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24 Mar 2013 6:50 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Full Thrus AAR using Firestorm Armada inspired fleets" to "Full Thrust AAR using Firestorm Armada-inspired fleets"

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jimklein196624 Mar 2013 5:49 p.m. PST


This battle report is a classic rematch between the Aquan Navy and the Dindrenzi Imperial fleet. All the models used are from Spartan games. The flight stands used by the Dindrenzi fleet are from Corsec Engineering. With this demo we introduced two new players to the game.





The intent of the game was to demonstrate the Full thrust rules using the Components from the two of the Firestorm Armada Fleet Boxes and a couple other ships for variety.

After a quick brief on the rules and how to write their orders all the players plotted their moves. The Dindrenzi tried for an envelopment type of attack and the Aquans decided to keep a tight formation. The Battle Carrier Launched fighters and were ordered to trail the fleet looking for any targets of opportunity.


The Dindrenzi Gunship and her Escort start swinging around the asteroid field hoping to catch the Aquan formation in the flank.



The Dindrenzi had the initiative and open fire with their Battleship. One of the ships main rail Guns scored a direct hit on the Aquan battle carrier inflicting serious damage and knocking out several key systems including multiple weapon mounts.


The Aquans responded by activating their battleship and firing on two of the frigates screening the Dindrenzi battleship, destroying both. It also fired on the Escort Cruiser screening the Gunship and inflicted some minor damage on its armor belt.
In response Dindrenzi Cruiser Juno (one of two cruisers holding the Dindrenzi center) opened fire on the Aquan Battle Carrier again hoping to knock it out of the battle. Unfortunately it only scored with one of its main weapons but that was enough for a threshold check which resulted in several more system on the carrier going off line.
One of the Aquan Cruiser open fire and inflicts minor damage on the surviving Dindrenzi frigate knocking out one of its close range rail guns. This damage will rattle the captains nerves forcing him to make a run for the nearest asteroid field to hide. (The owning player miscalculated when he wrote the orders for the ship sending it off in the wrong direction).



A brief look at the damage on the Aquan battle carrier.


The Dindrenzi gunship and its Escort opens up on the flanking Aquan Frigates easily destroying both. Unfortunately that would be the only glory those ships would earn.



Both fleets draw closer to each other and the Aquan fighters make a high speed run at the Dindrenzi battleship. For some inexplicable reason both the Dindrenzi cruisers in the center make hard to starboard turns. (The owning player made a mistake in writing his orders). This would prove to be a critical mistake the Dindrenzi would not recover from. Had their captains survived the game it's a fair bet they would have been court martial-ed and shot!


The Dindrenzi Battleship surrounded by fighters and without its screening frigates, is badly mauled despite reducing one of the attacking squadrons to a single fighter.


Winning the initiative the Aquan battleship opens fire on the Dindrenzi battleship causing crippling damage, knocking out several weapons and damaging its life support system. Only a single turn remained for the crew to breathe if the crew couldn't get the system back online.


The Dindrenzi battleships returns fire and scores damage on the Aquan battleship which loses its jump drive, several beams weapons and one of its shields. Fortunately for the Aquan player the Dindrenzi main guns were out of their proper fire arc and could not fire.
On the other flank the Dindrenzi Escort cruiser opened fire on one enemy cruiser and barely makes a dent despite being at point blank range. The Aquans return fire on the gunship hoping to damage it enough to weaken its fire before it engages. There targeting was dead-on and the gunship was badly damaged with the port side turret locked in position and one mass driver on the starboard side knocked out.



The Gunship returned fire and missed with everything! Unbelievable.

Gunship damage report.


The Aquans fire again destroying the Gunship. The cruisers in the center of the Dindrenzi formation fire with little results. The Aquans fire their remaining ships and cripple the Dindrenzi escort cruiser causing damage to its main reactor and life support systems. It would explode at the end of the turn.
And score a fair amount of damage on the cruiser in the center of the Dindrenzi formation.





With half their fleet destroyed or crippled and with almost no room to maneuver, there was very little the Dindrenzi could do. Both the center cruiser made hard turns to port hoping to line up one last shot but again found themselves out of position.



Both Dindrenzi cruisers were subsequently destroyed with little damage in return. The Aquans were able to board and capture the Dindrenzi battleship after the crew failed to repair the life support system and abandoned the ship. The only survivor was the sole frigate that hid in the asteroid field.

All in all it was a great learning game for all involved. The Dindrenzi are a tricky fleet to use due to the majority of their weapons firing forward. They can cause a tremendous amount of damage to an enemy but only for as long as they can keep the enemy ‘in their sights'. On the plus side is the durability of their ships. They are well armored, have tough hulls and three damage rows.
The Aquans on the other hand have fairly fragile hulls and no armor by comparison. In their favor however they are heavily armed though most of their fire power is concentrated in broadside batteries. The ships are also very maneuverable.


Any and all comments welcome!

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian24 Mar 2013 6:34 p.m. PST

Great photos, very striking. Looks like you were using the Full Thrust Warlord variant rules?

jimklein196624 Mar 2013 7:21 p.m. PST

For the Dindrenzi ships yes. It was the only way to get the ships to work like their Firestorm Armada counterparts. The Aquans used the basic rules.

bluebirds4024 Mar 2013 7:47 p.m. PST

great battle report, awesome minis.

bluedog24 Mar 2013 9:02 p.m. PST

Well done! Time well spent on a rainy afternoon.

Dan 05524 Mar 2013 9:52 p.m. PST

Very nicely done.

tkdguy24 Mar 2013 10:28 p.m. PST

Great battle report! Thanks for sharing.

UrbanWarrior25 Mar 2013 7:47 a.m. PST

Great batrep.

emckinney25 Mar 2013 10:36 a.m. PST

Could you post clear versions of all of the ship displays?

In the Scutum, what are the four large circle systems down the center?

In the Gunship, what are the hexes-within-hexes systems?

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP25 Mar 2013 11:05 a.m. PST

Hexes-within-hexes = K guns.

Not sure about the other…


Edit: Whoops, the things that look like groups of K – guns. Maybe short range K guns?

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian25 Mar 2013 12:03 p.m. PST

In the Scutum, what are the four large circle systems down the center?

They're Area Defense System arrays – it's a system from FT Warlord, the basic rules are right on the SSD, essentially a 12MU range version of the pre-ADFC ADS arrays with some tweaks.

In the Gunship, what are the hexes-within-hexes systems?

They indicate turret mounts – two-arc ones with three class 5 K-guns in this case. The rules are, again, from Full Thrust Warlords – page 38-ish on the pdf:

PDF link

Raptoruk369 Supporting Member of TMP25 Mar 2013 6:34 p.m. PST

A stunning looking battle and interesting and exciting report, just the sort of thing I love thankyou, oh and much appreciated for the pdf link to the amended ruleset…
very thoughtfull

jimklein196626 Mar 2013 6:58 a.m. PST

Thanks everyone!

Chief Lackey is correct and thank you for answering those questions.

The large hexes on the gunship are indeed Turrets with short range K-guns mounted.

emckinney- best we could do on the SSDs. If you want copies of all the SSDs send me ur email. I'd be happy to send them to you.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2013 6:08 a.m. PST

Where did you get the circular bases? Looks like something I thought I special ordered from CorSec…

Not seeing a PM button, and if you've posted an email, I'm missing same.

Thanks, Rich, for the Warlords link and correction of my flub. Guess I never looked close enough to see some of the new ideas.


Chef Lackey Rich Fezian28 Mar 2013 6:44 a.m. PST

Meh, I'd only stumbled across the Warlord version a little while back and recognized them on sight because they were fresh in my mind. There's an awful lot of FT fan material on the web these days – hard to keep track of it all. Wish the old Weapon & Defense Archive was still getting updated regularly as a clearinghouse for new ideas. It was nice to have one more-or-less central site to look at.

jimklein196628 Mar 2013 12:45 p.m. PST

The circular bases are special order items from Corsec. He can make them in various sizes.

I didnt post my email – made that mistake once many years ago. If you post yours I can send it that way or if you are a member of the Full Thrust yahoo group you can PM me that way. You can also do the same on Star Rangers message board.


Chef Lackey Rich Fezian28 Mar 2013 4:24 p.m. PST

Maybe worth pointing out that your SCN handle is different from the one here so Beast can reach you more easily – jimklein's thread (and associated PM access) over there can be found at this link:


jimklein196628 Mar 2013 6:56 p.m. PST

Oooops, thanks chief. Good catch

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP30 Mar 2013 5:41 a.m. PST

No problemo; Jim and I are on several Yahoo! groups, as well as you, Rich, where he's already been most helpful. Sorry I was a bit dense, earlier.

Jim, your special order looks very similar to mine, maybe exact. Two great minds, of course. ;->=

I'm certain Mr. CorSec was amused.

Maybe he'll consider listing them as the Jim-and-Doug special…


jimklein196630 Mar 2013 2:46 p.m. PST

I'm pushing him to release them as resgular products. I'm also trying to get him to make turn gage templates. Maybe if several ppl pester him enough he'll do it. :)

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP03 Apr 2013 9:40 a.m. PST

I know, Eine Klien Nacht Beast bases! ;->=

Sorry, gf is a HUGE Mozart fan…


jimklein196603 Apr 2013 10:56 a.m. PST

Lol….so am i

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