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"Can You Identify This Hairy Cartoonish Alien?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2011 7:59 a.m. PST

Top row, third from left (the one labeled "Animal"):


I know there was a no-neck cartoon character that looked just like it, but red/orange, tall and always chasing people? What was it called? Was it a Martian or something?



Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2011 8:03 a.m. PST

And I think its typical pose was something like this:



Roderick Robertson Fezian17 Oct 2011 8:05 a.m. PST

Bugs Bunny. Hair Rasing Hare. YouTube link

jdpintex17 Oct 2011 8:15 a.m. PST


Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2011 8:16 a.m. PST

That's the cartoon!!!

Does anyone cast a figure that might be similar to it? Or is a figure of the cartoon character sold in pewter?



dglennjr17 Oct 2011 8:20 a.m. PST

How about gluing some red puff balls together, shaping them, and adding some tiny 'googly' eyes and maybe some barbie sneakers as feet?

sharkbait17 Oct 2011 8:53 a.m. PST

Gossamer – I believe that's what the monster from Bugs Bunny was named.

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian17 Oct 2011 8:53 a.m. PST

The Bugs Bunny character's name is Gossamer. There are lots of key fobs and little figures on Ebay that might work for you.

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian17 Oct 2011 8:57 a.m. PST

OK… not as many as when I was looking, but still some there.

Search under:

Gossamer figure
Gossamer fan pull

Dynaman878917 Oct 2011 9:25 a.m. PST

> Gossamer – I believe that's what the monster from Bugs Bunny was named.

Don't know about the name, but the monster above would need sneakers in order to pass for the Bugs Bunny monster. (no sneakers, no good!)

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian17 Oct 2011 9:27 a.m. PST

Remind me of "The Creature" in a couple of Bugs Bunny Cartoons (Orange with Hi-top sneakers)


Yep, Gossamer

28mmMan17 Oct 2011 10:51 a.m. PST


Earth Vs The Hairy Dwarves

Classification (Hynek): CE3.
Witness: Multiple Witnesses.
Time & Place: April-Dec 1954, Venezuela.
Entity Type (Lawson): Animal.
Craft: Various disc-shaped craft.
Summary: Hairy dwarves visit Venezuela.


Round 1: Alien Vs Hunter

1954 was a bumper year for close encounters with a wide variety of alien beings. In America blonde Nordics delivered earnest lectures about the arms race. In France enigmatic humanoids prowled the country lanes after dark. And in Venezuela a gang of hairy dwarves busied themselves collecting rocks and picking fights with people twice their size.

Their first victim was Emelino Martinez; a hunter who found himself turned prey. On the night of April 10, Martinez was walking back to his car after spending the day hunting in hills near Caracas when suddenly he heard a commotion in some bushes followed by a long guttural growl. He dropped his catch and ran towards the car, closely pursued by two short "half man, half monkey" creatures covered in thick, dark hair.

While he was fumbling with his car keys, one of the creatures grabbed him from behind and rolled him into a ditch. Man and beast struggled furiously; the creature scratching and biting Martinez, while Martinez repeatedly smashed its head with a rock.

Bloodied and howling in pain, the aggressor loosened its grip and Martinez scrambled into his car. Both creatures pounded frantically on the windscreen as he started the engine and sped away.


These guys are short…

The Beast Rampant17 Oct 2011 3:42 p.m. PST

This is definitely not the first time this discussion has come up. Maybe the third.

Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2011 4:10 p.m. PST

28mmMan: "These guys are short…"

Yes. But, every time that picture pops up on the Internet, I can't help but think of the big cartoon fella Gossamer (whose name I always forget).

I will see if I can get hold of a pewter figure of that Gossamer.


28mmMan17 Oct 2011 5:26 p.m. PST


9cm @$11.95+shipping


7in @11.99+shipping


2.75in @5.99+shipping

or 25-50c in sculpting material…make your own.

Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2011 6:23 p.m. PST

Too cool!

Thanks, 28mmMan.


richarDISNEY17 Oct 2011 7:56 p.m. PST

That thing creeped me out when I was a lad…
But those High Tops were a nice touch!

Ashurman17 Oct 2011 9:29 p.m. PST

I actually thought the Doc referred to him as "Rudolph" at one point…or am I misremembering?

Coelacanth193817 Oct 2011 10:03 p.m. PST

I remember when I was hanging out with a bunch of UFO types in my youth. Some of them were talking about a "tree-like" entity that got out of a supposed spacecraft and "frisked" a couple of children who playing in a field.

These days, that entity might be regarded as some form of bush robot.

Dynaman878918 Oct 2011 2:36 a.m. PST

> I actually thought the Doc referred to him as "Rudolph" at one point…or am I misremembering?

You remember correctly, they changed the name later.

Old Slow Trot18 Oct 2011 5:51 a.m. PST

The one character in there looked something like Cousin Itt.

Cacique Caribe19 Aug 2012 2:36 a.m. PST

I would love someone to make 3 or 4 poses of this in 10-12mm:




Carrion Crow20 Aug 2012 3:47 a.m. PST


Way back in 2006 (has it been that long?) I made an attempt at a Mothman figure, which a few members felt looked like Gossamer. The thread can be found here:

TMP link

Of course, for the above, you could use the Black Tree Designs Yeti figure from the Dr Who range, which does look very much like your picture and can be found here:


I painted mine up in shades of blue, and am intending on using it for a Scooby Doo game, when I get round to it.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP21 Aug 2012 5:09 a.m. PST

The Yeti's are a bit stiffly upright, which seems appropriate for most of the Yeti representations I've seen, now that I think of it.

Dan's right; with the proper menacing lean forward, that would make an excellently weird group.


Farstar21 Aug 2012 3:48 p.m. PST

The Martian critters were birds.


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