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"New 15mm Buildings What do you want ????" Topic

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Thesceneuk Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Sep 2011 3:07 a.m. PST

Now that all orders have been sent from the sale I can get on with some new bits.

I allready have a large amount of new releases planned for the next few weeks, production moulds are being made this weekend so the new stuff will start going on the site next weekend. I will keep you updated.

I am aiming to make at least two new buildings every month, some months four depending on the size of them.
This I hope to keep as an on going thing.

So the aim is to have at least 40 new buildings over the next 12 months.

A few simple questions, what would you like to see first ?

How important is it to have internal details on the buildings, the more detail will obviously add to the final cost.

Ground floors , or single storey buildings would you like to see a detailed base on them.

Would you like to have windows built in, or a seperate add on pack for each building, with windows doors, vents ect.

Please give me your feedback, and any images of what you are looking for.

I aim to have the first buildings released ready for 1st week of November.



tima113 Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2011 3:13 a.m. PST

My preference would be for little to no internal detail and no base. For windows and doors I find either acceptable, but separate packs give more flexibility (plus you could offer several styles).

Cacique Caribe24 Sep 2011 4:26 a.m. PST


Here are some examples:

TMP link


Given up for good24 Sep 2011 4:30 a.m. PST

Civilian style housing without armour / shutters
Civilian style shops
Big office block
Colony rough and ready buildings / shacks
Prefabricated dwelling for initial landing
Smaller building / huts for 'back woods' buildings

Not at all interested in internal fixtures – I would either move to a drawn plan or build my own walls if I needed to. But I would be happy to buy add on pack for windows / doors esp if you provide a selection that fits (inc shutters / roll up etc)

Not fussed about the base – how about offering it as an option – standard straight sides for town layouts and rough sides for country / single dwellings

Now for next year…

Hope this helps
Main site:

Pictors Studio24 Sep 2011 5:19 a.m. PST

I'd like to see something similar to the Tau city in the 2001 Canadian Games Day table.

Wolfprophet24 Sep 2011 5:22 a.m. PST

"How important is it to have internal details on the buildings, the more detail will obviously add to the final cost."

Not very since it would be easier to add the detail ourselves with companies putting out furniture packs n' such. Internal detail already in there could also increase the possibility of miscasting too I imagine.

Psyckosama24 Sep 2011 5:24 a.m. PST

I like some basic internal details, such as internal wall texture, window panes, door jams, etc, but leave the decoration and what the room is actually for up to us.

Basically mirror the outside details but don't dress up the inside. Modular internal walls designed to go with your buildings could be good. So would internal decore packs.

Dragon Gunner24 Sep 2011 5:30 a.m. PST

Heavy laser defense tower / emplacement (Its bascially an AA tower capable of destroying ships in space. In my fluff these towers must be destroyed before heavy transport can off load vehicles, this is usually achieved by infantry drop from orbit.)

boggler24 Sep 2011 6:19 a.m. PST

African / SE Asian Shanty town modular style buildings would be cool.

Useful for AK47 and sci fi as well.


Wellspring24 Sep 2011 6:50 a.m. PST

If you're going to do internal detail, make sure it's for a building that's designed to be played in. Stackable floors, multiple rooms, etc.

I think shantytowns have been done to death. GZG's are excellent. Kitbashing is pretty straightforward for gamers inclined to go beyond that. IIRC, Khurasan will have some nice options in this area (at least their internal furnishings) when their normal store comes back. CMG has some good military pre-fab buildings.

So I think the opportunity in 15mm buildings is to do something that isn't around yet.

Multi-story (stackable) buildings could be very cool. A base, a couple mid-story options, and a top would let players run scenarios that simply aren't an option now (old crow does this in 6mm). A vehicle garage designed to fit a few of the more popular 15mm vehicles (and useful for scenarios where the attacker can't see what the defender put IN those garages). An entrance to an underground bunker. I'm not seeing a lot of bridges out there either; always a fun objective. Landing strips are easy for players to do themselves, but the greeblies that go along with them (landing lights, radar towers, and other airport stuff) aren't.

Alien design aesthetics would be welcome, also (CMG does this).

AVAMANGO24 Sep 2011 7:02 a.m. PST

I would really like to see something without a north African influence, I feel this style of building has been done to death and there are so many other miniature companies producing this style in 15mm now. Personally I would like to see something a bit more off world and modular, something along the lines of Moon base Alpha in Space 1999 or a shake ‘n' bake colony/outpost ala Alien's(Hadley's hope) I would keep all internal detail to a minimum as most gamers only use buildings for hard cover or for height advantage in games. I like the idea of separate windows and doors as that would give the gamer the option to match buildings with terrain features that they already own or planet enviroments that they prefer to game in.
Now i think about it what i have not seen produced are individual sci-fi houses or any regular or general buildings such as a schools,shops or even a bank but with a futuristic style to them.

Scorpio24 Sep 2011 7:15 a.m. PST

So the aim is to have at least 40 new buildings over the next 12 months.

That's… ambitious.

How important is it to have internal details on the buildings, the more detail will obviously add to the final cost.

Internal details, ehn. Unless you're building up a complete corridor system, leave 'em out.

Ground floors , or single storey buildings would you like to see a detailed base on them.

Don't need a base.

Would you like to have windows built in, or a seperate add on pack for each building, with windows doors, vents ect.

If I'm buying a complete building, I'd like to have the doors and vents on already, in general. That being said, I would like to have add-on packs for windows and doors, for when I roll my own. GZG has a bunch available that I'm looking forward to picking up.

Grizzly7124 Sep 2011 7:27 a.m. PST

Someone linked this a while back, and I thought there were some cool ideas here:


Other ideas here:

For 15mm, I don't know how much interior detail you'd really want. I'd concentrate most detail on the exterior of the building rather than interior. It might even be nice to have some of the exterior details be modular so that you can use the same building in multiple configurations.

If possible, having certain buildings be modular themselves would be cool. It'd be nice to be able to use 2-3 different building and have them stackable to create a another look.

As far as detailed basing goes, I think it should be the same thing. Have a seperate base that a building would fit onto, but not attached too. Again I think this allows for some more flexibility.

Cacique Caribe24 Sep 2011 7:29 a.m. PST

With lift-off roofs, and no bases or internal details:


Or these here:



Thesceneuk Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Sep 2011 7:32 a.m. PST

Thanks every one. The internal details will be kept to a minimum, textured walls depending on the style of the building, with the floors being detailed.

I want the same concept to work with all the styles.

The first thing I will be working on are some multi level office blocks, with seperate removable rooms inside.

The plan is to get five different ranges started before the end of this year, with a couple of buildings in each range.
This obviously depends on time due to November being my buisiest month of the year.

Then depending on what you think of them, expanding each range with one new building a month.

Please keep telling me what you want, the more info you give me will help in the final designs.



AVAMANGO24 Sep 2011 7:52 a.m. PST

Those John Carpenter 'Ghosts of Mars' buildings are exactly what i want to see produced also with some smaller family dwellings added, they are just what the market is screaming out for. :) Also i recall not so long ago that The Scene was possibly going to produce some Giger style Alien wall sections for a corridoor system, so how about doing a single piece Alien lair that the walls sections could join up to, or even a cave enterance to said corridoor system.

Cacique Caribe24 Sep 2011 8:08 a.m. PST






















Cacique Caribe24 Sep 2011 8:53 a.m. PST





Stealth100024 Sep 2011 9:53 a.m. PST

I want some big city stuff like this:


I would like lift off roofs and internal doors and windows.

Mako1124 Sep 2011 10:07 a.m. PST

Some Light AA Defense Towers, and Radar Towers would be useful for getting these up above the treeline.

Perhaps some visual spotting towers too, like in Star Wars IV, at the end of the movie, where a person is elevated above the trees, and scans visually for enemy fighters.

Scorpio24 Sep 2011 12:32 p.m. PST

Man, I love Ghosts of Mars.


Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2011 8:38 p.m. PST

Civilian housing/apartment blocks,
government/ admin buildings (police, governors HQ, etc…)

all the things youd need to take control of in a planetary take over.

Umpapa25 Sep 2011 9:17 a.m. PST

Concur Wellspring (no more North Africa buildings) and Uesugi.
Power plant.
Hospital to cure wounded.
Equipment for landing pad.

DyeHard25 Sep 2011 9:32 p.m. PST

I am a big fan of post apocalyptic and dark futures.
Structures as in films like Blade Runner or games like Fallout.

The basic architecture in three basic style, Utilitarian brick, Art-deco, and Brutalist. But all these will adaptive add-on as in Blade Runner.

I think Brutalist building are very Sci/Fi by their very nature, and would make simple kits from interlocking panels.


See this Google search for more examples. link

By adding things like the add-ons show in gray here:


You can create that Bland-Runner feel:

Also "art movement" building like this:
Could be most desirable.

I see no point to a base, beyond the floor plate itself (at that seems optional at best. I am not a big fan of internal bits beyond floor plates either.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Sep 2011 6:20 a.m. PST

Something like this in 6mm –


Cacique Caribe27 Sep 2011 8:19 a.m. PST

Or, better yet, in 15mm!

TMP link

Mehoy Nehoy27 Sep 2011 9:05 a.m. PST

My twopennth: 15mm scale, internal windows and doors, and no floors. I'd like like to see some tall, contemporary buildings. CC has posted some great sci-fi buildings but I'd rather see some ultra-modern buildings that draw on real architectural styles.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Sep 2011 3:07 p.m. PST

Yeah … I'd even take'm in 15mm … evil grin

CorSecEng27 Sep 2011 5:12 p.m. PST

I'd love to see some more unique industrial and urban stuff. Sky scrapers might by a bit expensive but maybe a construction system that allows you to assemble them. Various tops that change the look of a few basic block structures. Mostly for 6mm stuff but some of it would be cool in 15mm.

wehrmacht28 Sep 2011 8:08 a.m. PST

Would LOVE to see something like this:



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Sep 2011 8:18 a.m. PST

I'd like anything that looks alien, like the "Mar-ish" one I posted. Or any other alien or other worldly … other than Human terrain … Or even something like this OOP Snapdragon –


Cacique Caribe28 Sep 2011 10:17 a.m. PST

How about this?









PS. But, I warn you, if you're gonna go this route, you better come up with suitable figures for it in 15mm!!! :)

Cacique Caribe28 Sep 2011 10:35 a.m. PST

This might be a compromise of sorts:










AVAMANGO28 Sep 2011 10:55 a.m. PST

Brigade models has this in 15mm, it is kind of on the right tracks for what is wanted looking at the above couple of posts, and if you wanted to make it more primative looking you could always coat it in sparkle.


(I make fun of others)29 Sep 2011 6:43 a.m. PST

I'd like to see portal-type structures, suggesting a vast underground structure. These can be relatively small and relatively flat.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer29 Sep 2011 7:46 a.m. PST

Nothing Gothic. No bunkers, pillboxes or anything else there's too much of. Generic buildings would be nice.

Komorigumo29 Sep 2011 7:59 a.m. PST

My suggestions to the OP…

The John Eaves stuff is all exceptional, and I'd love to see similar type buildings available to purchase. I wouldn't mind seeing Mos Eisley type buildings too.

I'd like to see outpost/colony type buildings like those from Aliens or Space 1999 or Outland too. Not shanty town type buildings – which there is already an abundance of.

And in every case, I'd like to see ruined versions of whatever line is made. I like ruins.

Thanks for asking!

Cacique Caribe29 Sep 2011 2:03 p.m. PST

How about these?


TMP link

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