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"PSC new Late War US Infantry on preorder!" Topic

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2,428 hits since 15 Jan 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dogged15 Jan 2013 1:48 a.m. PST

Plastic Soldier Company will launch tomorrow the release of their 15 mm Late War US Infantry:

145 figures for less than 30 $ or 23 €!!!!
With plenty of SMGs, BARs and bazookas.
Click here to take a look.

Also, they've said March will be the month for the release of the M3 and M5 halftracks. Looks like the PSC yanks will be more than ready for Day D!

BrotherSevej15 Jan 2013 1:59 a.m. PST

The price is crazy. How does this compare with Battlefront or Forged in Battle figure in terms of quality?

Dark Knights And Bloody Dawns15 Jan 2013 2:45 a.m. PST

There's no way I can ignore this product, they look great.

How will BF compete?

Redlancer3815 Jan 2013 4:04 a.m. PST

These look brilliant and I'll be buying them in both 15mm and 1/72 scale when they bring out the support weapon boxes for both.

PiersBrand15 Jan 2013 4:37 a.m. PST

For those wanting to see a painted one, one of the pre-production pieces I painted…

TMP link

LukeR7815 Jan 2013 4:54 a.m. PST

There is a picture of the sprue on the PSC site


It's a big imporovement on their previous infantry efforts IMHO.

vogless15 Jan 2013 5:30 a.m. PST

Oh man!

Can't wait for those to come in 20mm!

I have his Germans and Russians in 20mm and think they are fantastic! Great way to fill the ranks.

These look great!

Ruben Megido15 Jan 2013 5:46 a.m. PST

Wait! No ankward "throwing grenade" pose in this one? :D

Darby E15 Jan 2013 5:56 a.m. PST

I was just thinking the same thing Ruben! …and I am just fine with that!

PeterH15 Jan 2013 6:57 a.m. PST


Tom Reed15 Jan 2013 7:53 a.m. PST

My only nitpick would be the guy who appears to be firing a BAr from the shoulder, ouch! Didn't they usually fire the BAR from the hip or when prone?

Griefbringer15 Jan 2013 8:11 a.m. PST

If you wanted to actually hit somebody with BAR, then firing from shoulder would probably be preferable over firing from the hip.

Here is a number of shots of BAR gunners, mostly firing from the shoulder:



Hornswoggler15 Jan 2013 8:11 a.m. PST

BAR could be fired from the shoulder. BAR men were tough (and they got paid extra…).

But on the subject of nitpicks, mine is that the heads look oversized again in common with the other PSC figure releases. As has been discussed elsewhere, this may not be such a big deal in 15mm but looks more obvious in 1/72 scale.

Lion in the Stars15 Jan 2013 10:47 a.m. PST

@Hornswaggler: Could that just be the size of a US steelpot?

Looking at the picture of the BAR gunner right above your post, helmet seems a couple sizes too big for the guy's head.

This is very cool, I have wanted to do the 442nd RCT for a while.

PeterH15 Jan 2013 12:33 p.m. PST

Regarding the helmets, I thought the same thing about the AB figures when they first came out, but then looking at period photos like the one above, they seemed more accurate than anything else on the market. I feel that way about these PSC figures and believe they will go perfectly with AB as well as some others.

Hornswoggler15 Jan 2013 4:18 p.m. PST

Could that just be the size of a US steelpot?

No, big heads and not much in the way of necks are stylistic features of the entire range, though the rounder helmets do tend to look a bit worse ie the British don't look as bad as the Russians, Germans and now the Yanks. Eg:




Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2013 11:37 p.m. PST

I don't mind the size of the heads, the no neck look is what I think effects the figures the most, but they certainly are usable, and some are down right nice.

Hornswoggler16 Jan 2013 4:02 a.m. PST

…but they certainly are usable, and some are down right nice.

No argument there Dan. If I was starting a new army I would probably go with these. I just don't think the rather unique styling mixes too well with most other plastics, at least not the ones I already have…

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