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" Narn Regime vs The Colonial fleet - a Full Thrust AAR" Topic

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jimklein196631 Mar 2013 4:16 p.m. PST


This next battle report centers on a confrontation between the Narn Regime and The Colonial Fleet. The Narns in their cold blooded arrogance thought they could just sail into Colonial territory and do as they please! The Colonial response was two simple words, ‘launch vipers!'
I was nt able to take as many pictures as I wanted to- got to wrapped up in the game, lol. This time however I got copies of the Narn SSDs and Have the BSG ones as well. So, without further delay…

Colonial forces centered their battle group on the Battlestar Pegasus. A, as yet, untested new ship design.






The interesting thing about the Narns is their smaller ships do not mount jump drives relying on their larger cousins to ferry them into battle. This means they are able to mount a fire power greater than ships of their class typically could.



Turn one saw little action other than some maneuvering by the two fleets. The narns closed the gap and launched all their fighters. The Colonial Missile cruiser Galliper launched its long range missiles against the Narn Dreadnaught only to have them all shot down by the Narn escorts and screening fighters. Pegasus fired her forward long range guns and scored some damage against the dreadnaught. The Narn return fire was insignificant. Knowing how the Narn energy mines work Pegasus commander decided to hold launching vipers until the last possible moment.
(Narn energy mines work very much like the PBL weapons from Fleet Book 2 however they are limited to size class 1 and may not be shot down by any means.)



Turn 2 saw much more action and destruction. Galliper fired her missiles again this time with a salvo from Pegasus. Only one missile made it thru the defenses. The Narns launched all their energy mines against Pegasus obliterating most of her armor belt. Pegasus's return fire devastated the Narn G'Quan cruiser on the right and severely damaged the T'rakk class frigate knocking out its fire control systems. The damaged G'Quan careened out of formation and would take no further part in the battle.



The remaining Colonial ships were out of range and held their fire. The Galliper took most of the Narn fire along with Pegasus but made it through with only hull damage. Pegasus's armor belt was reduced to scrap and started taking hull damage..

The next turn would determine the battles outcome. Pegasus plotted a hard turn to port and launched all her vipers holding the Raptors (with torpedoes) in reserve. Lakota and Tiger accelerated in an attempt to get in behind the Narn fleet. The Narns slowly advanced while maneuvering the T'Loth and T'rakk into flanking positions.



The smaller colonial ships managed to get in behind the Narns but could get their main weapons to bare on any targets just yet.
The Vipers and Narn fighters engaged one another. The vipers destroyed all but two of the Narn fighters but took almost fifty percent losses to do it. It would be enough though.



Pegasus and Galliper launched missiles against the T'Loth with abt half of them getting through. Though her hull was badly damaged only a few minor systems went off line. With Pegasus surrounded on three sides a serious flaw in her design became apparent. With only three fire controls she could not engage as many targets as her numerous guns would allow. Never the less her fire was devastating. The Narn Dreadnaught was wrecked, T'Loth was virtually destroyed and the G'Quan to the front took a fair amount of damage was still fully functional.
The Narn return fire was heavy but mostly against Pegasus. She suffered a threshold check that damaged several point defense systems, two hangers, the missile launcher, and one Mass Driver (K-Gun). Pegasus shrugged off this damage and readied the raptors for launch. At the end of the turn many damage control parties on both sides scrambled to keep up with the damage being inflicted. Pegasus managed to repair several systems (in yellow on the SSD shown) and the Narns got several systems repaired as well.

The next turn the Narns launched their energy mines again. Unfortunately the two fleets had closed almost to point blank range and this left many of their ships in the blast radius of their mines


Several of their ships took damage and the Colonial ship Lakota was destroyed. Pegasus also took a beating but not enough for another threshold check.
The colonial fighters engaged the T'Loth and destroyed it for no losses on their part. The colonial ship Tiger took an enormous amount of fire that disabled almost all of her systems.
The Narn Ka'Tock battle destroyer had taken too much damage in the mine blasts and was easily destroyed by fire from Galliper and Pegasus.


Pegasus then fires into both the Dreadnaught and G'Quan battle cruiser destroying the Q'Quan and inflicting more damage and the DN.


On the final turn the raptors are launched off Pegasus's flights decks and make a run at the DN with the surviving vipers supporting. The dreadnaught was destroyed.


The remaining Narn ships jumped out or destroyed themselves.

In the end Tiger was a near total wreck, Lakota was destroyed, Galliper was out of ammunition and Pegasus would be in the repair yards for months. She would also be getting a new fire control system allowing her to engage more targets than before!

The Final damage tally on the Pegasus and Tiger



A great game for sure! the Narn energy mines make for devastating weapons tho not overly so. What makes them annoying is there is no counter to them. You just have to hope ur ships survive the blast. Small ships certainly have to be very careful and for the most part have no business on the front lines.

Any and all comments or suggestions welcome!

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian31 Mar 2013 4:35 p.m. PST

A great game for sure! the Narn energy mines make for devastating weapons tho not overly so. What makes them annoying is there is no counter to them.

They were just plasma bolts that couldn't be shot down, right? The traditional defense against plasma is to avoid them – doesn't look there was much maneuvering going one in this game, and the speeds can't have been very high. Plasma and missiles are disproportionately effective in those kind of fights – against a fleet of thrust 4+ ships that keeping their speeds up into the teens and twenties they're much less effective.

Were you using cinematic or vector movement? I'm guessing vector, although the photos don't look it. Those heavier Narn must be a nightmare to play in cinematic with such rotten firing arcs and thrust ratings.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian31 Mar 2013 4:49 p.m. PST

Nice ships! I especially appreciate your repurposing of the Silent Death Punisher-class strike fighter as a Narn DD:


Parts is parts, and ships is ships! Very nice, especially the Narn in all their colorful glory!evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

jimklein196631 Mar 2013 5:17 p.m. PST

BlackWidow- I had no idea those were re-purposed ships! Lol..perhaps i should cry foul for my opponent not using genuine Narn models!

Chief- Correct, PBLs that cant get shot down. The Narn ships are very slow and poor to maneuver which is how they seemed to work in the tv show. Same with big lumbering battlestars too tho at least Pegasus is thrust 4. Most games we limit starting speed to 8 so even if i had boosted it up to 12 or 16 by turn 2 he could still have hit the ship with a decent amount of the things.
We used Cinematic movement (havnt tried vector yet) and you're right, abt the lousy fire arcs on the Narns again that's how they seemed to operate in the show so that's how he designed them. I think he took alot of his stat ideas from the old AOG B5 game game too.
Most of the cruiser class ships (and smaller) in my BSG fleet have forward only K-guns with Class 1s supplementing them. Those ships vs similar armed ships make for an interesting maneuver game.


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Mar 2013 6:05 p.m. PST

Great looking game. The ships are very nicely done! thumbs up It sure was a hard fought battle. Not my first choice for rules to use for any Babylon 5 ships but you look like you guys had a fun game.



bluebirds4031 Mar 2013 6:36 p.m. PST

great battle report, pegasus is an awesome ship.

jimklein196631 Mar 2013 6:56 p.m. PST


Other than being a fan of the show i cant say im familier w how the ships are supposed to work. My opponent desighned those SSDs. I would be interested to see what aproach other ppl took with them though.

thedrake31 Mar 2013 9:18 p.m. PST


Thanks for posting another excellent AAR as well as the FT stats used.

Wish I could paint anywhere near as well as you do your ships.

Looking forward to meeting you at Bayou Wars this year for the space combat game of yours.


jimklein196601 Apr 2013 6:16 a.m. PST


DonLeg01 Apr 2013 8:06 a.m. PST

I got to see that beast of a Pegasus on Sat. Pictures cannot do it justice!

Wish i could have stayed to watch the game, but the wife was with me reminding me "Only Buy The Paint"

Great AAR. If you ever need, I'd be more than happy to photograph the next one. Tripod, lights the whole studio set-up.

jimklein196601 Apr 2013 8:56 a.m. PST

That would be fantastic! I'll definately take you up on the offer. Email me jimklein1966. Yahoo

DonLeg01 Apr 2013 9:20 a.m. PST

I'll touch base with you on the FaceBook gamer page.

jimklein196601 Apr 2013 9:26 p.m. PST

cool, thanks!

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP02 Apr 2013 7:18 a.m. PST

BlackWidow- I had no idea those were re-purposed ships! Lol..perhaps i should cry foul for my opponent not using genuine Narn models!

Oh, great! An FT player with a GW mentality…

Just teasing! Awesome kudos to all; you have to admit, re-purposed, and beautifully at that.

I'm SO far behind in storing your marvelous SSD's; stats are great, but fiddling the art is even more appreciated.

For what it's worth, my games tend to slow with up-close-and-personal. SM's can be a terror, fighters all uber.

It kinda makes sense, but most folk don't see it.


jimklein196602 Apr 2013 7:53 a.m. PST


One thing weve done to 'take the edge off' fighters and missles is to allow every ship over 20 mass to mount ADFC for no cost in mass. Still have to pay the points for it tho. Initially this was done for the ships that go with Firestorm Armada when we converted that game to FT. Now we do it with every ship.

Thanks for the compliments!

John Treadaway05 Apr 2013 5:56 a.m. PST

spiffing paint jobs.


John T

jimklein196605 Apr 2013 8:22 a.m. PST

Thanks. :)

Carpet General19 Apr 2013 3:19 a.m. PST

Nice AAR, lovely ships.
Also, you're the first person I've seen using my free destruction markers.
Cheers Jim you've made my day!

jimklein196619 Apr 2013 7:38 a.m. PST

The markers are great! They make keeping track of things for AARs alot easier and they look really good in the pictures.
Weve used them in all the AARs. Take a look at the colonials vs narns thread.

jimklein196619 Apr 2013 7:42 a.m. PST

ooops, sorry, meant this thread:

Full Thrust AAR using Firestorm Armada-inspired fleets

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