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"Do You LOVE To Scratchbuild Your Own 15mm SF Terrain?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe18 May 2012 11:36 a.m. PST

Let's not talk money OR time. Forget those two concepts. In this discussion they don't exist.

Instead, let's talk LOVE here. PASSION. The SATISFACTION you get when you complete a terrain project that once existed only in your head . . .

A) Basically, do you guys still have fun making your own 15mm SF terrain, from common materials, and bits and pieces of kits, for your own gaming enjoyment (NOT for sale and for others to use)? Or do you find it a chore?

B) What 15mm SF project(s) are you most proud of, and why? Got pics?

C) What sort of stuff, if any, will you not even bother attempt, thinking that you could never get the results you picture in your mind?

I might be wrong, but it seems to me like 15mm SF scratchbuilders are either posting less these days, or manufactured terrain makers are posting more and more (even on scratchbuilding threads), trying to get sales.

I know there are tons of REALLY cool and stunning sets sold out there. But I want to hear from those who truly have a passion to make and enjoy their own one-of-a-kind 15mm SF terrain pieces.



Angel Barracks18 May 2012 12:03 p.m. PST

awwwww so close.

messy 195818 May 2012 1:25 p.m. PST

Working on something right now……in fact I have a few work in progress pics that I will post as soon as I get them emailed to me by the photographer
I am building a mountain that is much to big to be practical, but I dont care and it will be part of a desert world project
I will be using Twohourwargames 5150 rules and infact if you are a member of the yahoo group you could see some pics in the photos section in Barrys pictures album
I am also using parts of a broken up Captain Scarlet base ( please dont tell me its worth a fortune lol !)
These will be used to create some kind of mineral exploration facility….You know,the kind of thing that every Alien life form in the galaxy just loves to trash.
I will be at Sheffield Tommorow to hand the dollies for a range of figures for the project to my friends at Sergeants Mess and will be bashing on with those asap
PS……When you take a drill with a wire brush head to your polystyrene terrain in the lounge….make sure you are single, or happy to become so.Girls have no love or passion for this stuff

Cacique Caribe18 May 2012 3:17 p.m. PST

THIS next guy certainly feels the passion!!!

TMP link


BaldLea18 May 2012 5:20 p.m. PST


malleman18 May 2012 6:35 p.m. PST

I usually like to make my own. I look for quick projects that I can get done in a weekend for fun.
This is one of my favorites. The soldiers were painted by Gunner Dunbar


AVAMANGO18 May 2012 10:22 p.m. PST

This has the beginnings for a very good thread, i've been a kit basher/scratch builder for quite a while now and i have custom built more Battletech mechs and terrain than i care to remember, Battletech has been my guilty passion for years so most of my projects have been based on 6mm wargaming. Its only been the past couple of years that i have started to expand my horizons and try some different scale wargaming avenues, there is only so much Battletech one can handle… So now im firmly into 15mm near future/sci-fi and i have loads of ideas buzzing around in my head and one of my main goals is to make a 3x3 Gigger style Aliens planet surface which for that I've just acquired some old space game 3D terrain tiles that are going to make up the majority of the surface but they still need quite a bit of work carried out on them to get them how i want them to look, i also want to make a Aliens labyrinth/derelict out post extension to the planet surface on the cheap but do not have a clue were to get cheap walls and floor tiles from, however i do have a few ideas on how i could make them from lengths of MDF cut to size. Other project i am also collection bits for is a near future ruined cityscape that is generic enough to also be used as a sci-fi setting by adding some funky fauna. Basically i'm a bit of a hoarder and i'm always on the look out for useful house hold junk that i can put to good use, when i complete a project i get a strong sense of satisfaction knowing that i custom built a unique piece of terrain or created a one of a kind miniature conversion which i have to admit i do get a buzz out of…

Thaddeus of Brock19 May 2012 5:55 a.m. PST

I don't know if it's so much a passion as it is a sickness. I find I can no longer look at objects without thinking "how could I use this in a terrain piece?" Sadly most ideas go unrealized (time/storage limitations), but here's at least one idea that came to reality:





Goober19 May 2012 10:23 a.m. PST

Yes. Lots.




PF 200919 May 2012 11:35 a.m. PST

A) I have fun making some digital terrains but I have yet to print and cast them. I'm not sure it's a good idea tho since there are some cool products available.
And I wanted to start 1:100 in 2012 but I went for samurai at 1:56 / 1:48 instead…Yes I'm a bit ashamed.

Eli Arndt19 May 2012 12:14 p.m. PST

Yup. I like building it. I am also too cheap to buy a loto f pre-made stuff unless it is something I'm not comfortable or willing to build.

I have mostly been building industrial terrain and colony dwellings out of scrap and electrical junction boxes. I've already posted pics of these on a few threads.

Some other projects include a spaceship made out of a Batman Tumbler toy and some spaceport terrain made out of styro packing. Here are some WIP pics of the spaceship.



Most recently I have started a little post-apocalyptic terrain that might also work as space castaway or rogue colony terrain.


cfielitz19 May 2012 12:24 p.m. PST

Yes I do. I mostly do microarmor stuff, but I am slowly making my own 15mm terrain.

Lfseeney19 May 2012 10:42 p.m. PST

Building Out Houses to give away at the Con, where I am running
It Came From Beyond the Still.

Does that count?


corporalpat20 May 2012 7:13 a.m. PST

Here is the city I made for my "Escape from Mos Eisley" game. Had a blast putting it all together!


Lead Space20 May 2012 11:19 a.m. PST

I love to make 15mm scenery. i don't buy much scenery since they are pretty easy to make, and you get exactly what you want.

I enjoy modelling way too much to just buy things ready. Also the satisfaction that you get from a finished project is the fuel that keeps me going :)
I have always loves to build things. When I was small Inbuilt from legos and now from anything I find useful.

Some of my stuff

Cacique Caribe22 Jul 2012 7:40 p.m. PST

Is this awesome or what! That's definitely love and dedication:


PDF link


His TMP thread here:

TMP link

PDF link

Gnubrid30 Jun 2016 3:18 p.m. PST

Digging up an old thread.
I get a real sense of satisfaction when, I can cobble together items otherwise known as trash and make into something I can put on the table. I am nowhere near the level of some of you gents but, that's cool, you inspire me. I do it for me and sometimes I surprise myself.

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