. That and I kinda hate most of those designs. I don't need no walking spaceships or shiny yellow ones for that matter.

Grumpy Monkey22 Apr 2013 7:43 a.m. PST

B-Wing and Tie bomber don't really fit for dog fights. Both of those were really designed as anti-capital ships.

Lord Ashram22 Apr 2013 7:56 a.m. PST

IIRC Fantasy Flight only owns the rights to the real Star Wars movies, not the new ones.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2013 7:58 a.m. PST

The Imperial Shuttle from Return of the Jedi (I think one also makes an appearance in The Empire Strikes Back, but can't recall.

A Rebel Transport is also a possibility, as it scales small enough to remain somewhat playable, though more as a target than a fighting craft.

If they track off of OT movie ships, I hope they venture into the classic X-Wing/TIE Fighter simulators, which had the previously mentioned Z-95 and TIE Defender (a great fighter with a great look) and the Imperial Missile Boat (which offers some interesting tactical possibilities for the game). Alas, most of those ships are Imperial. Possibly the E-wing might make an appearance for the Rebels.

TIE Defender:


Missile Boat: link
Z-95 "Headhunter": link

EDIT: Dang, but that E-wing is ugly.

nazrat22 Apr 2013 8:13 a.m. PST

That looks like a pretty darn close copy of the fighters in the original Battlestar Galactica series (if I remember them correctly)…

Dervel Fezian22 Apr 2013 8:34 a.m. PST

I would love to see B-wings, Tie Bombers, an Outrider? Then perhap some pirate/rogue ships.

AndrewGPaul22 Apr 2013 8:36 a.m. PST

They've already mined TIE Fighter for details (Maarek Steele was the name of your character in TIE Fighter), so I'm hoping that they start doing some of the fighters from that game.

I would think that the B-Wing, TIE Bomber and Imperial Lambda-class shuttle will be in the next wave – that finishes off the small craft seen in the original movies. The GR-75 medium transport is 90 metres long – nearly three times the length of the Falcon, so I doubt we'll see one of those.

The B-Wing and TIE Bomber may not be dogfighters, but then, neither is the Y-Wing, and the computer games certainly loved making you dogfight waves of X-Wings while flying a bomber. grin

Z-95s and Y-Wings were originally flown during the Clone Wars, so there's cross-over potential there.

AndrewGPaul22 Apr 2013 8:46 a.m. PST

That makes me lean towards the fact that they might be releasing faction neutral ships. Smuggler and bounty hunter kind of stuff.

I thought they might do that, but making Slave 1 an Imperial ship threw me off.

wminsing22 Apr 2013 9:00 a.m. PST

If I was a betting man, my money would be on the B-wing, the TIE Bomber and a dual-faction Tyderium Shuttle for wave three. After that it's either prequel or EU stuff, but I'm not clear on what the FFG licence actually covers. It's possible the game licence will allow them to invent their own ships for the game.


Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2013 9:06 a.m. PST

That looks like a pretty darn close copy of the fighters in the original Battlestar Galactica series (if I remember them correctly)…

Not surprising. The X-wing and the Viper were both designed by Joe Johnston (later director of The Rocketeer, Jumanji and Captain America: The First Avenger, among others). The E-wing is clearly the bastard offspring of these ships (I don't think it was designed by Johnston).

Disco Joe22 Apr 2013 9:37 a.m. PST

Has FFG even said they will be doing more? Speculation is nice but how about some actual facts.

David Manley22 Apr 2013 10:11 a.m. PST

I did hear a buzz that there would be an announcement on Wave 3 on May 4th (for obvious reasons)

Augustus22 Apr 2013 12:18 p.m. PST

The E-Wing was first used in the Dark Empire comic from Dark Horse Comics. Yet more expanded universe junk. It was not designed by any LucasArts/LucasFilm personnel.

A better picture:


It still looks…well, barely passable. There are a number of versions of this ship – probably because everyone and his brother took a shot at trying to capture the pan-epic level of the 4 studio Rebel snubfighters.

Dogged22 Apr 2013 1:47 p.m. PST

I'd love the TIE bomber and the B Wing to be next in line…

CmdrKiley22 Apr 2013 1:55 p.m. PST

I'd love to see a Starwing Assault Gunboat, and the Skipray Blastboat.



thosmoss22 Apr 2013 2:39 p.m. PST

I'd also be grateful if an official Laser Cannon Turret was offered, if they're hard-pressed to come up with another ship for their wave.

Mako1122 Apr 2013 3:09 p.m. PST

I'm pulling for the Tie Defender and B-Wing.

That Skipray is very nice looking too.

CPBelt22 Apr 2013 5:00 p.m. PST

Dang, those are some ugly looking ships IMO.

Augustus22 Apr 2013 5:35 p.m. PST

If they were not shown on film…there is a good reason why…. :)

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2013 7:36 p.m. PST

The Skipray… uh, no. Yuck. Worse than the worst of the prequels.

The assault gunboat/ missile boat is from the PC simulator games. It' ain't pretty, but it's all flat-sided polygons due to the games graphics system. A model would look better, and FFG would have a little "play" in the final look.

I forgot about the TIE Avenger, which was a variant of the TIE Advanced (Vader's ship):


Not the best angle, but the main appearance difference is the removal of much of the centerline "solar" panel sections, similar to the Interceptor. This ship is also from the PC simulator games, though I suspect the design is from the movie era, unused on screen because it looks too much like Vader's ship… and because the Interceptor filled the role of an "advanced new fighter" visually and looked cooler. But that's my suspicion, not actual knowledge.

Here's a much better assault gunboat picture, aka the Starwing:


And here's a little beauty called the TIE Phantom, apparently. Not sure what it's from, but I really like it:


Lord Ashram22 Apr 2013 7:45 p.m. PST

That skipray looks stupid.

One problem… Almost all of the remaining Star Wars ships look sort of dumb, you know?

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2013 8:03 p.m. PST

Whatever they are, I'll be buying them =^,^=

Surferdude22 Apr 2013 11:29 p.m. PST

Ffg have said that there are four ships to be revealed on the evening of the third May followed by a Q&A at their games weekend.

A day after Wil Weaton hosts an episode of Tabletop with Seth Green where they are playing X-Wing. :)

CmdrKiley23 Apr 2013 5:43 a.m. PST

The TIE Phantom was from the Rogue Squadron II video game. I believe they had a cloaking device as well.

Dogged23 Apr 2013 11:14 p.m. PST

One thing all released ships except Slave I and Falcon have in common is that they all are fighters or light bombers, with the bigger ships being a case of their own.

TIE bomber and B Wing are a different kind, both referring to released ships and to themselves. TIE bombers are dedicated bombers while B Wings are heavy fighters (or fighter-bombers), even comparing to the already well armed X and Y Wings.

Such a release could open new scenarios, particularly if combined with defenses like turrets, objects like satellites or shield generators, capital ship tiles, etc.

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