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"Ever Thought Of Gaming OUTLAND In 15mm???" Topic

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Cacique Caribe28 Nov 2009 11:04 p.m. PST

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If the hats on these figures were turned more into baseball caps, do you think they might work?
GZG's Security staff would work too:


TMP link

So . . . What do you guys think? And what other figures do you recommend?


28mmMan28 Nov 2009 11:08 p.m. PST

Outland would be a great setting in all aspects.

Miniatures gaming.

Building the facility…get a crew together…should take at least 6 months of off time to put it together…but what a project.

Put a couple "westerns" together with the same setting and make it work…sounds like a blast.

Pictors Studio29 Nov 2009 12:06 a.m. PST

I thought of the comic strip with Opus first.

BRUTALPAUL29 Nov 2009 12:09 a.m. PST

I always thought that GZG's Colonial Security staff were made with OUTLAND in mind. The baseball caps like helmets and the shotguns really fit.

Cacique Caribe29 Nov 2009 12:35 a.m. PST


Check out these models:



Tom Bryant29 Nov 2009 12:37 a.m. PST

I like the idea. There are those that call Outland "High Noon In Space" for a good reason. There are lots of different ideas that could be used with this as well. This would be neat to have different groups competing for different objectives, all unknown to each other.

Cacique Caribe29 Nov 2009 12:58 a.m. PST

"High Noon In Space"

LOL. I guess one could use a lot of themes from Old West and Samurai films, and turn them into SF scenarios.


Dropship Horizon29 Nov 2009 2:27 a.m. PST



chronoglide29 Nov 2009 3:06 a.m. PST

What would be the point of playing it in 15mm? just get some space hulk board sections and three 28 millies, two guys with shotguns and Zardoz….


scroll down to 0018….i defy you to find a better fig for Sean… the model and it rocks…..:-)

Lampyridae29 Nov 2009 4:45 a.m. PST

The GZG heavy vac suits are also bang on, but they're 15mm…

28mmMan29 Nov 2009 10:07 a.m. PST

chrono…you are right, that is a great match.

Who carries EM4 miniatures stateside?

Ambush Alley Games29 Nov 2009 10:22 a.m. PST

My old gaming group actually played out the movie using the Traveller RPG rules about a year after the movie was released. We used 15mm Traveller figures for it, mostly "Citizens of the Imperium" if I recall correctly.

The GZG security troops would be perfect, as would the unarmed civilians for uses as bystanders and unhelpful "townsfolk."

I always wanted to do a Traveller:2300 campaign based around Texas Ranger, but never got around to it. "One riot, one Ranger."

Cacique Caribe29 Nov 2009 10:29 a.m. PST

Ambush Alley Games,

Please tell us more!!!

Was it mostly RPG, miniature, or a hybrid in feel?


Ambush Alley Games29 Nov 2009 11:07 a.m. PST

It's been a loooong time ago, so details are fuzzy. It was definitely more RPG than miniature, but we did use miniatures to determine things like movement, range, and LOS. We used the old Snap Shot rules, if I recall correctly – but I may be remembering incorrectly on that.

This was before any of us became actual "miniatures gamers" (and honestly of the whole group of eight of us, I think I'm the only one who eventually completely gave up RPGs in favor of miniature wargaming), so while most of the figures were painted, they weren't painted in any way I'd show off today. "Terrain" consisted entirely of very well drawn diagrams on a one inch square grid – an Armory dry-erase gaming matt, maybe? It would have been that or a clear piece of plastic that we had the grid printed on at the local plastic shop.

This would have been roughly '82, so most of the niceties I take for granted now (abundance of figures, availability of terrain, skill in building my own terrain) were completely lacking.

If I recall correctly, we played out the plot of the movie in one four or five our stretch on a Sunday afternoon. We took a break for pizza, cleared off the table, and played another three or four hours of Gloranthan Runequest. Those were the days!

Captain Apathy29 Nov 2009 2:14 p.m. PST

My old gaming group actually played out the movie using the Traveller RPG rules about a year after the movie was released.

LOL… my gaming group at the time did too. We used the standard Taveller minis and the Snapshot rules. I seem to recall it didn't go so well for the good guys in our version.

Captain Apathy29 Nov 2009 2:23 p.m. PST

I would love to do it again in 28mm.

I think chronoglide has it spot on for the Marshall.

Moonfleet miniatures has some nice space suits taht are pretty close.


Ambush Alley Games29 Nov 2009 2:24 p.m. PST

Nothing new under the sun, huh, Cap? ;)

Captain Apathy29 Nov 2009 2:31 p.m. PST

Hey, if its good its worth repeating. ; )

Cacique Caribe29 Nov 2009 3:36 p.m. PST

Hey, but what about those of us who want to do it in 15mm???

PS. At least it gives more terrain potential per square foot of real space.

Captain Apathy29 Nov 2009 5:57 p.m. PST

… shrug… ; )

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Nov 2009 9:30 p.m. PST

I actually painted up my Gzg figs like the Outland Marshall's. They just reminded me of them.



Thomas Whitten01 Dec 2009 1:37 p.m. PST

15mm no. 28mm yes.

Cacique Caribe02 Jan 2010 8:21 p.m. PST

Just found these cool pics:



Cacique Caribe11 May 2010 9:16 p.m. PST

Cool mining station:

YouTube link
YouTube link


Cacique Caribe11 May 2010 10:27 p.m. PST

Neat model of their shuttle:


PS. Check out the Outland comic done by Steranko:

Cacique Caribe22 Jun 2010 11:06 p.m. PST

If anyone is interested, Outland is playing tonight on Encore Action. Other showtimes:

I'm going to record it and watch it tomorrow.


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