RelliK | 03 Oct 2010 5:35 p.m. PST |
Sorry to hit you guys one more time over the head with the Tarentines. 3 sets. Heres some pics. link
kreoseus2 | 04 Oct 2010 4:23 a.m. PST |
Lovely figures, really like your carthaginians, any plans to do 15mm ? Phil |
BigRedBat  | 04 Oct 2010 4:30 a.m. PST |
Looking very nice. Can't have too many feathers on Southern Italians! Simon |
LEGION 1950 | 04 Oct 2010 5:19 a.m. PST |
Mike very nice figures indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Adams |
Who asked this joker | 04 Oct 2010 6:51 a.m. PST |
Why weren't you doing these 10 years ago when I was single, had money and time to start a new period and scale!?  Nicely done! |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 7:05 a.m. PST |
Actually, I was a GW addict that grew into ancients. I started collecting D&D miniatures in the early 80's and started wargamming 40k and WFB in the late 80's. By 2000 I opted to learn history along with wargamming. I thought if I was gamming I might as well learn something rather than fiction. (Allen might say I am producing fictition though) I was collecting Foundry Romans, Germans, Hittites, Mycaneans. By 2005 I received "Hannibal." And, and
. well I am going to stop here for now. P.S.Sorry, no plans to do 15mm. |
LEGION 1950 | 04 Oct 2010 7:39 a.m. PST |
Mike, keep going I think your figures look good!!! Mike Adams |
Who asked this joker | 04 Oct 2010 7:48 a.m. PST |
Sorry, no plans to do 15mm. Nooooooooooooooooo111!1!!1!!!!1!!!1 |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 7:56 a.m. PST |
And there won't be any new releases for a while. |
Raynamhab | 04 Oct 2010 8:08 a.m. PST |
Does it matter what Allen says? Anybody can be a critic nowadays. Very fine figures
it would be nice to get a horse holding figure and perhaps even a wounded, slumped-over rider or sumsuch
. Numidians
. and I'd love to see some other Carthaginian nobles as well – time and money permitting
JJartist | 04 Oct 2010 11:59 a.m. PST |
(Allen might say I am producing fictition though)
. everybody is producing fiction
it is a best guess based on evidence and trends
nobody is going to provide a photograph of a Tarentine cavalyman from 312 BC
. Some guesses are more reasonable than others. Given the evidence these look fine to me
now if they weren't so blasted big they might fit better with my armies
JJ |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 12:40 p.m. PST |
JJ, they aren't big. Don't compare these to my character Antiochus. The horse is very small (12 hands) and the men are sized up well with Aventine. Woops sorry Keith, If you are watching, a bit of advertising your way. Mike |
BigRedBat  | 04 Oct 2010 1:28 p.m. PST |
I would second that. The horses are, indeed a quite a bit smaller and slimmer than Foundry WOTG horses; the same size as the Vendel Horse archer mounts. From memory, the riders seem just a tad smaller than WotGs, but I haven't done a comparison. I must shoot a size comparison at some stage. Cheers, Simon |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 2:57 p.m. PST |
Yes, you must! Thanks Simon! My responce to JJ was here he must of over looked it. TMP link |
Mithridates | 04 Oct 2010 4:13 p.m. PST |
Well done Mike – shall enjoy the pleasure of painting these guys. No releases for some time, shame but, on the positive side gives me a chance to reduce my unpainted pile! They compare in size to the Polemarch range from GB as well. Garry |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 5:35 p.m. PST |
Garry, I think your motivating me to start on some silver shields :P |
LEGION 1950 | 04 Oct 2010 5:36 p.m. PST |
JJ, the figures fit well with G.P. Polmarch figures. Mike sent sample when I ordered the Hannibal set. I will be ordering his cav when the Christmas season is over!! Keep going Mike!!!!! Mike Adams |
Mithridates | 04 Oct 2010 7:26 p.m. PST |
I am sure that there are 'legions' out there waiting for your Silver Shields
.. |
JJartist | 04 Oct 2010 7:39 p.m. PST |
I am always complaining, why does anyone take me seriously? This is just a dig at the character models- which I have
since I have a moratoriumn on new figures I haven't investigated others by Relic
the samples I have are very nice, especially the elephant and war machine
my gut feeling is these Tarentines will work just fine
prolly will not work with my old outdated and falling apart ones (RAFM on Minifigs horse) lol..maybe I can pry off the shields :) picture JJ |
RelliK | 04 Oct 2010 8:00 p.m. PST |
YOU got me ReAlLy CoNfUsEd now??? Have you been sniffing that big jug of Allens methyl ethyl ketone? If so, I am suprised he shares it with anyone. P.S. I like the shields, would you consider the size equivelant to hoplon? Mike |
JJartist | 05 Oct 2010 10:29 a.m. PST |
Confusion means that nobody can accuse me of being an "expert"
a label I abhor. JJ |
RelliK | 05 Oct 2010 3:55 p.m. PST |
Well I can say we all appreciate your views on ancients and your nonoffensive comments. So in this case your not an expert but our idol! |
JJartist | 06 Oct 2010 10:39 a.m. PST |
I'm getting closer to being able to sit at my painting table, so things may move soon
.. JJ |