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"Is Stormtrooper Armor Useless?" Topic

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Dunadan20 Oct 2010 8:54 a.m. PST

I like to think the armour is completely bulletproof, which explains the lack of automatic kinetic weapons in the SW movies.

Rex Bellator21 Oct 2010 9:54 a.m. PST

I could buy all the arguments – except for this simple fact:
the armor doesn't stop teddy bears with pointed sticks and bolas.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2010 2:20 p.m. PST

Someone in street clothes would have other things to worry about in that minute in contrast to someone in armor. Where does it say a minute?

I was referring to the following post early in the thread:

I do believe in the WEG RPG Source book it says that stormtrooper armor can protect the wearer from a vacuum for up to a minute.

As for all the other comments, there's no question that Star Wars, even just the original film, is full of logical contradictions, even if you swallow the absurd physics going on.

Still fun to discuss it. grin

Sargonarhes21 Oct 2010 4:14 p.m. PST

Rex if I could find what some one in good humor wrote a short version of a Stormtrooper's view of the Battle of Endor I'd link to it. All I remember of it going something like this.

"You don't know, you weren't there man. I was there on Endor, it was hell I tell you, hell! We thought we could take them, the rebels and their teddy bear allies. We had the tools and the man power to do it, but we didn't know, we just didn't know what we were getting into. At first it was nothing, just the rebels in the woods. The next thing we knew was Rocks, Oh God the rocks! a hail storm of rocks. One or two and you can just shrug it off, but the rocks, Oh God the rocks! They just kept coming an ocean of rocks! After about 3 dozen hits your armor starts to crack and you start having nightmares after seeing some fellow troopers skewered like a shish kabobed wamp rat. Oh God the horror! Seeing our scout walkers being tripped over a bunch of logs! What were we thinking?"

3rd Foot and Mouth22 Oct 2010 5:34 p.m. PST

"Very true, despite Obi-Wan's conviction that Stormtrooper blaster fire is very precise….." He probably forgot about the growth acceleration – they'd be the equivalent of 80 year olds.

vojvoda22 Dec 2010 9:41 a.m. PST

I have started a new thread on this with a interpretation I made on my half-assed research.

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